Water Quality Report

Contact Information
Water Utility Engineering
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

2024 Water Quality Report CoverTo comply with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires water utilities to provide annual "consumer confidence" reports to their customers, the city prepares the annual Water Quality Report.

The report contains information on where Renton's drinking water originates; what minerals or chemicals it contains; how it compares to stringent water quality standards; what Renton is doing to protect the water supply, as well as what the city is doing to wisely use and conserve regional water supply.

Providing high-quality and safe drinking water is one of Renton's highest priorities. 

For a printed copy of the report, reach out to Lauren Imhoff, [email protected]

2024 Water Quality Report - Translatable

2024 City of Renton Water Quality Report

Renton’s Water Sources and Treatment Process

Renton’s Water Sources

In 2023, the City of Renton obtained its drinking water from four sources: 

  1. Six downtown wells located in Liberty and Cedar River Parks, which draw water from the Cedar Valley Aquifer

  2. Springbrook Springs, a small spring in south Renton

  3. The Maplewood wellfield located under the Maplewood Golf Course

  4. An agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), who source water from the Cedar and Tolt rivers

Our agreement with SPU began in January 2012. During 2023, SPU provided approximately 28 million gallons of water. Water is purchased from SPU primarily for the Renton Boeing plant and as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. More information is available at SPU.

In 2023, the combined four water sources provided approximately 2.78 billion gallons of water to Renton customers.

Windsor Hills Properties

Providing Safe, Clean Water

The water pumped from the downtown wells and Springbrook Springs is naturally very clean and needs minimal treatment. Chlorine is added to destroy bacteria, parasites, and viruses that could possibly enter our source water. Chlorine also protects water in the distribution system in case there is a contamination event like a water main break or backflow incident. Sodium hydroxide is added to slightly raise the pH of the water to help prevent the corrosion of household plumbing. Ortho-polyphosphates are added to reduce the internal corrosion of old cast iron water mains found in the neighborhood of West Hill. Fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay, as authorized by Renton voters in 1985. The downtown wellfield produced 65.2% of Renton’s water in 2023. Springbrook Springs produced 15.4% of Renton’s water in 2023.

Maplewood water is clean as well, but due to naturally occurring minerals, it must first be treated before it is pumped into the distribution system. The treatment process consists of removing manganese, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia from the source water. Chlorine is added to protect the water in the distribution system and fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay. The Maplewood wellfield produced 19.4% of Renton’s water in 2023.

The city purchased 1.2% of its total amount of water sold from Seattle Public Utilities to serve the Boeing Renton Plant.

Water Utility News 

West Hill Booster Pump Station Improvements

Based on future water demand projections up to 2039, a storage deficit has been identified in the West Hill 495 Operational Area. This project will replace the three existing old pumps with one new 1,200-gallon per minute pump and two 600-gallon per minute pumps, all equipped with variable frequency drives. A new motor control center and upgrades to the electrical system will be installed. The addition of a new on-site backup emergency power generator along with the new pumps and upgrades will increase the pumping capacity to meet future demand and increase the operational reliability of the West Hill pump station. The project is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.

Windsor Hills Utility Improvements

This project will construct 7,000 feet of new 8-inch water mains, 15 fire hydrants, and the replacement of 136 water service lines including the installation of individual pressure-reducing valves to increase fire flow capacity and improve water quality in the Windsor Hills neighborhood. The project includes the construction of 4,300 feet of new storm sewer pipes, 59 new catch basins and manholes to improve the drainage system to current standards. The construction contract was awarded in late May 2024 with construction to start in Summer 2024 and to be completed by Fall 2025. 

2023 Renton Water Statistics

  • 2,754,296,000 gallons produced by the City of Renton from nine wells and one spring
  • 318 miles of water main in service
  • 17,901 total metered connections
  • 7,546,016 gallons produced on an average day

  • 12,380,000 gallons produced on high demand day: August 1, 2023

  • 5,139,000 gallons produced on low demand day: December 26, 2023

A Message from the EPA

EPA logo

Our drinking water comes from wells and springs. As our water travels through the ground to the wells, it can dissolve naturally occurring minerals as well as substances from human activity. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.
Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their healthcare providers. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

Water Use Efficiency

In 2003, the Washington State Legislature passed the Municipal Water Law to address the increasing demand on the state’s water resources. The law established that all municipal water suppliers must use water more efficiently in exchange for water right certainty and flexibility to help them meet future demand. The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Rule is part of this law and requires municipal water suppliers to report their goals and progress each year.

In 2021, Renton hosted a public forum and updated the WUE goals as part of the Water System Plan Update. The city has the following measurable WUE goals:

  1. Reduce Distribution System Leakage (DSL) to 10 percent or less by 2022.
  2. Limit the Maximum Daily Demand to Average Daily Demand peaking factor to less than 2.0.
  3. Maintain an ERU value under 160 gpd/ERU (gallons per day/Equivalent Residential Unit)
As part of the Saving Water Partnership (SWP), the city also supports the regional 2019–2028 WUE goal to keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 million gallons per day (mgd) through 2028 despite forecasted population growth by reducing per capita water use.

Water Consumption and Losses

Renton’s total water produced and purchased in 2023 was 2,782,389,839 gallons. Distribution system leakage (DSL) is reported in the 2023 Water Use Efficiency report to the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) as a three-year rolling average, calculated to be 15.1%. Renton’s DSL for the 2023 calendar year was 14.4%, or 400,144,562 gallons. This is a 1.95% decrease from 2022. Our three-year rolling average increased by 0.69%. DSL reflects the amount of water and potential revenue that has been lost due to unauthorized water use, water main breaks and leaks, meter inaccuracies, and other causes.

Water Loss Control Action Plan

Since the three-year (2021–2023) annual average of the city’s distribution system leakage exceeds 10%, the city is required by the state to develop and implement a Water Loss Control Action Plan. The city is taking the following actions, among others, to identify and reduce water loss in the distribution system:

  • Continue the annual replacement of aging and leaky water mains.
  • Conduct leak testing on old underground water reservoirs and repair leaky joints on concrete floors and walls.
  • Continue using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology to detect leaks.

Water Conservation: Watering your Garden

Tree Planting

How to Water: Young Trees

Using a water bag is the most efficient way to water young trees. For the first five years trees need 15 – 20 gallons of water twice a week, applied close to the roots. 

How to Water: Shrubs and Perennials

Many established plants need little or no summer watering. Before you water, look for wilted leaves that don’t perk up in the evening, deciduous leaves that are yellow before autumn, or evergreen leaves that are dull or bronze.

How to Water: Annuals

Annuals generally need more water than other types of landscaping plants. Minimize your water use by waiting to water until the soil surface is dry and covering the soil with mulch in the spring.


Right Plant, Right Place

Plants that fit our Northwest climate and soils are easier to care for, need less summer watering, and look great. For more information on picking the right plant for your place, visit SavingWater.org/lawn-garden/plants.

Build Healthy Roots

Getting to the root of the issue. Plants with deep, healthy roots need less water, are more resilient, and will look their best. To build healthy roots: 

  • Gardening Classes BannerBuild healthy soil by adding compost and mulch.
  • Let the top few inches of soil dry before watering again so that plant roots and soil life can breathe.
  • Water deeply and infrequently to encourage roots to grow deep.
Plant perennials in the fall to build strong root systems before next year’s dry season.

Water Conservation: Toilet Tips

How Do I Know If My Toilet is Leaking?

Look, listen, and lift the lid to detect toilet leaks.

Look at the bowl of your toilet to see if water flows from the tank when you have not flushed. If water is dribbling into the bowl, you have a leak.

Listen to the tank. If it sounds like it is re-filling even when you haven’t flushed, that means you have a leak.

Lift the top off your toilet’s tank and check to see if the rubber seal or “flapper” looks worn out. If the rubber is cracking or not creating a complete seal, you have a leak.

You can detect silent leaks with food coloring. Put food coloring or a dye strip in the tank, don’t flush, and see if the color appears in the bowl. If it does, you have a leak.

Was your toilet manufactured before 2004? 

Replacing an older toilet is one of the most powerful actions you can take to save water every day. Visit savingwater.org/rebates for more information about $100 toilet rebates available to Renton’s s

How water is used graphic

mall business, commercial, multifamily, and residential customers.

Did you know?

Leaks waste up to 12% of all water used at home. Yikes! That’s almost as much water as most homes use doing laundry each year. 

Visit savingwater.org/indoors/fixing-leaks for how-to videos and more information about fixing leaks in your home.

Water Conservation: Indoor


  • Fix leaks, drips, and running toilets right away. If your toilet makes noise between flushes or if you have to jiggle the handle, you have a leak.
  • Shorten your shower. Save two gallons for every minute you shave off your shower.
  • Upgrade your shower head or faucet. The new models work great and use less water.
  • Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth. You can save enough water to fill a kiddy pool each week.
  • Don’t walk away while waiting for hot water. It’s easy to lose track of time and leave the water running.


  • Run full loads. Wait to run your dishwasher until it’s full.
  • Scrape your plate and let a dishwasher do the rest. The average dishwasher uses five gallons of water or less, while washing the same number of dishes by hand can take 27 gallons.
  • Compost your food scraps. Skip the garbage disposal and running your faucet whenever you can.
  • Don’t walk away while waiting for hot water. It’s easy to lose track of time and leave the water running.


  • Run full loads. Wait to run your washing machine until it’s full.
  • Reuse towels a few times between washing.
  • Bonus tip: wash with cold water to save energy.

Water is a precious, shared resource

When you save water, you help protect salmon. This is especially important during summer and fall when stream flows are already naturally low when adult salmon are returning to our local rivers and streams to spawn.

You can also help protect this important species by practicing these salmon-safe habits…

  • Never dump oil or other chemicals down storm drains, and make sure no pollutants are leaking that could get washed into waterways (including pressure washing). For more information on proper disposal methods for recycling motor oil and preventing car leaks from polluting waterways, please visit Renton’s Shift Green program at rentonwa.gov/oilrecycling.
  • Sweep sidewalks and driveways instead of hosing. Put sweepings in the garbage to prevent pollutants and debris from entering streams.
  • Use automatic car washes that recycle water and perform proper disposal of detergents.
  • Plant native plants and trees to reduce the need for watering, pest control and fertilization; and reap multiplSalmone benefits such as controlling erosion, reducing flooding, filtering pollution, and attracting wildlife.
  • Use compost as a natural fertilizer on your lawn, flowers, and garden beds. Compost supports healthy plant roots and slowly releases water to plants. Avoid non-organic fertilizers.
Renton and saving water partnership banner

Renton is a Member of the Saving Water Partnership 

IN JANUARY 2012, Renton signed an agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities. As part of this agreement, the City of Renton joined the Saving

Water Partnership (SWP). The SWP, which is made up of the City of Renton and 18 water utility partners around the Puget Sound, has set a ten-year conservation goal to keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 mgd through 2028, despite forecasted population growth, by reducing per capita water use. For 2023, the Saving Water Partnership met the goal, using 94.3 mgd.

Why conserve? It works! 

Population and water conservation graph

When we work together to save water, it makes a big difference. Thanks to conservation efforts, our region uses the same amount of water today that it did in the late 1950s.

Together We Provide Water Conservation Programs to the Region

  • In 2023, the SWP made progress in promoting environmental education and water conservation in Renton. The SWP’s youth education program conducted 44 engaging in-classroom presentations, reaching over 1,000 students with topics such as the water cycle, salmon life cycle, and practical water-saving tips. Additionally, two successful outreach events attracted more than 1,200 participants, where educational materials on water conservation, including brochures in multiple languages about water-saving tips and leak prevention, were distributed along with Shared Waters Activity booklets. The SWP continued to provide rebates for premium toilets for both residential and commercial customers encouraging the adoption of water-efficient fixtures, which use significantly less water per flush compared to regular fixtures.
  • The SWP offers technical assistance to both residential and commercial customers, addressing issues related to irrigation efficiency and indoor water use. This hands-on support helps customers optimize their water usage, reduce waste, and contribute to broader sustainability goals. These efforts collectively contributed to raising awareness and fostering sustainable practices, marking a successful year for the SWP in advancing environmental conservation and education within the community.
Please visit the Saving Water Partnership website at savingwater.org for more materials and rebates.

Water Quality Topics

Lead and Your Health

If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. The City of Renton Water Utility is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to two minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791 or epa.gov/safewater/lead.

If you flush your tap, you can use the flushed water for watering plants or general cleaning. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. Only use water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder. The most common problem is brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures that can leach lead into the water, especially hot water. Until ten years ago, the legal limit for “lead-free” pipes was up to 8% lead. As of January 1, 2014, all newly installed water faucets, fixtures, pipes, and fittings must meet new lead-free requirements, which reduce the amount of lead allowed to 0.25%. However, these requirements do not apply to existing fixtures, such as those found in many older homes.

Lead Prevention

Renton works to prevent the corrosion of lead as well as other metals such as copper and iron. The pH of Renton’s water is adjusted to prevent the corrosion of household plumbing­—the major potential source of lead in our water. In areas of the city with cast iron water mains, such as West Hill, ortho-polyphosphates are added to prevent corrosion. To make sure this treatment is working, water is periodically tested at residential taps. This testing is in compliance with the Department of Health (DOH)’s Lead and Copper Rule. More information is available at doh.wa.gov/leadandcopperrule.

Lead Testing in Schools

The Washington State Department of Health has developed a program to address concerns about lead in school drinking water. For updated information, please visit: doh.wa.gov/LeadinSchoolDrinkingWater.

PFAS Chemicals

PFAS is an acronym for “per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances.” PFAS are synthetic chemicals used in many consumer products, including food wrappers, fabrics, and carpets, to make them resistant to water, oil, grease, stains, and heat. Certain types of firefighting foam may contain PFAS. Even though PFAS compounds aren’t manufactured in Washington State, there are known cases of PFAS contamination in drinking water linked to the use of firefighting foam. 

NEW PFAS Rule and Testing

EPA recently finalized regulatory limits for six PFAS compounds – PFOA, PFOS, PFBS, PFHxS, PFNA, and Gen X chemicals. The Water Utility accelerated its UCMR5 testing timeline such that sampling was performed in March/September 2023 rather than 2024/2025 as initially scheduled. The UCMR5 samples were tested for an expanded list of 29 PFAS compounds, which included the six regulated PFAS and 25 unregulated PFAS. 

The March 2023 sampling showed one sample result from Springbrook Springs with detection of perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS). The PFBS detection was at a level significantly below the state and federal regulatory limits. Additionally, the PFBS detection was below the EPA’s established practical quantitation level of 3.0 ppt, which is the level laboratories can measure a concentration with high certainty. Follow-up sampling in September 2023 did not detect PFBS at Springbrook Springs. PFAS compounds were not detected in the March or September UCMR5 samples collected from Downtown Wells and Maplewood Wellfield.

  • Springbrook Springs PFBS Result March 2023: 2.98 ppt
  • Springbrook Springs PFBS Result Sept 2023: No Detection
  • WA DOH PFBS State  Action Level: 345 ppt
  • EPA PFBS HBWC: 2,000 ppt
ppt = parts per trillion; 1 part per trillion is equivalent to a single penny in $10,000,000,000.
HBWC = Health-based water concentration, which is used in a formula to determine the Hazard Index of four PFAS (PFBS, PFHxS, PFNA, and GenX). The HBWC is not considered a maximum contaminant level (MCL) on its own. The EPA’s Hazard Index MCL only applies to any mixture containing two or more of PFNA, PFHxS, PFBS, and GenX chemicals.

The City is in full compliance with all current EPA and Washington State DOH regulatory requirements. The City will continue periodically sampling for PFAS under state and federal monitoring requirements. 
The City of Renton has continued tracking information on emerging contaminants, such as PFAS, and is dedicated to following regulatory updates to provide our customers with sound, scientific information regarding their drinking water.
For more information, please visit epa.gov/pfas and doh.wa.gov/pfas.

Renton Water Quality Topics

Water Quality for Brewers

For brewers in our community, specific water quality parameters are often of interest. Below are the values for the minerals and parameters generally requested. These numbers are the annual range of values. Renton’s water comes from multiple sources and depending upon your location, you may receive water from one source or a combination of our water sources.

Water quality parameters for brewers

How Can I Get Involved?

The City of Renton welcomes your interest in its water system. The Renton City Council is the city’s decision-making body and meets on the first four Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are conducted via videoconference and in person at the Council Chambers on the 7th floor of City Hall.

The Utilities Committee oversees Water Utility issues. They meet the first and third Monday of the month at 3 p.m. in the Council Conference Room or via videoconference.Water Testing Machine Members of the Utilities Committee for 2024 are: 

Kim-Khánh Văn, Chair
Carmen Rivera, Vice-ChairJames Alberson Jr., Member

Call the City Clerk’s office at 425-430-6510 
for meeting or agenda information, or check the City Council calendar at rentonwa.gov/council.

Water Hardness

Renton’s water falls within the slightly hard, moderately hard, and hard range, depending upon the customer’s water source within the City. The most recent water hardness testing showed 44 ppm for the downtown wells, 69 ppm for Maplewood, and 125 ppm for Springbrook Springs. A water’s hardness is dependent upon the levels of two naturally occurring soluble minerals—calcium and magnesium. Hard water may cause scale buildup in cooking pans, sinks, and water heaters, and may require using more soap to form a lather. If you do not know which water source your drinking water comes from, the water utility can help. Please find the contact information on the last page of this report.

Water hardness scale


In 1985, the citizens of Renton voted to have fluoride added to the city’s drinking water. Fluoride levels were adjusted in 2016 to meet the DOH’s new recommended level of 0.7 ppm. More information on fluoride can be found at the CDC at cdc.gov/fluoridation/faqs.

Your Water is Safe

Water from the City of Renton and Seattle Public Utilities meets all regulatory standards, ensuring that your water is safe to drink.

2023 Renton Water Quality Results

Renton Water Quality Table

  1. Renton measures fluoride levels daily in the distribution system. Beginning in April 2016, Renton lowered the fluoride level to 0.7 ppm, which is the new level recommended by the Washington State Department of Health. Renton citizens voted to add fluoride to the drinking water in 1985. 
  2. The EPA recommends 20 ppm as a level of concern for people on a sodium-restricted diet. Renton adds sodium hydroxide to prevent corrosion of plumbing. Sodium hypochlorite is added to water from the Maplewood wells for disinfection and to remove naturally occurring ammonia.
  3. There were 45 samples tested for lead and copper. All of the samples tested had levels far below the Action Levels for both lead and copper.
  4. EPA has established MRLs for UCMR5 based on the capability of the analytical method. It is not based on a level established as “significant” or “harmful.” The detection of a UCMR5 contaminant does not represent cause for concern, in and of itself. The purpose of unregulated contaminant monitoring is to help the EPA determine their occurrence in drinking water and potential need for future regulation.
  5. There were six samples tested for 29 PFAS and lithium. Only one of six samples detected PFBS at a level at or above the MRL.

2023 SPU Water Quality Results

Cedar River Watershed

Since 2012, the city has purchased water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to serve the Renton Boeing plant and as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. Results of the 2023 water quality monitoring requirements performed by SPU for the Cedar River and Tolt River sources are shown below.

SPU Water Quality table


AL: Action Level – The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements that a water system must follow.

MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level – The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology.

MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level Goal – The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.

MRDL: Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level – The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.

MRDLG: Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level 
Goal – The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.

MRL: Minimum Reporting Level

NA: Not Applicable 

ND: Not Detected

NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Unit – Turbidity is a measure of how clear the water looks. The turbidity MCL that applied to the Cedar supply in 2020 is 5 NTU, and for the Tolt supply it was 0.3 NTU for at least 95% of the samples in a month. 100% of Tolt samples in 2020 were below 0.3 NTU.
pCi/L: picocuries per liter

ppm: 1 part per million = 1 mg/L = 1 milligram per liter. 

ppb: 1 part per billion = 1 ug/L = 1 microgram per liter. 1 ppm = 1000 ppb.

ppt: 1 part per trillion = 1 ug/L = 1 nanogram per liter. 1 ppm = 1,000,000 ppt.

TT: Treatment Technique – 
A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.

Ensuring Water Safety

To ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the DOH and EPA prescribe regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. 
The Food and Drug Administration and the Washington Department of Agriculture regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water that must provide the same protection for public health.

How Can We Help You?

Golf Course

Emergencies: Call 911
Questions about this report:
Water Utility Engineering at 425-430-7287 or email [email protected]

Water discoloration, taste, or odor: Water Quality at 425-430-7400, 7 a.m.–3:30 p.m. 
or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends

To report water pressure problems, water leaking in the streets, or water leaking at a meter: Water Maintenance at 425-430-7400, 7 a.m.–3:30 p.m. or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends

If you are moving and need to arrange for a change of water service, or for general billing questions: Utility Billing at 425-430-6852.
This report is written and distributed in compliance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires water utilities to provide annual “consumer confidence” reports to their customers. You will find in this report: where our drinking water comes from; what minerals or chemicals it contains; how it compares to stringent water quality standards; what Renton is doing to protect our water supply; and what we are doing to wisely use and conserve our regional water supply. Hopefully this report will help you better understand your drinking water. We assure you that providing high quality and safe drinking water is one of Renton’s highest priorities.

2023 Water Quality Report - Translatable

2023 City of Renton Water Quality Report


Renton’s Water Sources and Treatment Process

Renton’s Water Sources

In 2022, the City of Renton obtained its drinking water from four sources:

  1. Six downtown wells located in Liberty and Cedar River Parks, which draw water from the Cedar Valley Aquifer

  2. Springbrook Springs, a small spring in south Renton

  3. The Maplewood wellfield located under the Maplewood Golf Course

  4. An agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), who source water from the Cedar and Tolt rivers

Our agreement with SPU began in January 2012. During 2022, SPU provided approximately 19 million gallons of water that were used by the Renton Boeing plant. Water is purchased from SPU primarily for the Renton Boeing plant and as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. More information is available at SPU.

In 2022, the combined four water sources produced approximately 2.71 billion gallons of water.

Photo: Girls drinking water

Water Utility News—Sunset Gardens

The Renton Water Utility recently completed a new water main installation along NE 10th Street and Jefferson Avenue in the Renton Highlands area. The water utility infrastructure improvements project was funded by the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Connecting Housing to Infrastructure (CHIP) grant program to facilitate the development of affordable housing construction. The Renton Housing Authority’s Sunset Gardens will provide 76 units of affordable housing for veterans, persons with disabilities, and seniors.

The grant funds covered the construction cost of the off-site water main improvements, consisting of approximately 1,400 feet of 12-inch ductile iron pipe, 4 new fire hydrants, and the restoration of asphalt roadways.

Providing Safe, Clean Water

The water pumped from the downtown wells and Springbrook Springs is naturally very clean and needs minimal treatment. Chlorine is added to destroy bacteria, parasites, and viruses that could possibly enter our source water. Chlorine also protects water in the distribution system in case there is a contamination event like a water main break or backflow incident. Sodium hydroxide is added to slightly raise the pH of the water to help prevent the corrosion of household plumbing. Ortho-polyphosphates are added to reduce the internal corrosion of old cast iron water mains found in the neighborhood of West Hill. Fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay, as authorized by Renton voters in 1985.

The downtown wellfield produced 61.4% of Renton’s water in 2022. Springbrook Springs produced 19.7% of Renton’s water in 2022.

The Maplewood wellfield produced 18.9% of Renton’s water in 2022.

Maplewood water is clean as well, but due to naturally occurring minerals, it must first be treated before it is pumped into the distribution system. The treatment process consists of removing manganese, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia from the source water. Chlorine is added to protect the water in the distribution system and fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay.

2022 Renton Water Statistics

  • 2,709,546,735 gallons produced for the City of Renton from 9 wells, 1 spring, and SPU interties

  • 318 miles of water main in service

  • 18,553 total metered connections

  • 7,370,271 gallons produced on an average day

  • 12,243,000 gallons produced on high demand day: Aug 7, 2022

  • 5,343,000 gallons produced on low demand day: November 25, 2022


A Message from the EPA

Our drinking water comes from wells and springs. As our water travels through the ground to the wells, it can dissolve naturally occurring minerals as well as substances from human activity. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their healthcare providers. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.


Water Use Efficiency

In 2003, the Washington State Legislature passed the Municipal Water Law to address the increasing demand on the state’s water resources. The law established that all municipal water suppliers must use water more efficiently in exchange for water right certainty and flexibility to help them meet future demand. The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Rule is part of this law and requires municipal water suppliers to report their goals and progress each year.

In 2021, Renton hosted a public forum and updated the WUE goals as part of the Water System Plan Update. The city has the following measurable WUE goals:

  1. Reduce Distribution System Leakage (DSL) to 10 percent or less by 2022.

  2. Limit the Maximum Daily Demand to Average Daily Demand peaking factor to less than 2.0.

  3. Maintain an ERU value under 160 gpd/ERU (gallons per day/Equivalent Residential Unit)

As part of the Saving Water Partnership (SWP), the city also supports the regional 2019–2028 WUE goal to keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 million gallons per day (mgd) through 2028 despite forecasted population growth by reducing per capita water use. For 2022, the SWP met the goal with total average annual retail water use of SWP members at 94.3 mgd.

Water Consumption and Losses

Renton’s total water produced and purchased in 2022 was 2,709,546,735 gallons. DSL is reported in the 2022 Water Use Efficiency report to the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) as a three-year rolling average, calculated to be 14%. Renton’s DSL for the 2022 calendar year was 15.6%, or 423,011,932 gallons. This is a 1.3% increase from 2021. Our three-year rolling average increased by 1.5%. DSL reflects the amount of water and potential revenue that has been lost due to unauthorized water use, water main breaks and leaks, meter inaccuracies, and other causes.

Water Loss Control Action Plan

Since the three-year (2020–2022) annual average of the city’s distribution system leakage exceeds 10%, the city is required by the state to develop and implement a Water Loss Control Action Plan. The city is taking the following actions, among others, to identify and reduce water loss in the distribution system:

  • Continue the annual replacement of aging and leaky water mains.

  • Conduct leak testing on old underground water reservoirs and repair leaky joints on concrete floors and walls.

  • Continue using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology to detect leaks.

  • Continue to review water consumption data for calculation errors, identify meter inaccuracies, and search for additional potential sources of water loss.

  • Improve tracking of non-metered authorized water use.


Photo: Water a graden

Water Conservation: Watering your Garden

How to Water: Shrubs and Perennials

Many established plants need little or no summer watering. Before you water, look for wilted leaves that don’t perk up in the evening, deciduous leaves that are yellow before autumn, or evergreen leaves that are dull or bronze.

How to Water: Annuals

Annuals generally need more water than other types of landscaping plants. Minimize your water use by waiting to water until the soil surface is dry and covering the soil with mulch in the spring.

Graphic: Natural Gardening Classed

How to Water: Young Trees

Using a water bag is the most efficient way to water young trees. For the first 5 years trees need 15 – 20 gallons of water twice a week, applied close to the roots.

Right Plant, Right Place

Plants that fit our Northwest climate and soils are easier to care for, need less summer watering, and look great. Visit Saving Water Do Org for more information on picking the right plant for your place.

Build Healthy Roots

Getting to the root of the issue. Plants with deep, healthy roots need less water, are more resilient, and will look their best. To build healthy roots:

  • Build healthy soil by adding compost and mulch.

  • Let the top few inches of soil dry before watering again so that plant roots and soil life can breathe.

  • Water deeply and infrequently to encourage roots to grow deep.

Plant perennials in the fall to build strong root systems before next year’s dry season.


Graphic: How water is used in most homes

Water Conservation: Toilet Tips

How Do I Know If My Toilet is Leaking?

Look, listen, and lift the lid to detect toilet leaks.

Look at the bowl of your toilet to see if water flows from the tank when you have not flushed. If water is dribbling into the bowl, you have a leak.

Listen to the tank. If it sounds like it is re-filling even when you haven’t flushed, that means you have a leak.

Lift the top off your toilet’s tank and check to see if the rubber seal or “flapper” looks worn out. If the rubber is cracking or not creating a complete seal, you have a leak.

You can detect silent leaks with food coloring. Put food coloring or a dye strip in the tank, don’t flush, and see if the color appears in the bowl. If it does, you have a leak.

Was your toilet manufactured before 2004?

Replacing an older toilet is one of the most powerful actions you can take to save water every day. Visit savingwater.org/rebates for more information about $100 toilet rebates available to Renton’s small business, commercial, multifamily, and residential customers.

Did you know?

Leaks waste up to 12% of all water used at home. Yikes! That’s almost as much water as most homes use doing laundry each year.

Visit savingwater.org/indoors/fixing-leaks for how-to videos and more information about fixing leaks in your home.


Water Conservation: Indoor

Photo: Dishwasher


  • Fix leaks, drips, and running toilets right away. If your toilet makes noise between flushes or if you have to jiggle the handle, you have a leak.

  • Shorten your shower. Save 2 gallons for every minute you shave off your shower.

  • Upgrade your showerhead or faucet. The new models work great and use less water.

  • Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth. You can save enough water to fill a kiddy pool each week.


  • Run full loads. Wait to run your dishwasher until it’s full.

  • Scrape your plate and let a dishwasher do the rest. The average dishwasher uses 5 gallons of water or less, while washing the same number of dishes by hand can take 27 gallons.

  • Compost your food scraps. Skip the garbage disposal and running your faucet whenever you can.

  • Don’t walk away while waiting for hot water. It’s easy to lose track of time and leave the water running.


  • Run full loads. Wait to run your washing machine until it’s full.

  • Reuse towels a few times between washing.

  • Bonus tip: wash with cold water to save energy.


Photo: Salmon

Water is a precious, shared resource

When you save water, you help protect salmon. This is especially important during summer and fall when stream flows are already naturally low when adult salmon are returning to our local rivers and streams to spawn.

You can also help protect this important species by practicing these salmon-safe habits…

  • Never dump oil or other chemicals down storm drains, and make sure no pollutants are leaking that could get washed into waterways (including pressure washing).

  • Sweep sidewalks and driveways instead of hosing. Put sweepings in the garbage to prevent pollutants and debris from entering streams.

  • Use automatic car washes that recycle water and perform proper disposal of detergents.

  • Plant native plants and trees to reduce the need for watering, pest control and fertilization; and reap multiple benefits such as controlling erosion, reducing flooding, filtering pollution, and attracting wildlife.

  • Use compost as a natural fertilizer on your lawn, flowers, and garden beds. Compost supports healthy plant roots and slowly releases water to plants. Avoid non-organic fertilizers.


Photo: Cedar River Watershed

Renton and the Saving Water Partnership

Renton is a Member of the Saving Water Partnership

In January 2012 Renton signed an agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities. As part of this agreement, the City of Renton joined the Saving Water Partnership (SWP). The SWP, which is made up of the City of Renton and 18 water utility partners, has set a ten-year conservation goal: keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 mgd through 2028, despite forecasted population growth, by reducing per capita water use. For 2022, the SWP met the goal with total average annual retail water use of SWP members at 94.3 mgd.

Why conserve? It works!

When we work together to save water, it makes a big difference. Thanks to conservation efforts, our region uses the same amount of water today that it did in the late 1950s.

Graph: Population and Water Consumption

Together We Provide Water Conservation Programs to the Region

  • In 2022, the SWP youth education program conducted 624 in-classroom and remote presentations to more than 13,600 K–8 students. Popular topics included the water cycle, the salmon life cycle, and how healthy soil saves water. In Renton, Nature Vision taught 60 classes to 1,410 students in 2022 as part of this program.

  • The SWP provided rebates for Premium toilets for residential and commercial customers. These fixtures use 1.1 gallons of water per flush (or less), at least 20% less water than a regular WaterSense fixture. The Single Family Toilet Rebate Program upgraded 167 toilets to Premium toilet models region-wide.

  • The SWP presented 19 Savvy Gardener classes in 2022 with 371 attendees. These classes enable gardeners to create and maintain healthy landscapes that save water and are good for families and the environment. Renton hosted two of these classes.


Renton Water Quality Topics

Lead and Your Health

If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. The City of Renton Water Utility is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to two minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791 or epa.gov/safewater/lead.

If you flush your tap, you can use the flushed water for watering plants or general cleaning. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. Only use water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder. The most common problem is brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures that can leach lead into the water, especially hot water. Until nine years ago, the legal limit for “lead-free” pipes was up to 8% lead. As of January 1, 2014, all newly installed water faucets, fixtures, pipes, and fittings must meet new lead-free requirements, which reduce the amount of lead allowed to 0.25%. However, these requirements do not apply to existing fixtures, such as those found in many older homes.

Lead Prevention

Renton works to prevent the corrosion of lead as well as other metals such as copper and iron. The pH of Renton’s water is adjusted to prevent the corrosion of household plumbing—the major potential source of lead in our water. To make sure this treatment is working, water is periodically tested at residential taps. This testing is in compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule. More information is available at doh.wa.gov/leadandcopperrule.

Lead Testing in Schools

The Washington State Department of Health has developed a program to address concerns about lead in school drinking water. For updated information, please visit: doh.wa.gov/LeadinSchoolDrinkingWater.

PFAS Chemicals

PFAS is an acronym for “per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances.” PFAS are synthetic chemicals used in many consumer products, including food wrappers, fabrics, and carpets, to make them resistant to water, oil, grease, stains, and heat. Certain types of firefighting foam may contain PFAS. Even though PFAS compounds aren’t manufactured in Washington State, there are known cases of PFAS contamination in drinking water linked to the use of firefighting foam.

NEW PFAS Rule and Testing

The Renton Water Utility tested for six PFAS compounds in 2014 and 2015 under an EPA rule for unregulated contaminants. PFAS were not detected in any of the drinking water samples. As new information emerges on PFAS, the Water Utility completed testing again in March 2023 for 29 PFAS compounds and at lower detection limits. This recent sampling showed one sample result from Springbrook Springs with detection of perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS), but at a level significantly below the recommended action limits in state and federal guidance.

  • 2023 Renton PFBS Result from Springbrook Springs: 2.98 ppt*

  • WA DOH PFBS State Action Level: 345 ppt*

  • EPA PFBS Health Advisory Level: 2,000 ppt*

*ppt: 1 part per trillion. 1 ppm = 1,000,000 ppt

In March 2023, EPA released a proposed rule for regulating six PFAS in drinking water. The proposed rule will undergo a public review and comment process and may change before it becomes final in late 2023 or early 2024. The City is in full compliance with all current EPA and Washington State DOH regulatory requirements and will continue working to meet EPA’s new PFAS regulations. Another round of PFAS testing will occur in late 2023 in accordance with our testing plan. PFAS sample data will be included in the 2024 Renton Water Quality Report.

The City of Renton has continued tracking information on emerging contaminants, such as PFAS, and is dedicated to following regulatory updates to provide our customers with sound, scientific information regarding their drinking water.

For more information, please visit epa.gov/pfas and doh.wa.gov/pfas.

Water Quality for Brewers

For brewers in our community, specific water quality parameters are often of interest. Below are the values for the minerals and parameters generally requested. These numbers are the annual range of values. Renton’s water comes from multiple sources and depending upon your location, you may receive water from one source or a combination of our water sources.

Graphic: Water Quality Parameters

Water Quality Parameter: Water Source – Downtown Wells

Average pH (2021): 7.4–8.0

Total hardness as Calcium Carbonate, ppm (2021): 44

Sodium, ppm (2021): 14

Sulfate, ppm (2021): 4.9

Chloride, ppm (2021): 3.5

Historical Data

Calcium, ppm (2004): 13

Magnesium, ppm (2004): 3.5


Water Hardness

Renton’s water falls within the slightly hard, moderately hard, and hard range, depending upon the customer’s water source within the City. The most recent water hardness testing showed 44 ppm for the downtown wells, 69 ppm for Maplewood wells, and 125 ppm for Springbrook Springs. A water’s hardness is dependent upon the levels of two naturally occurring soluble minerals—calcium and magnesium. The EPA does not set a limit for water hardness. Since Renton’s water is at the lower range, the city does not actively treat for water hardness. Hard water may cause scale buildup in cooking pans, sinks, and water heaters, and may require using more soap to form a lather. If you do not know which water source your drinking water comes from, the water utility can help.

Graph: Water Hardness Scale


In 1985, the citizens of Renton voted to have fluoride added to the city’s drinking water. Fluoride levels were adjusted in 2016 to meet the DOH’s new recommended level of 0.7 ppm. More information on fluoride can be found at the CDC at cdc.gov/fluoridation/faqs.

How Can I Get Involved?

The City of Renton welcomes your interest in its water system. The Renton City Council is the city’s decision-making body and meets on the first four Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are conducted via video conference and in person at the Council Chambers on the 7th floor of City Hall.

The City Council Utilities Committee oversees Water Utility issues. They meet the first and third Monday of the month at 3 p.m. via video conference.

Members of the Utilities Committee for 2023 are:

James Alberson, Jr., Chair
Carmen Rivera, Vice-Chair
Ryan McIrvin, Member

Call the City Clerk’s office at 425-430-6510 for meeting or agenda information, or check the City Council calendar.


2022 Renton Water Quality Results

Graph: Water Quality Results


AL: Action Level – The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements that a water system must follow.

MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level – The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology.

MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level Goal – The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.

MRDL: Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level – The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.

MRDLG: Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level

Goal: The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.

MRL: Minimum Reporting Level

NA: Not Applicable

ND: Not Detected

NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Unit – Turbidity is a measure of how clear the water looks. The turbidity MCL that applied to the Cedar supply in 2020 is 5 NTU, and for the Tolt supply it was 0.3 NTU for at least 95% of the samples in a month. 100% of Tolt samples in 2020 were below 0.3 NTU.

pCi/L: picocuries per liter

ppb: 1 part per billion = 1 ug/L = 1 microgram per liter. 1 ppm = 1000 ppb.

ppm: 1 part per million = 1 mg/L = 1 milligram per liter. 1 ppm = 1000 ppb.

ppt: 1 part per trillion = 1 ng/L = 1 nanogram per liter. 1 ppm = 1,000,000 ppt.

TT: Treatment Technique – A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.


Photo: Cedar River Watershed

2022 SPU Water Quality Results

Since 2012, the city has purchased water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to serve the Renton Boeing plant and as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. Results of the 2022 water quality monitoring requirements performed by SPU for the Cedar River and Tolt River sources are shown below.

Table: Seattle Public Utilities Water Quality Report

Ensuring Water Safety

To ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the DOH and EPA prescribe regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Washington Department of Agriculture regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water that must provide the same protection for public health.


Aerial photo: Maplewood Golf Course

How Can We Help You?

Questions about this report:

  • Water Utility Engineering at 425-430-7287

Water discoloration, taste, or odor:

  • Water Quality at 425-430-7400 (7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.)

  • Or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends

To report water pressure problems, water leaking in the streets, or water leaking at a meter:

  • Water Maintenance at 425-430-7400 (7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.)

  • or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends

If you are moving and need to arrange for a change of water service, or for general billing questions:

  • Utility Billing at 425-430-6852



This report is written and distributed in compliance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires water utilities to provide annual “consumer confidence” reports to their customers. You will find in this report: where our drinking water comes from; what minerals or chemicals it contains; how it compares to stringent water quality standards; what Renton is doing to protect our water supply; and what we are doing to wisely use and conserve our regional water supply. Hopefully this report will help you better understand your drinking water. We assure you that providing high quality and safe drinking water is one of Renton’s highest priorities.

2022 Water Quality Report - Translatable

2022 City of Renton Water Quality Report

Graphic: 2021 Water Quality ReportWater Source and Treatment

Renton’s Water Sources

In 2021, the City of Renton obtained its drinking water from four sources:

  1. Six downtown wells located in Liberty and Cedar River Parks, which draw water from the Cedar Valley Aquifer

  2. Springbrook Springs, a small spring in south Renton

  3. The Maplewood wellfield located under the Maplewood Golf Course

  4. An agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), who source water from the Cedar and Tolt rivers

Our agreement with SPU began in January 2012. During 2021, SPU provided approximately 12 million gallons of water that were used by the Renton Boeing plant. Water is purchased from SPU primarily for the Renton Boeing plant and as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. More information available at SPU.

In 2021, the combined four water sources produced approximately 2.71 billion gallons of water.

Graphic: Water Sources

Providing Safe, Clean Water

The water pumped from the downtown wells and Springbrook Springs is naturally very clean and needs minimal treatment. Chlorine is added to destroy bacteria, parasites, and viruses that could possibly enter our source water. Chlorine also protects water in the distribution system in case there is a contamination event like a water main break or backflow incident. Sodium hydroxide is added to slightly raise the pH of the water to help prevent the corrosion of household plumbing. Ortho-polyphosphates are added to reduce the internal corrosion of old cast iron water mains found in the neighborhood of West Hill. Fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay, as authorized by Renton voters in 1985.

The downtown wellfield produced 61.5% of Renton’s water in 2021. Springbrook Springs produced 17.8% of Renton’s water in 2021.

Maplewood water is clean as well, but due to naturally occurring minerals, it must first be treated before it is pumped into the distribution system. The treatment process consists of removing manganese, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia from the source water. Chlorine is added to protect the water in the distribution system and fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay.

The Maplewood wellfield produced 20.7% of Renton’s water in 2021.

Water Utility News

To assist with the development of affordable housing, the Water Utility has been awarded $2,084,157 in grant funding from the Department of Commerce through the Connecting Housing to Infrastructure (CHIP) grant program.

Grant funding will reimburse waived system development charges (SDCs) that can be used for future utility improvement projects. Grant funds will also be used for off-site water infrastructure improvements required for the Sunset Gardens affordable housing construction.

The proposed Sunset Gardens will contain 76 new affordable housing units to serve those at risk of homelessness, specifically those with disabilities, seniors, and veterans. Eliminating the cost of the off-site water improvements and system development charges increases the financial viability of these affordable housing projects.

Water Use Efficiency

In 2003, the Washington State Legislature passed the Municipal Water Law to address the increasing demand on the state’s water resources. The law established that all municipal water suppliers must use water more efficiently in exchange for water right certainty and flexibility to help them meet future demand. The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Rule is part of this law and requires municipal water suppliers to report their goals and progress each year.

In 2021, Renton hosted a public forum and updated the WUE goals as part of the Water System Plan Update. The city has the following measurable WUE goals:

  1. Reduce DSL to 10 percent or less by 2022.

  2. Limit the Maximum Daily Demand to Average Daily Demand peaking factor to less than 2.0.

  3. Maintain an ERU value under 160 gpd/ERU (gallons per day/Equivalent Residential Unit)

As part of the Saving Water Partnership, the city also supports the regional 2019–2028 WUE goal to keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 million gallons per day (mgd) through 2028 despite forecasted population growth by reducing per capita water use.

Renton’s total water produced and purchased in 2021 was 2,709,907,688 gallons. Distribution system leakage (DSL) is reported in the 2021 Water Use Efficiency report to the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) as a three-year rolling average, calculated to be 12.7%. Renton’s DSL for the 2021 calendar year was 14.7%, or 398,254,077 gallons. This is a 2.4% increase from 2020. Our three-year rolling average increased by 1.6%. DSL reflects the amount of water and potential revenue that has been lost due to unauthorized water use, water main breaks and leaks, meter inaccuracies, and other causes.

Since the three-year (2019–2021) annual average of the city’s distribution system leakage exceeds 10%, the city is required by the state to develop and implement a Water Loss Control Action Plan. The city is taking the following actions, among others, to identify and reduce water loss in the distribution system:

  • Continue the annual replacement of aging and leaky water mains.

  • Conduct leak testing on old underground water reservoirs and repair leaky joints on concrete floors and walls.

  • Continue using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology to detect leaks.

Photo of Salmon in a river

Save Water, Help Salmon

Summer is peak water use season—the time when rain stops and people use more water in their yards and gardens. It is especially important to conserve water in summer and fall when stream flows are lowest. Your actions can help to protect salmon and their freshwater habitat.

  • Never dump oil or other chemicals down storm drains, and make sure no pollutants are leaking that could get washed into waterways (including pressure washing).

  • Sweep sidewalks and driveways instead of hosing. Put sweepings in the garbage to prevent pollutants and debris from entering streams.

  • Use automatic car washes that recycle water and perform proper disposal of detergents.

  • Plant native plants and trees to reduce the need for watering, pest control and fertilization; and reap multiple benefits such as controlling erosion, reducing flooding, filtering pollution, and attracting wildlife.

  • Use compost as a natural fertilizer on your lawn, flowers, and garden beds. Compost supports healthy plant roots and slowly releases water to plants. Avoid non-organic fertilizers.

Sustainable Gardening: Save Water and Money!

It’s Watering Season—Make Every Drop Count
From May through September, water use in our region nearly doubles. Most of that extra water is used to water lawns and gardens. And experts estimate that 50% or more of this water goes to waste, due to evaporation, runoff or simply overwatering.

Water may never make it to the plant roots if applied in the wrong way. To make the most of every drop, follow these simple guidelines:


  • Add 2–4 inches of arborist wood chips to bare soil to reduce evaporation.

  • Repair leaky faucets and hoses. Even small leaks waste lots of water.


  • Watering deeply but less often encourages deep roots and prevents diseases.

  • Let the top few inches of soil dry before watering again so roots and soil life can breathe.

  • Water early or late in the day to minimize evaporation.

  • Split watering into two or more applications, a few hours apart, to prevent runoff. This is helpful on dry or clay soils, slopes and berms.


  • Use sprinklers that apply water slowly enough so soil can absorb it without letting it run off.

  • If puddling occurs, run sprinklers for a short time, then turn them off and allow water to soak in before resuming watering.

  • Place sprinklers to avoid watering driveways, sidewalks or walls.

  • Adjust sprinklers to prevent fine misting that just blows away.

When you conserve water, our planet and future generations thank you. The City of Renton wants to make conservation as easy as possible for our customers. For more tips, tools, and resources visit savingwater.org.

Fix Leaks, Prevent Water Waste from Leaking Toilets

Look, listen, and lift the lid to detect toilet leaks.
Look at the bowl of your toilet to see if water flows from the tank when you have not flushed. If water is dribbling into the bowl, you have a leak.

Listen to the tank. If it sounds like it is re-filling even when you haven’t flushed, that means you have a leak.

Lift the top off your toilet’s tank and check to see if the rubber seal or “flapper” looks worn out. If the rubber is cracking or not creating a complete seal, you have a leak.

You can detect silent leaks with food coloring. Put food coloring or a dye strip in the tank, don’t flush, and see if the color appears in the bowl. If it does, you have a leak.

Graphic: Click to learn more about free natural ysard care classe

Water-Wise Lawn Care

Follow these natural yard care tips to build a beautiful, healthy lawn that will thrive with minimal watering.

Photo of a dog playing with a lawn sprinkler

Aerate your lawn to build healthy roots.

  • Overseed thin areas with Northwest-adapted seed.

  • For an extra boost: top-dress your lawn with ½ inch of compost.

  • Tune up your sprinkler system. Fix leaks and replace damaged heads.


  • It’s okay to let your lawn go golden and dormant – water once a month, and it’ll bounce back in the fall.

  • Mow higher, mow regularly, and leave the clippings.

  • Water early or late in the day, water deeply, and let the soil dry between waterings.

  • Lawns only need about one inch of water a week to stay green.


  • The best time to fertilize is September, when grass is building root reserves.

  • Use “natural organic” or “slow release” fertilizers.

  • Turn off your sprinkler in mid-September.

  • Overseed thin areas with northwest-adapted seed.

  • Sharpen your mower blade.

A Message from the EPA

Our drinking water comes from wells and springs. As our water travels through the ground to the wells, it can dissolve naturally occurring minerals as well as substances from human activity. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their healthcare providers. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

Photo of a watershed

Renton and the Saving Water Partnership

Renton is a Member of the Saving Water Partnership
Renton signed an agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities in January 2012. As part of this agreement, the City of Renton joined the Saving Water Partnership (SWP). The SWP, which is made up of the City of Renton and 18 water utility partners, set a regional conservation goal: Keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 mgd through 2028, despite forecasted population growth, by reducing per capita water use. For 2021, the SWP met the goal, with annual retail water use of members of the SWP at 95.5 mgd.

Together We Provide Water Conservation Programs to the Region

  • In 2021, the SWP youth education program conducted 447 in-classroom and remote presentations to nearly 9,900 K–8 students. Popular topics included water supply, the water cycle, and the salmon life cycle. In Renton, Nature Vision taught 63 classes to 1,247 students in 2021 as part of this program.

  • The SWP provided rebates for Premium toilets for residential and commercial customers. These fixtures use 1.1 gallons of water per flush (or less), at least 20% less water than a regular WaterSense fixture. The Single Family Toilet Rebate Program upgraded 277 toilets to Premium toilet models region-wide.

  • The SWP presented 15 Savvy Gardener classes in the spring, summer, and fall of 2021 with 615 attendees. These classes enable gardeners to create and maintain healthy landscapes that are good for families and the environment. Renton hosted three of these classes with a total of 47 participants.

Graphic: Water wisely

Sustainable Summer: Save Water While Having Fun!

Photos of kids having fun in water


  • SET A TIMER. Decide how long you want to leave the sprinkler on and set a timer.

  • PUT YOUR SPRINKLER NEAR THIRSTY PLANTS. Set up the sprinkler in an area of your yard where the plants need extra water.

  • GO HALF STRENGTH. Turn the faucet halfway on to reduce the flow of water.

Kiddie Pools

  • DOWN-SIZE. If you start with a smaller pool, you’ll use less water.

  • FILL TO FUN, NOT TO FULL. Add an inch or two of water for younger kids and fill it halfway up for older ones.

  • REUSE. Use the water from the pool to water plants in your yard.

Car Washing

Graphic: car washing tips

Water Quality Topics

Lead and Your Health
If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing.

The City of Renton Water Utility is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to two minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791 or epa.gov/safewater/lead.

If you flush your tap, you can use the flushed water for watering plants or general cleaning. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. Only use water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder. The most common problem is brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures that can leach lead into the water, especially hot water. Until eight years ago, the legal limit for “lead-free” pipes was up to 8% lead. As of January 1, 2014, all newly installed water faucets, fixtures, pipes, and fittings must meet new lead-free requirements, which reduce the amount of lead allowed to 0.25%. However, these requirements do not apply to existing fixtures, such as those found in many older homes.

Lead Prevention in Renton
Renton works to prevent the corrosion of not only lead, but other metals such as copper and iron. First, the pH of the water is adjusted to prevent the corrosion of household plumbing—the major possible source of lead in our water. Second, in areas of the city with cast iron water mains (West Hill), ortho-polyphosphates are added to prevent corrosion. To make sure this treatment is working, water is periodically tested at residential taps. This testing is in compliance with the DOH’s Lead and Copper Rule. More information is available at doh.wa.gov/leadandcopperrule.

In 1985, the residents of Renton voted to have fluoride added to the city’s drinking water. Fluoride levels were adjusted in 2016 to meet the DOH’s new recommended level of 0.7 ppm. More information on fluoride can be found at the CDC at cdc.gov/fluoridation/faqs.

Water Hardness
Renton’s water falls within the slightly hard, moderately hard, and hard range, depending upon the customer’s water source within the City. The most recent water hardness testing showed 44 ppm for the downtown wells, 69 ppm for Maplewood, and 125 ppm for Springbrook Springs. A water’s hardness is dependent upon the levels of two naturally occurring soluble minerals—calcium and magnesium. Hard water may cause scale buildup in cooking pans, sinks, and water heaters, and may require using more soap to form a lather. This means that dish washing and clothes washing require relatively less soap than in other areas where the water is hard. If you do not know which water source your drinking water comes from, the water utility can help.

Graphic: Water Hardness scale

Water Quality for Brewers
For brewers in our community, specific water quality parameters are often of interest. Below are the values for the minerals and parameters generally requested. These numbers are the annual range of values. Renton’s water comes from multiple sources and depending upon your location, you may receive water from one source or a combination of our water sources.


Graph: Water Quality for Brewers

PFAS Chemicals
PFAS is an acronym for “per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances.” PFAS are synthetic chemicals used in many consumer products, including food wrappers, fabrics, and carpets, to make them resistant to water, oil, grease, stains, and heat. Certain types of firefighting foam may contain PFAS. Even though PFAS compounds aren’t manufactured in Washington State, there are known cases of PFAS contamination in drinking water linked to the use of firefighting foam.

The EPA has established a health advisory level (HAL) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctyl sulfonate (PFOS) at 70 parts per trillion (ppt). This is not a regulatory standard, but in Washington state the DOH is currently considering setting a state standard for PFAS. The Renton Water Utility tested for perfluorinated compounds in 2014 and 2015 under an EPA rule for unregulated contaminants. Perfluorinated compounds were not detected in any of the drinking water samples.

For more information, please visit epa.gov/pfas and ecology.wa.gov/pfas.

Lead Testing in Schools
The Washington State Department of Health has developed a program to provide voluntary testing for lead in drinking water in elementary schools. For updated information, please visit: doh.wa.gov/LeadinSchools.

Our COVID-19 Response
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 through 2022, the City of Renton has worked diligently to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water to our customers and to maintain adequate water supply for fire protection. In order to protect our community resilience, one of our highest priorities has been to ensure safe and reliable water comes out of the faucet for hand washing and cleaning.

How Can I Get Involved?

The City of Renton welcomes your interest in its water system. The Renton City Council is the city’s decision-making body and meets on the first four Mondays of each month at 7 p.m.

The Utilities Committee oversees Water Utility issues. They meet the first and third Monday of the month at 3 p.m.

At the time of publication, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, councilmembers are attending meetings remotely through Zoom. Public testimony during public hearings and audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom and by telephone, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by emailing [email protected] in advance.

Members of the Utilities Committee for 2022 are:

James Alberson, Chair
Carmen Rivera, Vice-Chair
Valerie O’Halloran, Member

Call the City Clerk’s office at 425-430-6510 for meeting or agenda information, or check the City Council calendar at rentonwa.gov/council.

2021 Renton Water Quality Results

Graphic: 2021 Renton Water Quality Results

Ensuring Water Safety
To ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the DOH and EPA prescribe regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Washington Department of Agriculture regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water that must provide the same protection for public health.


Photo: Cedar River Watershed

The Cedar River Watershed, a main water source for Seattle Public Utilities.

Your Water is Safe

Water from the City of Renton Water Utility and Seattle Public Utilities meets all regulatory standards, ensuring that your water is safe to drink.

2021 SPU Water Quality Results

Since 2012, the city has purchased water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to serve the Renton Boeing plant and as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. Results of the 2021 water quality monitoring requirements performed by SPU for the Cedar River and Tolt River sources are shown below.

Chart: Seattle PUblic Utilities Water Quality Results


Aerial photo of Maplewood Golf Course

How Can We Help You?

Questions about this report:
Water Utility Engineering at 425-430-7287

Water discoloration, taste, or odor:
Water Quality at 425-430-7400
(7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends

To report water pressure problems, water leaking in the streets, or water leaking at a meter:
Water Maintenance at 425-430-7400 (7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends

If you are moving and need to arrange for a change of water service, or for general billing questions:
Utility Billing at 425-430-6852


This report is written and distributed in compliance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires water utilities to provide annual “consumer confidence” reports to their customers. You will find in this report: where our drinking water comes from; what minerals or chemicals it contains; how it compares to stringent water quality standards; what Renton is doing to protect our water supply; and what we are doing to wisely use and conserve our regional water supply. Hopefully this report will help you better understand your drinking water. We assure you that providing high quality and safe drinking water is one of Renton’s highest priorities.

2021 Water Quality Report - Translatable

2021 Water Quality Report coverWater Source and Treatment

Renton’s Water Sources

In 2020, the City of Renton obtained its drinking water from four sources:

  1. Six downtown wells located in Liberty and Cedar River Parks, which draw water from the Cedar Valley Aquifer

  2. Springbrook Springs, a small spring located in south Renton

  3. The Maplewood wellfield located under the Maplewood Golf Course

  4. An agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), who source water from the Cedar and Tolt rivers

Our agreement with SPU began in January 2012. During 2020, SPU provided approximately 11.6 million gallons of water that were used by the Renton Boeing plant. Water is purchased from SPU primarily for the Renton Boeing plant and as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. More information available at SPU.

In 2020, the combined four water sources produced approximately 2.51 billion gallons of water.

Providing Safe, Clean Water

The water pumped from the downtown wells and Springbrook Springs is naturally very clean and needs minimal treatment. Chlorine is added to destroy bacteria, parasites, and viruses that could possibly enter our source water. Chlorine also protects water in the distribution system in case there is a contamination event like a water main break or backflow incident. Sodium hydroxide is added to slightly raise the pH of the water to help prevent the corrosion of household plumbing. Ortho-polyphosphates are added to reduce the internal corrosion of old cast iron water mains found in the neighborhood of West Hill. Fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay.

The downtown wellfield produced 58% of Renton’s water in 2020. Springbrook Springs produced 19% of Renton’s water in 2020.

Maplewood water is clean as well, but due to naturally occurring minerals, it must first be treated before it is pumped into the distribution system. The treatment process consists of removing manganese, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia from the source water. Chlorine is added to protect the water in the distribution system and fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay. The Maplewood wellfield produced 23% of Renton’s water in 2020.

Graphic of Renton's Water Sources

Water Use Efficiency

In 2003, the Washington State Legislature passed the Municipal Water Law to address the increasing demand on the state’s water resources. The law established that all municipal water suppliers must use water more efficiently in exchange for water right certainty and flexibility to help them meet future demand. The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Rule is part of this law and requires municipal water suppliers to report their goals and progress each year.

In early 2021, Renton hosted a public forum and updated the WUE goals as part of the Water System Plan Update. The city has proposed the following measurable goals:

  1. Reduce DSL to 10 percent or less by 2022.

  2. Limit the Maximum Daily Demand to Average Daily Demand peaking factor to less than 2.0.

  3. Maintain an ERU value under 160 gpd/ERU (gallons per day/Equivalent Residential Unit)

As part of the Saving Water Partnership, the city also supports the regional 2019–2028 WUE goal to keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 million gallons per day (mgd) through 2028 despite forecasted population growth by reducing per capita water use.

Water Consumption and Losses

Renton’s total water produced and purchased in 2020 was 2,510,150,705 gallons. Distribution system leakage (DSL) is reported in the 2020 Water Use Efficiency report to the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) as a three-year rolling average, calculated to be 11.1%. Renton’s DSL for the 2020 calendar year was 12.3%, or 309,246,324 gallons. This is a 1.3% increase from 2019. Our three-year rolling average increased by 0.6%. DSL reflects the amount of water and potential revenue that has been lost due to water theft, water main breaks and leaks, meter inaccuracies, and other causes.

Water Loss Control Action Plan

Since the three-year (2018–2020) annual average of the city’s distribution system leakage exceeds 10%, we are required by the state to develop and implement a Water Loss Control Action Plan. The city is taking the following actions, among others, to identify and reduce water loss in the distribution system:

  • Continue the annual replacement of aging and leaky water mains.

  • Conduct leak testing on old underground water reservoirs and repair leaky joints on concrete floors and walls.

  • Continue using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology to detect leaks.

Salmon-Smart Habits

Photo of Sockeye Salmon Stream Bed

Summer is peak water use season—the time when rain stops and people use more water in their yards and gardens. It is especially important to conserve water in summer and fall when stream flows are lowest. Your actions can help to protect salmon and their freshwater habitat.

  • Never dump oil or other chemicals down storm drains, and make sure no pollutants are leaking that could get washed into waterways (including pressure washing).

  • Sweep sidewalks and driveways instead of hosing. Put sweepings in the garbage to prevent pollutants and debris from entering streams.

  • Use automatic car washes that recycle water and perform proper disposal of detergents.

  • Plant native plants and trees to reduce the need for watering, pest control and fertilization; and reap multiple benefits such as controlling erosion, reducing flooding, filtering pollution, and attracting wildlife.

  • Use compost as a natural fertilizer on your lawn, flowers, and garden beds. Compost supports healthy plant roots and slowly releases water to plants. Avoid non-organic fertilizers.

Message From the EPA

Our drinking water comes from wells and springs. As our water travels through the ground to the wells, it can dissolve naturally occurring minerals as well as substances from human activity. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

EPA LogoSome people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their healthcare providers. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

Reliable Water When You Need It Most

Our COVID-19 Response

Throughout the COVID-19 response in 2020 and 2021, the City of Renton worked diligently to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water to our customers and maintain adequate water supply for fire protection. For community resilience, one of our highest priorities bas been to ensure safe and reliable water comes out of the faucet for hand washing and cleaning. In early March 2020, the City’s Water Utility staff implemented continuity of operations planning and took steps to reduce exposure for staff such that our water operations team could keep the system running and protected against pathogens. Our certified water treatment operators are mission critical, continuing to collect water quality samples from the system daily.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 has not been detected in drinking water supplies and the current risk to drinking water continues to be low. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that Americans continue to use and drink water from their tap as usual.

For more information, visit: Environmental Protection Agency.

Photo of a girl with soapy hands

Ensuring Water Safety

To ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the DOH and EPA prescribe regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Washington Department of Agriculture regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water that must provide the same protection for public health.

Sustainable Gardening: Saving Water This Summer

Watering Your Garden

  • Avoid evaporation by watering early in the morning and late at night.

  • Water deeply, but infrequently. This encourages deep roots.

  • Water lawns with one inch of water per week. Or, let areas of your lawn go brown and dormant, but water enough to moisten root zone once a month.

Irrigating Correctly

  • Inspect your irrigation system for leaks. An unusually green spot in the lawn may be a clue that there is a leak in the system.

  • For automatic irrigation systems, install a rain shutoff device.

Selecting the Right Plant

  • Pick plants that resist pests and require less water.

  • Group plants by their needs. Place plants that need regular watering together so that you don’t have to water the whole yard every day.

  • Plant native plants and trees to reduce the need for watering, pest control and fertilization, and reap multiple benefits of controlling erosion, reducing flooding, filtering pollution and attracting wildlife.

  • Make space for wildlife by planting native species and avoiding invasive and exotic plants. You can also provide a small water source such as a birdbath and leave wild “buffers” of native plants along fence lines, ravines, streams, and shorelines.

Using Compost and Mulch

  • Use compost as a natural fertilizer on your lawn, flowers, and garden beds. Compost supports healthy plant roots and slowly releases water to plants.

  • Mulch your shrub and tree beds with wood chips, leaves, or bark once per year to conserve water, reduce weeds, feed the soil, and prevent evaporation. Mulch should be several inches deep and one inch away from the plant stems.

Learn more about water-efficient gardening and access other outdoor videos, tips, tools, and rebates to help people preserve our region’s water for future generations at savingwater.org.

Water Your Garden with Recycled Water

There are many ways you can recycle the water you use indoors to help water your plants! Here are a few ideas:

  • Wash your fruits and vegetables in a bowl and pour that water in your garden.

  • Collect the water left in your glass after meals, and share that leftover water with your plants.

  • Put a bucket in the shower while your water heats up. Once the water cools, your plants will love a fresh drink of saved water!

Photo of potting plants

Gardening classes taught by local experts. Learn more at savingwater.org.

Renton and the Saving Water Partnership

Photo of the Cedar River Watershed

Renton is a Member of the Saving Water Partnership

Renton signed an agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities in January 2012. As part of this agreement, the City of Renton joined the Saving Water Partnership (SWP). The SWP, which is made up of the City of Renton and 17 water utility partners, set a regional conservation goal: Keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 mgd through 2028, despite forecasted population growth, by reducing per capita water use. For 2020, the SWP met the goal, with annual retail water use of members of the SWP at 91.2 mgd.

Together We Provide Water Conservation Programs to the Region

  • In 2020, the SWP youth education program conducted 348 in-classroom presentations to over 7,600 K–8 students. Two popular classes were the water cycle and the salmon life cycle. Many classes in 2020 were adapted to a new format and taught to students virtually. In Renton, Nature Vision taught 29 classes to 556 students in 2020 as part of this program.

  • Graphic of available rebatesThe SWP continued the sprinkler timer rebate program. Nearly 50 customers replaced inefficient sprinkler timers with new WaterSense timers.

  • The SWP provided rebates for Premium toilets for residential and commercial customers. These fixtures use 1.1 gallons of water per flush (or less), at least 20% less water than a regular WaterSense fixture.

  • The Single Family Toilet Rebate Program upgraded 435 toilets to Premium toilet models and the Multifamily Toilet Replacement Program upgraded 88 toilets to Premium models.

  • The SWP presented nine Savvy Gardener classes in the spring, summer, and fall of 2020 with 243 attendees. These classes enable gardeners to create and maintain healthy landscapes that are good for families and the environment. Renton hosted three of these classes with a total of 89 participants.

Save Water with Indoor Water Conservation Tips

Bathroom Leaks

The faster you fix a leak, the better! Bathrooms are a great place to start looking for leaks since over half of all home water use takes place in the bathroom.


Turn the faucet on and off. Then, look and listen for water dripping out of the faucet or pooling around the base of the fixture.

Shower heads

Turn the showerhead on and look for any dripping water or stray sprays at connection points.


Turn the tub on, then divert the water to the shower. If there is still a lot of water coming from the tub faucet it may be time to replace the spout diverter.

More Tips for Indoor Water Use

  • Scrape, do not rinse, dishes before using a dishwasher.

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.

  • Choose five-minute showers instead of baths.

  • Always run full laundry and dish loads.

  • Thaw frozen food in the fridge, not by running water.

"Fix a toilet leak" graphic

Fix Leaks, Prevent Water

Waste from Leaking Toilets

Look, listen, and lift the lid to detect toilet leaks.

  • Look at the bowl of your toilet to see if water flows from the tank when you have not flushed. If water is dribbling into the bowl, you have a leak.

  • Listen to the tank. If it sounds like it is re-filling even when you haven’t flushed, that means you have a leak.

  • Lift the top off your toilet’s tank and check to see if the rubber seal or “flapper” looks worn out. If the rubber is cracking or not creating a complete seal, you have a leak.

You can detect silent leaks with food coloring. Put food coloring or a dye strip in the tank, don’t flush, and see if the color appears in the bowl. If it does, you have a leak.

To fix leaks, call a local plumber or do-it-yourself using the videos and tools at savingwater.org. Many of the repairs may be simpler than you think.

Water Quality Topics

Lead and Your Health

If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing.

The City of Renton Water Utility is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to two minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791 or epa.gov/safewater/lead.

Photo of a glass being filled with water

If you flush your tap, you can use the flushed water for watering plants or general cleaning. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. Only use water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder. The most common problem is brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures that can leach lead into the water, especially hot water. Until seven years ago, the legal limit for “lead-free” pipes was up to 8% lead. As of January 1, 2014, all newly installed water faucets, fixtures, pipes, and fittings must meet new lead-free requirements, which reduce the amount of lead allowed to 0.25%. However, these requirements do not apply to existing fixtures, such as those found in many older homes.

Lead Prevention in Renton

Renton works to prevent the corrosion of not only lead, but other metals such as copper and iron. First, the pH of the water is adjusted to prevent the corrosion of household plumbing—the major possible source of lead in our water. Second, in areas of the city with cast iron water mains (West Hill), ortho-polyphosphates are added to prevent corrosion. To make sure this treatment is working, water is periodically tested at residential taps. This testing is in compliance with the DOH’s Lead and Copper Rule. More information is available at doh.wa.gov/leadandcopperrule.


In 1985, the citizens of Renton voted to have fluoride added to the city’s drinking water. Fluoride levels were adjusted in 2016 to meet the DOH’s new recommended level of 0.7 ppm. More information on fluoride can be found at the CDC at cdc.gov/fluoridation/faqs.

Water Hardness

Renton’s water falls within the slightly hard, moderately hard, and hard range, depending upon the customer’s water source within the City. The most recent water hardness testing showed 54 ppm for the downtown wells, 69 ppm for Maplewood, and 125 ppm for Springbrook Springs. A water’s hardness is dependent upon the levels of two naturally occurring soluble minerals—calcium and magnesium. Hard water may cause scale buildup in cooking pans, sinks, and water heaters, and may require using more soap to form a lather. This means that dish washing and clothes washing require relatively less soap than in other areas where the water is hard. If you do not know which water source your drinking water comes from, the water utility can help.

Water hardness scale

Water Quality for Brewers

For brewers in our community, specific water quality parameters are often of interest. Below are the values for the minerals and parameters generally requested. These numbers are the annual range of values. Renton’s water comes from multiple sources and depending upon your location, you may receive water from one source or a combination of our water sources.

Grid showing water quality parameter and water source

PFAS Chemicals

PFAS is an acronym for “per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances.” PFAS are synthetic chemicals used in many consumer products, including food wrappers, fabrics, and carpets, to make them resistant to water, oil, grease, stains, and heat. Certain types of firefighting foam may contain PFAS. Even though PFAS compounds aren’t manufactured in Washington State, there are known cases of PFAS contamination in drinking water linked to the use of firefighting foam.

The EPA has established a health advisory level (HAL) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctyl sulfonate (PFOS) at 70 parts per trillion (ppt). This is not a regulatory standard, but in Washington state the DOH is currently considering setting a state standard for PFAS. The Renton Water Utility tested for perfluorinated compounds in 2014 and 2015 under an EPA rule for unregulated contaminants. Perfluorinated compounds were not detected in any of the drinking water samples.

For more information, please visit epa.gov/pfas and ecology.wa.gov/pfas.

Photo of a dog with a bowl of water

Lead Testing in Schools

The Washington State Department of Health has developed a program to provide voluntary testing for lead in drinking water in elementary schools. For updated information, please visit: doh.wa.gov/LeadinSchools.

How Can I Get Involved?

The City of Renton welcomes your interest in its water system. The Renton City Council is the city’s decision-making body and meets on the first four Mondays of each month at 7 p.m.

The Utilities Committee oversees Water Utility issues. They meet the first and third Monday of the month at 3:30 p.m.

At the time of publication, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, councilmembers are attending meetings remotely through Zoom. Public testimony during public hearings and audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom and by telephone, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by emailing [email protected] in advance.

Members of the Utilities Committee for 2021 are:

Angelina Benedetti, Chair
Valerie O’Halloran, Vice-Chair
Kim-Khánh Văn, Member

Call the City Clerk’s office at 425-430-6510 for meeting or agenda information, or check the City Council calendar.

2020 Renton Water Quality Results

Graph of 2020 Renton water quaoity reports

Seattle Public Utility's Masonry Pool in the Cedar River watershed

2020 SPU Water Quality Results

Graph of 2020 Seattel Public Utility Water Quality Report

Photo of the Highlands Reservoir

How Can We Help You?

Questions about this report: Water Utility Engineering at 425-430-7287.

Water discoloration, taste, or odor: Water Quality at 425-430-7400 (7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends.


To report water pressure problems, water leaking in the streets, or water leaking at a meter: Water Maintenance at 425-430-7400 (7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends.

If you are moving and need to arrange for a change of water service, or for general billing questions: Utility Billing at 425-430-6852.

This report is written and distributed in compliance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires water utilities to provide annual “consumer confidence” reports to their customers. You will find in this report: where our drinking water comes from; what minerals or chemicals it contains; how it compares to stringent water quality standards; what Renton is doing to protect our water supply; and what we are doing to wisely use and conserve our regional water supply. Hopefully this report will help you better understand your drinking water. We assure you that providing high quality and safe drinking water is one of Renton’s highest priorities.

2020 Water Quality Report - Translatable

Where Does Your Water Come From? Renton’s Water Sources

In 2019, the City of Renton obtained its drinking water from four sources:

  • Six downtown wells located in Liberty and Cedar River Parks, which draw water from the Cedar Valley Aquifer

  • Springbrook Springs, a small spring located in south Renton

  • The Maplewood wellfield located under the Maplewood Golf Course

  • An agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), who source water from the Cedar and Tolt rivers

Our agreement with SPU began in January 2012. During 2019, SPU provided approximately 29 million gallons (MG) of water that were used by the Renton Boeing plant. Water is purchased from SPU primarily as a backup supply during summer peak use periods. More information available at SPU.

In 2019, the combined four water sources produced 2.55 billion gallons of water.

Graphic of where our water comes from

Water Treatment: Providing Safe, Clean Water

The water pumped from the downtown wells and Springbrook Springs is naturally very clean and needs minimal treatment. Chlorine is added to destroy bacteria, parasites, and viruses that could possibly enter our source water. Chlorine also protects water in the distribution system in case there is a contamination event like a water main break or backflow incident. Sodium hydroxide is added to slightly raise the pH of the water to help prevent the corrosion of household plumbing. Ortho-polyphosphates are added to reduce the internal corrosion of old cast iron water mains found in the neighborhoods of Kennydale and West Hill. Fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay. The downtown wellfield produced 62% of Renton’s water in 2019. Springbrook Springs produced 15% of Renton’s water in 2019.

Maplewood water is clean as well, but due to naturally occurring minerals, it must first be treated before it is pumped into the distribution system. The treatment process consists of removing manganese, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia from the source water. Chlorine is added to protect the water in the distribution system and fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay. The Maplewood wellfield produced 23% of Renton’s water in 2019.

Photo of a pump room

Reliable Water When You Need It Most: Our COVID-19 Response

Throughout the COVID-19 response, the City of Renton has been working diligently to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water to our customers and maintain adequate water supply for fire protection. For community resilience, one of our highest priorities is ensuring safe and reliable water comes out of the faucet for handwashing and cleaning. The City’s Water Utility staff implemented continuity of operations planning in early March and took steps to reduce exposure for staff such that our water operations team could keep the system running and protected against pathogens. Our certified water treatment operators are mission critical as they continued collecting water quality samples from the system daily.

Water Utility staff will continue using mitigation strategies, such as physical distancing and personal protective equipment.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 has not been detected in drinking water supplies and the current risk to drinking water is low.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that Americans continue to use and drink water from their tap as usual.

For more information:

Planning for the Future: Kennydale Reservoir

Photo of lid being put on the Kennydale ReservoirThe City of Renton Water Utility makes sure that customers have access to safe, clean water and plans for future water use too! Since the groundbreaking ceremony in June 2019, engineers and construction crews have been working diligently to develop a new, 1.3 million gallon water reservoir in the Kennydale neighborhood. Along with its offsite improvements, this massive project will provide the Kennydale Pressure Zone with added resiliency and important water system controls. Construction plans to wrap up in summer 2020.

Ensuring Water Safety

To ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the DOH and EPA prescribe regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. 

The Food and Drug Administration and the Washington Department of Agriculture regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water that must provide the same protection for public health.

Message From the EPA

EPA LogoOur drinking water comes from wells and springs. As our water travels through the ground to the wells, it can dissolve naturally occurring minerals as well as substances from human activity. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their healthcare providers. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

Water Conservation: Saving Water Indoors

  • Avoid evaporation by watering early in the morning and late at night. 

  • Scrape, do not rinse, dishes before using a dishwasher.

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.

  • Choose five-minute showers instead of baths.

  • Always run full laundry and dish loads.

  • Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost instead.

  • Thaw frozen food in the fridge, not by running water.

  • Replace worn washers and gaskets in faucets and showerheads.

  • Replace damaged toilet flappers.

  • Use efficient showerheads, faucets, toilets, aerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. Look for WaterSense or Energy Star labels.

  • Learn to fix leaks with videos at savingwater.org.

Better Habits Protect Salmon Too!

Summer is peak water use season—the time when rain stops and people use more water in their yards and gardens. It is especially important to conserve water in summer and fall when stream flows are lowest. Your actions can help to protect salmon and their freshwater habitat. 

  • Never dump oil or other chemicals down storm drains, and make sure no pollutants are leaking that could get washed into waterways (including pressure washing).

  • Sweep sidewalks and driveways instead of hosing. Put sweepings in the garbage to prevent pollutants and debris from entering streams.

  • Avoid fertilizers. If necessary, use an organic brand.

  • Use automatic car washes that recycle water and perform proper disposal of detergents.

Renton is a Member of the Saving Water Partnership

Renton signed an agreement to buy water from Seattle Public Utilities in January 2012. As part of this agreement, the City of Renton joined the Saving Water Partnership (SWP). The SWP, which is made up of the City of Renton and 17 water utility partners, set a regional conservation goal: Keep the total average annual retail water use of SWP members under 110 mgd through 2028, despite forecasted population growth, by reducing per capita water use. For 2019, the SWP met the goal, using 94.0 mgd.

Here’s What We Accomplished This Year...

  • In 2019, the SWP youth education program conducted 525 in-classroom presentations to over 12,500 K–8 students. Topics included the water cycle, the salmon life cycle, watershed ecosystems, and the water supply system. The program was a big hit among teachers and students.

  • The SWP continued the sprinkler timer rebate program. Nearly 170 customers replaced inefficient sprinkler timers with new WaterSense timers.

  • The SWP provided rebates for Premium toilets for
    residential and commercial customers. These fixtures use 1.1 gallons of water per flush (or less), at least 20% less water than a regular WaterSense fixture.

  • The Single Family Toilet Rebate Program upgraded 523 toilets to Premium toilet models and the Multifamily Toilet Replacement Program upgraded nearly 2,500 toilets to Premium models.

  • The SWP presented 12 Savvy Gardener classes in the spring and fall of 2019 with 455 attendees. These classes enable gardeners to create and maintain healthy landscapes that are good for families and the environment.

Reuse Leftover Water

Water left in your glass? Pour the water you would usually toss down the drain into a watering can (or teapot)—you can use this to water your plants!

You can also put a bowl in the shower while your water heats up. Once the water cools, your plants will love a fresh drink of saved water!

We Strive to Improve Our Water Use Efficiency

In 2003, the Washington State Legislature passed the Municipal Water Law to address the increasing demand on the state’s water resources. The law established that all municipal water suppliers must use water more efficiently in exchange for water right certainty and flexibility to help them meet future demand. The Water Use Efficiency Rule is part of this law and requires municipal water suppliers to report their goals and progress each year.

Water Consumption and Losses

Renton’s total water produced and purchased in 2019 was 2,546,277,445 gallons. Distribution system leakage (DSL) is reported in the 2019 Water Use Efficiency report to the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) as a three-year rolling average, calculated to be 10.5%. Renton’s DSL for the 2019 calendar year was 11.0%, or 280,399,584 gallons. While this is a 1% increase from 2018, our three-year rolling average decreased by 0.2%. DSL reflects the amount of water and potential revenue that has been lost due to water theft, water main breaks, meter inaccuracies, and other causes.

Water Loss Control Action Plan

Since the three-year (2017–2019) annual average of the city’s distribution system leakage exceeds 10%, we are required by the state to develop and implement a Water Loss Control Action Plan. The city is taking the following actions, among others, to identify and reduce water loss in the distribution system:

  • Continue the annual replacement of aging and leaky water mains.

  • Conduct leak testing on old underground water reservoirs and repair leaky joints on concrete floors and walls.

  • Continue using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology to detect leaks.

We Also Offer Rebates!

Is it time to upgrade your toilet to a new, water-efficient model in your home, business, or multifamily building? Not only will you save money and water, you may also qualify for a $100 rebate towards Premium 1.1 gpf or less toilets. Rebates are also available for residential sprinkler timers, multifamily irrigation projects, and commercial buildings too!

For more info, visit: savingwater.org/rebates

Creating a Healthy, Water-Saving Garden This Summer

Watering Your Garden

  • Avoid evaporation by watering early in the morning and late at night.

  • Water deeply, but infrequently. This encourages deep roots.

  • Water lawns with one inch of water per week. Or, let areas of your lawn go brown and dormant, but water enough to moisten root zone once a month.

Irrigating Correctly

  • Inspect your irrigation system for leaks. An unusually green spot in the lawn may be a clue that there is a leak in the system.

  • For automatic irrigation systems, install a rain shutoff device.

Selecting the Right Plant

  • Pick plants that resist pests and require less water.

  • Group plants by their needs. Place plants that need regular watering together so that you don’t have to water the whole yard every day.

  • Make space for wildlife by planting native species and avoiding invasive and exotic plants. You can also provide a small water source such as a birdbath and leave wild “buffers” of native plants along fence lines, ravines, streams, and shorelines.

Using Mulch

  • Mulch your shrub and tree beds with wood chips, leaves, or bark once per year to conserve water, reduce weeds, and feed the soil. Mulch should be several inches deep and one inch away from the plant stems.

Water Quality Topics

Lead and Your Health

If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing.

The City of Renton Water Utility is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to two minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791 or epa.gov/safewater/lead.

You can use the flushed water for watering plants, washing dishes, or general cleaning. Only use water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder. The most common problem is brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures that can leach lead into the water, especially hot water. Until six years ago, the legal limit for “lead-free” pipes was up to 8% lead. As of January 1, 2014, all newly installed water faucets, fixtures, pipes, and fittings must meet new lead-free requirements, which reduce the amount of lead allowed to 0.25%. But these requirements do not apply to existing fixtures, such as those found in many older homes.

Lead Prevention

Renton works to prevent the corrosion of not only lead, but other metals such as copper and iron. First, the pH of the water is adjusted to prevent the corrosion of household plumbing—the major possible source of lead in our water. Second, in areas of the city with cast iron water mains (Kennydale and West Hill), ortho-polyphosphates are added to prevent corrosion. To make sure this treatment is working, water is periodically tested at residential taps. This testing is in compliance with the DOH’s Lead and Copper Rule. More information is available at doh.wa.gov/leadandcopperrule.


In 1985, the citizens of Renton voted to have fluoride added to the city’s drinking water. Fluoride levels were adjusted in 2016 to meet the DOH’s new recommended level of 0.7 ppm. More information on fluoride can be found at the CDC.

Water Hardness

Renton’s water falls within the slightly hard range with about 2.9 grains per gallon of hardness. Hard water may cause scale buildup in cooking pans, sinks, and water heaters, and may require using more soap to form a lather. A water’s hardness is dependent upon the levels of two naturally occurring soluble minerals—calcium and magnesium. Renton’s slightly hard water would be classified as containing 17.1–60 mg/L of magnesium and calcium. This means that dishwashing and clothes washing require relatively less soap than in other areas where the water is hard.

Image of Water Hardness grid

PFAS Chemicals

PFAS is an acronym for “per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances.” PFAS are synthetic chemicals used in many consumer products, including food wrappers, fabrics, and carpets, to make them resistant to water, oil, grease, stains, and heat. Certain types of firefighting foam may contain PFAS. Even though PFAS compounds aren’t manufactured in Washington State, there are known cases of PFAS contamination in drinking water linked to the use of firefighting foam.

The EPA has established a health advisory level (HAL) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctyl sulfonate (PFOS) at 70 parts per trillion (ppt). This is not a regulatory standard, but in Washington state the DOH is currently considering setting a state standard for PFAS. The Renton Water Utility tested for perfluorinated compounds in 2014 and 2015 under an EPA rule for unregulated contaminants. Perfluorinated compounds were not detected in any of the drinking water samples.

For more information, please visit epa.gov/pfas and ecology.wa.gov/pfas.

How Can I Get Involved?

The City of Renton welcomes your interest in its water system. The Renton City Council is the city’s decision-making body and meets on the first four Mondays of each month at 7 p.m.

The Utilities Committee oversees Water Utility issues. They meet the third Monday of the month at 5 p.m.

At the time of publication, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, councilmembers will be attending meetings remotely through Zoom. Public testimony during public hearings and audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom and by telephone, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by emailing [email protected] in advance.

Members of the Utilities Committee for 2020 are:

Valerie O’Halloran, Chair
Angelina Benedetti, Vice-Chair
Ryan McIrvin, Member

Call the City Clerk’s office at 425-430-6510 for meeting or agenda information, or check the City Council calendar at rentonwa.gov/council.

Image of 2019 Renton Water Quality Results

Image of 2019 SPU Water Quality Results

How Can We Help You?

Questions about this report:

Water Utility Engineering at 425-430-7287
Water discoloration, taste, or odor:
Water Quality at 425-430-7400
(7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends


To report water pressure problems, water leaking
in the streets, or water leaking at a meter:

Water Maintenance at 425-430-7400 (7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) or 425-430-7500 after hours or weekends

If you are moving and need to arrange for a change of water service, or for general billing questions: Utility Billing at 425-430-6852

This report is written and distributed in compliance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires water utilities to provide annual “consumer confidence” reports to their customers. You will find in this report: where our drinking water comes from; what minerals or chemicals it contains; how it compares to stringent water quality standards; what Renton is doing to protect our water supply; and what we are doing to wisely use and conserve our regional water supply. Hopefully this report will help you better understand your drinking water. We assure you that providing high quality and safe drinking water is one of Renton’s highest priorities.

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