Use of Force Report

Maintaining public trust is one of the Renton Police Department’s core principles, and transparency is a critical factor in building trust. Below, you will find the 2023 Use of Force Report and a public-facing interactive dashboard that analyzes the most recent data with data from previous years to help identify trends and drive continuous improvement. The dashboard allows you to examine the Renton Police Department’s use of force data.

Renton police officers respond to thousands of calls annually, with very few resulting in any use of force (0.1%). The department provides this data with the hope of offering greater transparency of our practices, in turn creating more opportunities for us to work collaboratively with our community, evaluate trends associated with use of force, and develop training curriculums that best suit our high standard of service.

The department has taken great care to ensure that the need for transparency is appropriately balanced with the need to ensure that the data released does not interfere with the privacy interests of the individuals involved.


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