Storm Drain Markings

Contact Information
Kristina Lowthian
Surface Water Engineer
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

Picture of Installed Storm Drain MarkerA consortium of regional stormwater management districts is collaborating with the Puget Sound Partnership to launch "Puget Sound Starts Here". The campaign is designed to educate people about what they can do to reduce their personal contribution to Puget Sound pollution.

The city is participating in this campaign by marking storm drains with the message "Puget Sound Starts Here – Only Rain Down the Drain". Funding for the storm drain markers was provided by a Washington Department of Ecology grant.

Storm Drain Marking

Storm drain markers are a visual reminder that the drains connect directly to streams and that dumping paint, motor oil, trash and other items can have a negative affect on water quality in our city and the communities downstream from us.

Help Get the Message Out

Volunteer groups are needed to help get the message out by installing markers on curbs next to storm drains. The markers will read, ‘Only Rain Down the Drain’. They will also include the, "Puget Sound Starts Here" logo.

The Surface Water Utility is taking action to get the message out to keep the natural waters in the Puget Sound region clean. Audience research at various jurisdictions indicates people do not know that slotted storm drains in streets lead to a creek, a river, or Puget Sound. Or that they know where the water ultimately goes, but believe the water first goes to a treatment plant.

To volunteer, contact Kristina Lowthian.

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