Protection Orders

Contact Information
Domestic Violence Victim Advocate
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

An "Order of Protection" (as it is called in Washington state) is a special legal order available to victims of domestic violence. It orders the person who has been committing acts of violence to be restrained from further acts of assault or threats.

When you are the victim of domestic violence and need to ask the Court for a Civil Order of Protection to restrain someone, you are filing a civil (non-criminal) case.

In the legal documents that are used in the case the people involved are called:

  • Petitioner: the person who is asking for the Order for Protection. The petitioner is usually the victim of domestic violence, but can be the victim's parent or legal guardian.
  • Respondent: the abuser, the person you are filing the order against.


Who can get a protection order?

  • Anyone who has been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused by a spouse, former spouse, family member, partner, other parent of your child, current or former roommate, or current or former person in a dating relationship.
  • Anyone who has been stalked repeatedly and/or harassed to the point of being terrorized, intimidated, or threatened.

What protection does the order provide?

  • Orders the Respondent from committing acts of domestic violence.
  • Excludes Respondent from Petitioner's residence or residence shared by the Petitioner and Respondent.
  • Prohibits Respondent from harassment, stalking, and/or contacting the petitioner on the street, by mail, by telephone, at school, or at work.
  • Awards temporary custody of minor children to one parent and establishes temporary visitation.
  • Orders Respondent to participate in treatment or counseling.
  • Prohibits Respondent from removing the children from the jurisdiction of the court.
  • Orders the Respondent to pay for the administrative court costs and service fees and to reimburse Petitioner for costs incurred in bringing the action.
  • Orders the Respondent to surrender weapons and Concealed Weapons Permit if a weapon was used in the incident.

Is there help available for the process?

  • The Protection Order Advocacy Program
    • Renton: 425-430-6654
    • Kent: 206-205-7406
    • Seattle: 206-296-9547
  • Assistance in preparation of the temporary order.
  • Preparation/advocacy/attendance at Protection Order hearings.
  • Information/prep/safety planning regarding Protection Orders.
  • Court accompaniment for clients (subject to advocacy staff availability).

How to I get a Protection Order?

  • You can file for an Order for Protection in any Municipal, District, or Superior Court in any county in Washington.
  • If either children or property are involved in the case then the full order hearing will take place in Superior Court.
  • You can download the forms, fill them out, and print them before you come to the courthouse.

How do I find court locations?

  • Contact the Protection Order Advocacy Program:
    • Renton Municipal: 425-430-6654 
    • Regional Justice Center in Kent: 206-205-7406
    • King County Courthouse in Seattle: 206-296-9547

What should I bring?

  • Bring any information that supports the facts such as police reports, medical records, and photographs.
  • Have as much information about your abuser as you can such as date of birth, hair color, eye color, height, weight, address, Social Security number, driver's license number, work address, etc.
  • Any court documents you have such as custody orders, lease agreement, divorce papers, etc.
  • There is no fee for filing an Order for Protection. You will be provided with the necessary number of certified copies at no cost to you. Keep one copy with you at all times.

What should I expect when I get there?

  • It will take two or three hours to fill out the forms and obtain a judge's signature. Try to be at the Courthouse no later than 3:00 p.m.
  • The first step is to fill out forms that ask the court for a Temporary Order for Protection and an Order for Protection. You will be asked to describe the most recent incident of abuse and a history of the domestic violence. An Advocate can assist with this paperwork.
  • A Judge or Commissioner will review your paperwork, possibly ask some questions, and decide whether to grant or deny the Temporary Order for Protection
  • A full order hearing will be held 14 days later. The Respondent needs to be served 5 days prior to the hearing. Both the Petitioner and the Respondent attend the full order hearing.
  • At the full order hearing the court will decide whether to grant or deny an Order of Protection, which is effective for one year or more.
  • After the hearing, if the order is approved, you can request as many certified copies as you need at no extra charge.

Can I change the order once it has been approved?

This Order may be modified or terminated prior to the expiration of the order.

Contact the issuing Municipal, District, or Superior Court for further information about the process for modification or termination of an Order of Protection.

What happens if the order for protection is violated?

Call 9-1-1 immediately. Show the law enforcement officer a certified copy of your order. If the Respondent has been served with the Order he may be immediately arrested or issued a citation. An arrest is mandatory if the Respondent violates the provisions or goes onto the grounds of a residence, workplace, school, or daycare where prohibited; other violations may include criminal or contempt charges.

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