Water Utility Engineering

Contact Information
Water Utility
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

The Water Utility Engineering division is responsible for planning, permitting, design and management of capital improvement projects, policy development, design standards for new development, system planning, customer service, and public education programs such as aquifer awareness.

The division also helps businesses in the city's aquifer protection area with permits and inventories of supplies and materials in accordance with the city's aquifer protection ordinance.

Water System Plan

The 2019 Water System Plan Update was prepared in accordance with Chapter 246-290 of the Washington Administrative Code, as presented in the Washington Department of Health regulations for Group A Public Water Systems. The 2019 Water System Plan is the latest version and is primarily an update to the 2012 Water System Plan. In June 2021, the Plan was adopted by Renton City Council (Resolution No. 4438) and it was approved by the Washington Department of Health in September 2021.

The purpose of this Water System Plan is to develop a long-term planning strategy for the City’s water service area. The Plan evaluates the existing system and its ability to meet the anticipated requirements for water source, quality, transmission, storage, and distribution over a twenty-year planning period. Water system improvement projects have been developed to meet the changing demands of regulatory impacts and population growth, as well as infrastructure repair and replacement.

2019 Water System Plan Update

Chapter 1 – Introduction, Chapter 2 – Existing System, Chapter 3 – Demand Projections, Chapter 4 – Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Plan, Chapter 5 – Policies and Standards, Chapter 6 – Water Supply and Quality, Chapter 7 – System Analysis, Chapter 8 – Operations and Maintenance, Chapter 9 – Capital Improvement Plan, Chapter 10 – Financial Program

  • Appendices A-J

    Appendix A - SEPA Checklist and Determination of Non-Significance, Appendix B - Agency/Adjacent Purveyor Comments and Approval, Appendix C - Adopting Resolution and Ordinance, Appendix D - Current Service Area Agreements, Appendix E - Water Facilities Inventory Form (WFI), Appendix F - System Map, Appendix G - Water Loss Control Action Plan, Appendix H - Detailed Demand Projection, Appendix I - King County Water Reclamation Evaluation Checklist, Appendix J - Updates of the Wellhead Protection Program

  • Appendices K-O

    Appendix K - Water Design Standards and Details, Appendix L - Cross Connection Control Plan, Appendix M - Water Rights Documents, Appendix N - Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Appendix O - Water Shortage Response Plan

Appendix P - Calibration Field Plans and Testing Locations, Appendix Q - Hydraulic Model Development and Calibration, Appendix R - Detailed CIP Costs, Appendix S - CIP Prioritization, Appendix T - CIP Sheets

Report Water Emergencies - No Water? Leaky Water Meters? Broken Pipes?

For emergencies such as leaky water meters, no water, broken pipes, or flooding of residential streets or businesses, please contact the Maintenance Services Division at 425-430-7400.

After 3:30 p.m. or on weekends, if the emergency cannot wait until the next business day, please call the Renton Police Department at 425-430-7500.

Water Availability and Permits

For water availability, please contact the Permit Center or call 425-430-7200 or 425-430-7266.

A plumbing permit is required for any repair, replacement, or installation of water lines. For information on obtaining permits, please contact the Permit Center.

Water Conservation

Water conservation should not just be a response to droughts. It can, with a little effort, become a habit that not only saves money, but helps preserve the environment as well.

Renton, as a member of the Saving Water Partnership (a group of local water utilities in Seattle and King County working together to help customers save water and money) supports the region's water conservation goals.

Water Quality Report

To comply with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires water utilities to provide annual "consumer confidence" reports to their customers, the city prepares the annual Water Quality Report.

Water Line Inventory Project

The City of Renton will be taking inventory of the water service lines in our community. 

For additional project information, please see Water Service Line Inventory Project.

Cross Connection Control Program - iBackflow Online Testing

The Cross Connection Control Program's purpose is to protect the public water supply by preventing contaminants from entering the public water system. To prevent the potential for backflow water into the public water system, backflow prevention devices must be installed and tested annually.

The city of Renton is partnering with iBackflow to manage our cross-connection program and accept online backflow test reports. For information about the program and how to setup an account, please visit Cross Connection Control Program.

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