
The City of Renton works with non-profit agencies to deliver services like rental assistance and legal assistance for landlord tenant issues. The City does not offer these services directly. Staff at the City can provide information on state and local laws as well as connect you to local and regional organizations.  

The City may be able to respond to certain building and property issues. To report a rental housing issue, visit Renton Responds.


For immediate assistance, please call 2-1-1 (toll free at 1-800-621-4626) or visit

For Rental Assistance

*Funds are not guaranteed to be available

For Legal Assistance

For Affordable Housing

  • Search Apartment Finder
  • Renton Housing Authority
    • Phone: 425-226-1850
  • King County Housing Authority
  • If qualified, enroll in Coordinated Entry through a Regional Access Point
    • CEA serves all people (single adults, young adults*, couples, families, and veterans) who are experiencing homelessness in King County. Additionally, young adults* who are at risk of homelessness within 14 days can also receive CEA services. Homeless means: Living and sleeping outside or in places not meant for human habitation; Fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence; Staying in an emergency shelter; Exiting an institution where you stayed for up to 90 days and were homeless before entering that institution.
    • Renton Regional Access Point is YWCA Renton
      • Phone: 425-523-1377

Information for Renters

State, federal, and local laws help guide landlords and protect renters in Renton. Most important is the state Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RCW 59.18). Special laws cover people who live in subsidized housing programs, mobile home parks, or are part of special classes such as domestic violence survivors.

WA Law Help provides information on your rights as a tenant in Washington State. Solid Ground's Tenant Services offers educational webinars to help renters understand their rights under state landlord/tenant law.

Below is general information on important topics and resources for renters. This is general information only. For legal advice, please consult an attorney.

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A landlord who wants you to move out must follow certain rules, outlined in state law (RCW 59.18). Evictions are a formal court process that must be proceeded by a properly served termination notice that the tenant has failed to comply, pay, or vacate within the specified timeframe. Landlords cannot terminate tenancies for reasons that are discriminatory or retaliatory.

To learn more, visit WA Law Help’s Eviction Help page.


Landlords have certain duties under state law (RCW 59.18.060). Tenants also have options to request repairs and pursue remedies for unmade repairs (RCW 59.18).

DO NOT WITHHOLD RENT FOR UNMADE REPAIRS. Document the problem and make requests for repairs or maintenance to your landlord in writing. State law outlines time limits in which your landlord should start repairs:

  • Not more than 24 hours where the defective condition deprives the tenant of hot or cold water, heat or electricity, or is imminently hazardous to life.
  • Not more than 72 hours where the defective condition deprives the tenant of the use of a refrigerator, range and oven, or a major plumbing fixture supplied by the landlord.
  • Not more than 10 days in all other cases. Includes landlord duties defined under the law RCW 59.18.060, among others.

If the landlord has not begun repairs within these timeframes, tenants have options for remedies under the law. Each option requires a specific legal process, and each has its limitations. See WA Law Help’s Tenants: What to Do If Your Rental Needs Repairs for more information.


Mold is only addressed in state law as a requirement for landlords to provide written information to tenants about mold and its health impacts (RCW 59.18.060).

Mold issues are generally considered to be repair concerns. While landlords do not have specific legal mandates to take care of mold problems, they are legally required to fix the problems that cause mold growth like moisture control and lack of adequate ventilation.

Tenants can document these problems like any other repair issue and begin the process by documenting their repair requests in writing. More information about mold is available from Solid Ground

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