In 2024, the City of Renton Water Utility completed an initial inventory of the water service lines (small, buried pipes that bring water from the water main in the street to building plumbing) in our community. The lead water service line inventory is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In Renton, we have split ownership: there is a utility-owned portion from the water main to the water meter, and a customer-owned portion from behind the water meter to the house/building.
To complete the initial inventory, the Water Utility reviewed historical records, city ordinances, city engineering water standards, building inspection permits, and water maintenance staff performed field inspections. An approved statistical approach was used for randomized field inspections that demonstrates 95% statistical confidence. Water Maintenance performed the potholing of 381 service lines by hydro-excavation method to observe water piping materials. Using all of these inventory methods, the city did not encounter lead service lines for the utility-owned portion or customer-owned portion.
The Water Utility will continue to update the inventory periodically as new water piping material data is collected during routine maintenance and utility improvement projects.
Water service line material information is available to the public via COR Maps. Material information can be viewed under “Operational Layers > Utility Systems > Drinking Water System > Water Lateral Lines.”
Our source water does not contain lead and our drinking water currently meets all federal and state water quality regulatory standards. Lead is most likely to come from corrosion of private household plumbing. Examples of lead sources include materials inside the home or building, such as copper pipes with solder installed prior to the state’s 1986 lead ban, some faucets purchased prior to January 4, 2014, and lead paint in homes that pre-date 1978. The city’s drinking water is conditioned by adding sodium hydroxide to slightly raise its pH which helps prevent corrosion of household plumbing.