Chief’s Community Council

Chiefs Community Council LogoAs part of the Renton Department's ongoing efforts to engage with, learn from, and build stronger relationships with our community, we have formed a Chief's Community Council.  This group will be made up of representatives from our diverse population to address issues of equity, transparency, and accountability.

A key objective will be to empower civic stakeholders to advise the police department on ways to positively impact relations and better serve the public. Together, the council and police department will identify public safety issues and collaborate with community leaders, local organizations, and stakeholders to create practical and effective solutions and equitable community policing practices.

In support of the City’s Business Plan to provide a safe, healthy, and vibrant community, and the Renton Police Department’s Mission of working together to provide unbiased law enforcement services to our city, we hope you will join us in these efforts by applying to be a member of the Chief's Community Council (CCC).

Please review the Community Council Charter below or download a pdf.

If this Council sounds like a good fit for you, please complete the application. The application period is open and will close on August 12 (end of business day), so don't delay in applying!

If you have any questions about the application or the advisory role on this Council, please feel free to email Cmdr. Dan Figaro.

Thank you for your interest in being a part of the positive impact we all want to see in Renton!



The Renton Police Department Chief’s Community Council (CCC) gives community members the opportunity to act in an advisory role to provide recommendations to the Police Department on public safety-related issues.

Together, the community council and the police department will identify public safety issues and collaborate with community leaders, local organizations, and stakeholders to create practical and effective solutions and equitable community policing practices.


Community engagement that adds value to the Renton Police Department’s mission of ethical and equal services to the City of Renton.

Vision Statement

The community council will be tasked with advising police leadership to identify barriers and opportunities to produce:

  1. Unbiased law enforcement services to our community

  2. Improved crime prevention and law enforcement services

  3. Improved relationships and communication between the community and police

  4. Enhanced transparency from the Renton Police Department Membership


  • Members of this council offer their time, labor, and expertise voluntarily.
  • The council will have representation from various sectors to include, but not limited to:
  • Renton School District Student (16 – 23 years)
  • Seniors (55 years +)
  • Business Community
  • Representation from various communities of color based on current City of Renton census data:
  • Asian American
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic, Latino or Spanish
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Church/Faith-Based Organizations
  • LGBTQIA+ Community
  • Community representative for those with disabilities
  • Former or retired member of law enforcement
  • Membership size may be limited and will not exceed 25 members

  • A steering committee has been created to oversee the purpose, mission, and vision of the Chief’s Community Council; members have been selected by the Chief of Police and local leaders of the community.

Role of Community Council

  1. Provide a community perspective and recommendations concerning policies, procedures, programs, and the effectiveness of police services

  2. To serve as a liaison between the police department and the community

  3. Assist in community outreach and engagement efforts

  4. Help identify barriers and develop strategies to promote inclusive results that are representative, and in the best interest, of the community

Responsibility of Individual Members

  1. Act as a sounding board on policy and procedures with the goal of equitable outcomes

  2. Represent a diverse group in providing input that reflects the concerns, visions, and ideas of each group

  3. Report back to the group and/or community you are representing with information on council outcomes and updates

  4. To be an advocate for the purpose and mission of the community council

Role of Police Personnel

  1. To bring forward topics, questions, protocols and/or procedures before the community council

  2. Appoint a facilitator to direct and oversee meetings

  3. To provide resources to carry out tasks for the community council

  4. To listen to issues raised, share them with appropriate staff and report back

Membership Criteria

To be accepted as a member of the council, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must reside within Renton City Limits, work, or have another connection to the City of Renton such as a faith-based organization or school

  2. Commit to at least two years of service (for students: one year), and attend 75% of the regularly scheduled quarterly meetings

  3. Submit application and review and acknowledge the community council charter.

  4. Applicants must submit a letter of interest providing information on why they would like to participate as a member of the CCC, how they envision their role on the council (if selected), and what their expectations are as far as time commitment as a member.

  5. It’s encouraged for new members to attend a community council member orientation, with an option to participate in a police ride-along.

  6. Be recognized and valued as a leader in the community who is willing to share, listen, and seek understanding on issues that affect residents of the City of Renton

  7. Motivated to work together to identify solutions

Term Limits

  1. The term limit for incoming members is two years and can be extended for a third term as approved and voted on by the community council.

  2. The initial term limit for steering committee members will remain flexible, with an option to elect leaders from within the group (with established term limits) at a later date.

Removal of Members

  1. All motions to remove a current council member will be subject to a vote of the entire council.

  2. A member can be nominated for removal for bringing discredit to the community council or police department.

  3. All CCC members serve at the discretion of the Chief of Police and they can choose to remove a member if deemed necessary.

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