Plastic bag use is an issue with financial and environmental impacts that affect everyone, whether they use plastic bags or not. In addition to the impact on the local recycling system, plastic bags affect the city’s management of litter and stormwater. They pollute natural areas including soils, streams, rivers and Lake Washington, contributing to environmental degradation of places enjoyed by residents and visitors. Even if disposed of properly, plastic bags are easily carried by wind and released into the environment.
Littered plastic bags often end up in waterways and the ocean, endangering fish and wildlife. Over time, plastic bags breakdown into smaller pieces and absorb toxins in the water. The small plastic particles may be mistaken for food and ingested by marine organisms. The concentrated toxins in the plastic particles then enter and move up the food chain. Despite being designed for temporary use, plastic bags never fully degrade and have costly impacts, leaving a permanent imprint in the ecosystem.