The Wells-Williams Conversion Project provides pedestrian and bicyclists facilities and enhancements, traffic operation and circulation improvements in downtown. The improvements include adding raised intersections with bulb outs, lighting, street furniture, streetscape, bike racks, signage, wayfinding and converting Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South to two‐way traffic operations.
Project Overview (June 10, 2021)
If you want an in-depth project overview on the Wells-Williams Conversion Project or want a preview of the Downtown Utility Street Improvement Project, the video below explains the purpose of the projects and their construction impacts.
You can also explore the presentation slides or listen to the Q&A portion of the briefing, which answers questions related to water utility transfers, intersection closures and other construction impacts.
Intersection Work Webinar (Feb. 3, 2021)
On Feb. 3, 2021, the Wells-Williams Conversion Project held a webinar on the planned intersection work, minor detours for vehicles, and what to expect with the phase of work. A recording of the webinar is available below. You can also explore the presentation slides.