Photo Enforcement

Contact Information
Renton Municipal Court
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

Where can I go to view the pictures and video of the incident?

Log on to ViolationInfo and enter the notice number and the PIN number located at the top right of your Notice of Infraction.

How much is the fine?

For a red light violation the fine is $124.

School zone violations result in tiered fines:

  • If the violation is 6-15 miles over the 20-mile per hour school zone speed limit, the fine is $124.
  • If the violation is greater than 15 miles over the 20-mile per hour school zone speed limit, the fine is $250.

Pay Infraction

How much time do I have to pay my notice of infraction penalty?

The civil penalty must be paid on or before the due date on your notice of infraction.

The due date for payment is located on the top and bottom right of your notice of infraction. A $15 late fee will be added to the fine amount if the payment is not received or a hearing is not requested prior to the due date.

Pay Infraction


What are my options?

There are two options:

1. Pay the fine.

  • Mail a check or money order in U.S. funds payable to City of Renton for the AMOUNT DUE shown on the front of the notice, by the DUE DATE, along with the Payment Coupon with your payment to: City of Renton Photo Enforcement Program, PO Box 35131, Seattle, WA 98124-5131. Write your Notice # on your check or money order. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL CASH.

  • Pay online Use the Notice # and PIN # printed on the front of the Notice of Infraction to log in.

  • Pay in-person, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the court payment office at 1055 S. Grady Way, third floor, Renton, WA 98057.

  • Pay by phone; Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., toll free at 1-866-790-4111.

  • Payment Plan: request payment plan and/or submit evidence of current inability to pay in full.

  • Request a Hearing on the Notice of Infraction and return to the Court. 

2. Submit a hearing request or Mitigation by Mail using the links below:

  • Mitigation hearing (appearance virtually via Zoom) : You may request a mitigation hearing if you agree the infraction was committed but want to explain the circumstances. The judge may reduce the penalty depending on mitigating circumstances. You will be notified in writing of your virtual mitigation hearing date and provided with Zoom login information. Please plan to appear for your court hearing on video using the Zoom platform. 
  • Mitigation by mail: You will not be required to appear in court. Instead, use the space provided on the back of the Hearing Coupon to write your statement agreeing that the infraction was committed. The court will review your statement, the photos/video of the incident and the police officer’s sworn statement, then render a decision. The infraction will be found to have been committed and a monetary penalty will be determined. The judge may reduce the penalty depending on mitigating circumstances. You will be notified by mail of the judge’s decision, and you agree to pay the penalty within 60 days of the decision.
  • Contested hearing (appearance virtually via Zoom) : If you believe that you did not commit the infraction and want to challenge it, the City has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the infraction was committed. You may request a contested hearing. By requesting a contested hearing, you agree to appear virtually at your scheduled hearing. You may subpoena witnesses, including the officer who issued the Notice of Infraction. Subpoena requests must be made to the court in person at least 14 days prior to the hearing. You will be notified in writing of your contested virtual hearing date and provided with Zoom login information. Please plan to appear for your court hearing on video using the Zoom platform.

What do I do if I was no longer the owner of this vehicle, not driving it, or my vehicle was stolen?

You may file a Declaration Affidavit of Non-Responsibility. This must be filed by the due date on the Notice of Infraction. The registered owner of the vehicle is presumed to have been the person in control of the vehicle when the violation occurred. This presumption may be overcome if the registered owner states in a certified written statement to the court that the vehicle involved was at the time stolen or in the care, custody or control of some person other than the registered owner. You may pick up an Declaration of Non-Responsibility at the court or complete the online Declaration of Non-Responsibility.

What happens if I ignore the Notice of Infraction?

Failure to pay the civil penalty or to request a hearing prior to the due date on the Notice of Infraction is an admission of liability. Failure to appear after requesting a hearing is an admission of liability and constitutes a waiver of the right to appeal. Failure to pay the civil penalty by the due date on the Notice of Infraction shall result in the imposition of a late-payment fee of $15 and referral to collections.


Can I make payments in installments or set up a payment plan?

Yes payment plans are available. Please contact the court for further information.

What happens if I do not pay the Notice of Infraction?

The City of Renton will begin collections of the civil penalty through a collections agency.


What are the hours of operation of the school zone cameras?

School zone camera hours of operation are published annually and can be viewed on the link "School Zone Hours" at the top of the page.

These beacon flashing schedules are for normal and summer school days and do not operate during scheduled school holidays/summer breaks.

Will my insurance rates be affected?

No. This is a civil infraction and is not reported to any insurance agencies.

Will the red light or school zone speed cameras take a picture of the driver of the vehicle?

No. A violation of the Renton ordinance is a civil violation assessed against the owner of the vehicle, similar to a parking ticket.

Will this Notice of Infraction affect my driving record?

No. The Department of Licensing is not notified of photo enforcement infractions, similar to parking tickets.

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