Traffic Control Plan
The City of Renton requires any contractor, firm, corporation, or other public/private agency to prepare a traffic control plan (TCP) and obtain city's approval of that plan when construction, repair, or maintenance work is to be conducted within the city's right-of-way.
The plan shall be consistent with the provisions found in the State of Washington Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for streets and highways and must be submitted to:
Transportation System Division
Note: TCP must be submitted for review/approval at least five (5) working days before the date of work. Submittals received after 4 p.m. (PST) will be considered the following working day.
All traffic control plans MUST be approved prior to commencing the work.
Traffic Control Plan Application (6 Page Form)(PDF, 213KB)
Typical Signs & Barricades - used in Roadway construction areas
Standard Plan (Std Plan) -10.20-01(PDF, 396KB) - Road Closure with Diversion
Std Plan K-10.40-00(PDF, 304KB) - Road Closure with Off-Site Detour
WSDOT TC-1(PDF, 204KB) - One-Lane, Two-Way Traffic Control with Flaggers
WSDOT TC-3(PDF, 153KB) - Single-Lane Closure for Multi-Lane Roadways
WSDOT TC-4(PDF, 162KB) - Double-Lane Closure for Multi-Lane Roadways
WSDOT TC-5(PDF, 106KB) - Shoulder Closure - Low Speed (40 mph or less)
WSDOT TC-6(PDF, 111KB) - Shoulder Closure - High Speed (45 mph or higher)
Std Plan K-24.80-01(PDF, 463KB) - Single Lane Closure with Temporary Concrete barrier
WSDOT TC-10(PDF, 150KB) - Right Lane Closure with Shift - 5 Lane Roadway
WSDOT TC-11(PDF, 128KB) - Left Lane and Center Turn Lane Closure - 5 Lane Roadway
WSDOT TC-12(PDF, 153KB) - Lane Shift - 3 Lane Roadway
WSDOT TC-14(PDF, 170KB) - Intersection Lane Closure - 3 Lane Roadway
WSDOT TC-15(PDF, 164KB) - Intersection Lane Closure - 5 Lane Roadway
Std Plan K-32.20-00(PDF, 407KB) - Intersection - Right Lane Closure Far Side
Std Plan K-32.40-00(PDF, 404KB) - Intersection - Left Lane Closure Far Side
Std Plan K-32.60-00(PDF, 341KB) - Intersection - Multiple Lane Closure
Std Plan K-32.80-00(PDF, 422KB) - Intersection - Half Road Closure with Lane Shift
WSDOT TC-16(PDF, 103KB) - Intersection Pedestrian Traffic Control
St Plan K-40.60-00(PDF, 288KB) - Shoulder Closure - Short Duration
Std Plan K-40.80-00(PDF, 209KB) - Work Beyond the Shoulder
Std Plan K-55.20-00(PDF, 306KB) - Emergency - Passable Hazard
Std Plan K-60.20-02(PDF, 329KB) - Speed Zone Supplemental Signing - Chip Seal Project
Std Plan K-60.40-00(PDF, 322KB) - Motorcycle Supplemental Signing
Std Plan K-70.20-00(PDF, 266KB) - Temporary Channelization
Std Plan K-80.10-00(PDF, 299KB) - Class A Construction Signing Installation
Std Plan K-80.20-00(PDF, 614KB) - Type 3 Barricade (2 pages)
Std Plan K-80.30-00(PDF, 320KB) - Alternative Temporary Concrete Barrier (F-Shape)
Std Plan K-80.35-00(PDF, 426KB) - Temporary Concrete Barrier Anchoring
Std Plan K-80.37-00(PDF, 333KB) - Temporary Concrete Barrier Anchoring - Narrow