Community Organizations Active In Disaster


The mission and purpose of the Greater Renton COAD, which includes neighborhoods, schools, businesses, government, faith communities, and non-profit organizations, is to identify, network, organized, and deploy resources to address the unmet human needs in disaster recovery.

Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)

The Greater Renton COAD is comprised of 40+ businesses, non-profits, and faith based organizations in the Renton area. Our purpose is to provide resources to meet the unmet human needs of our community during a disaster. The COAD supports the community in food, clothing, mass care, donated goods, volunteer management, and emotional and spiritual support.

COAD’s Role in the Phases of Disaster


Encourages local organizations and businesses to be prepared through presentations and providing access to planning workshops and toolkits.


Keeps a presence in the City of Renton Emergency Operations Center and matches organizations with individual unmet needs.


After other response organizations leave, the COAD remains ready to help the community recover since it is made up of local non-profits, businesses, and other organizations.

COAD Structure

The Greater Renton COAD is made up of member organizations that include non-profits, businesses, government, and faith-based organizations. Functional lead organizations take ownership of a specific area of need within the COAD and are responsible for contacting the supporting member organizations who indicated that they could meet that area of need on the COAD resource sheet.

Functional Lead Organizations

Mass Care – City of Renton Community Services

Food – The Salvation Army

Community Point of Distribution – The Emergency Feeding Program

Volunteer Management – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Donations Management – FLO still needed!

Join the COAD

If your organization or business is interested in helping the Renton community in a disaster, email [email protected].

Contact Information
Emergency Management
1055 S Grady Way
4th Floor

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