All of Renton's water is pumped from wells. The wells pull water from an aquifer - an aquifer is an underground layer of material (broken rock, sand, alluvium, etc.) that has lots of space, or pores, that are filled with water that can be pumped out.
When you are walking around in Liberty Park by the library, our drinking water is under your feet! If you dug a hole in the park, that went down about 25 feet, you would see our drinking water - or you could just turn on the tap!
Three of the wells that pump water from this aquifer are located in the gray building, with a red roof, located right next to the skateboard park in Liberty Park. When you walk by you can usually hear the large pump motors humming away inside, pumping as much as 6,000 gallons of water a minute! The water that is pumped up is generally very clean - clean enough to drink right out of the ground. Chlorine is added just to be sure it is absolutely clean, and to make sure it stays clean as it goes through many miles of pipe to get to your faucet.
The city also has two wells across Houser Way in Cedar River Park; two wells at Maplewood Golf course (these are deep wells and just for backup); and a spring at the south end of the city. All of these wells pump up nearly three billion gallons of water a year.