May Creek Greenway Expansion
The May Creek Greenway was first identified in the 1978 Comprehensive Park & Recreation Plan and extends from the mouth of May Creek at Lake Washington east to King County’s 3,115 acre regional Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.
The City of Renton, King County, and the City of Newcastle, have been acquiring property along this corridor since the 1980’s with plans for a future multi-jurisdictional soft surface trail system (some of which is already constructed), with opportunities for interpretation and education. Future plans will also connect this trail to the Eastside Rail Corridor.
The greenway serves several functions including providing habitat for endangered salmon species, providing a continuous wildlife and habitat corridor, protecting steep and sensitive slopes, providing surface water storage capacity and serves as an urban separator between more developed areas.
The City of Renton currently owns 23 parcels totaling 57 acres along the May Creek. Since 2011 the city has attained eight parcels (21 acres) either through donation or acquisition. The most recent five acre acquisition was completed in 2017 and was 40% grant funded.