Windsor Hills Utility Project

As part of the 2019 Update of the Water System Plan, the Water Utility has identified the need to replace the water mains in the Windsor Hills neighborhood to increase fire flow capacity and improve water quality. The existing water mains were installed in 1942 and consist of 4-inch and 6-inch unlined cast iron pipes that have reached the end of their expected useful life.

Additionally, the stormwater system in the Windsor Hills neighborhood consists of 6-inch and 8-inch concrete and PVC pipes that do not meet current Surface Water Utility minimum design standards. Some pipes have bends which can inhibit flow rather than structures where the alignment changes, and there are large gaps between runoff collection points.

Contract Award Information


Council awarded the professional services contract to BHC Consultants in the amount of $702,491 for design and services during bidding for the Windsor Hills Utility Improvements project at its regularly scheduled meeting on February 7, 2022.


Council awarded the construction contract to Northwest Cascade Inc., in the amount of  $6,790,790 for construction services for the Windsor Hills Utility Improvements project at its regularly scheduled meeting on May 20, 2024.


What should the neighborhood expect during construction?

New mains are typically installed using an open-cut construction method by excavating a trench in a section of roadway. Work will be done on weekdays, during the day. Each day, open trenches will be backfilled and covered with temporary asphalt to provide a drivable surface.

There may be temporary lane closures and/or parking restrictions. Where lane closures are required, the contractor will have signs and flaggers to guide traffic safely through the work zone. The contractor will ensure that residents have access into and out of their driveways.

What part of the water pipe will be replaced?

New water mains will be installed within the paved portion of the roadways and approximately 136 water service lines will be replaced from the new water mains to the water meters. No portion of the water service line on private property will be replaced.

What part of the storm system will be improved?

New storm drain pipe, catch basins, and manholes will be installed within the paved portions of the roadways. Three private property drainage ditches will also be improved.

Why is the sewer main not being replaced as part of this project?

When needed, the City of Renton Wastewater Utility anticipates sliplining the sewer main for trenchless rehabilitation. With sliplining, a new smaller pipe is pulled into the old pipe to repair leaks and restore structural stability to an existing pipeline. The new water and storm mains are to be upsized throughout the neighborhood so sliplining was not recommended.

Will my water meter box be moved?

It is anticipated that the water meters will be moved to the right-of-way and behind sidewalks if there are no adjacent obstructions or hillside. When possible, the water meter box will be placed outside of the sidewalk to reduce tripping hazards. New meter box covers in pedestrian paths of travel will be non-slip in compliance with ADA and City requirements.

What will happen to the water pressure at my house?

The homes in this neighborhood are in a high-pressure zone. High water pressure can cause problems such as noisy pipes, water hammer, damaged water heaters, leaking pipes and faucets, and added stress on your appliances and fixtures.

To help reduce the risk of property damage due to high water pressure, the contractor will be installing new individual pressure reducing valves (PRVs) for each property as part of this project. A PRV provides protection to household plumbing by limiting pressures to a maximum of 80 psi so that pressures are within the Plumbing Code. The City of Renton will pay for the PRV and install it for free. The homeowner will become responsible for maintaining the PRV after one (1) year. The PRV is typically very low maintenance.

The PRV will be installed in a meter box located downstream of the water meter.

Project Description

  • Installation of approximately 7,000 linear feet (LF) of 8-inch ductile iron water main within the existing city roadways along with new 1-inch water service lines to 136 existing water customers. New fire hydrants will be installed within 300 feet of existing residential dwellings to meet current fire flow requirements.
  • Installation of approximately 4,000 LF of 12-inch storm drain with catch basins and manholes. Three private property drainage ditches will also be improved.
  • Restoration of impacted asphalt roadways, curbs, sidewalks, and private property impacted by the Project.

Project Update

Construction started in October 2024. The water portion of the project is expected to be completed by the end of March 2025 with the stormwater portion starting in April 2025. The project is expected to be completed in 14-18 months.

See FAQs for more information on what to expect during construction.

Project Letter #1 - Mailed February 16, 2022

Project Letter #1(DOCX, 189KB) mailed to adjacent properties on February 16, 2022

Notice of survey work for Windsor Hills utility improvements project

Dear Resident:

The City of Renton is initiating the design and future construction of utility improvements in the Windsor Hills neighborhood. We have hired BHC Consultants as the engineering firm to perform the design work of the water system and storm system improvements to be made in the neighborhood. Enclosed is a map of the Windsor Hills neighborhood showing where the survey work and future construction is planned.

Beginning in March 2022, a survey crew will perform topographic surveying within the right-of-way to gather information for the project design work. The survey work will take several weeks and will occur Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The locations of underground utilities will also be painted within the right-of-way by a utility locating company. Later in April, a vacuum “Vactor” truck will be used to dig small holes in the roadways to verify the location and depth of various underground utilities. The equipment will make some noise and cause minor traffic impacts. Each hole will be patched within the same day.

The water system improvements consist of the replacement of approximately 7,000 feet of old water mains with new 8-inch ductile-iron main, replacement of water service lines to 136 customers, and the installation of new fire hydrants to improve fire protection to properties. The stormwater improvements include the installation of approximately 3,000 feet of new 12-inch storm drain, new catch basins, and new manholes. Construction of the project is anticipated to start in Summer 2023 and be completed in 10 months.

The city will be holding an informational meeting in April to provide additional project information and answer questions from the neighborhood. A separate notice will be sent out and posted on the project website at prior to the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me by phone at (425) 430-7335 or by email at


Katie Nolan, P.E., Project Manager

Project Letter #2 - Mailed July 20, 2023

Project Letter #2(PDF, 311KB) - mailed to adjacent property owners on July 20, 2023.

RE: Informational Meeting for Windsor Hills Utility Improvements Project

Dear Resident:

This letter is to notify you that the City of Renton is nearing completion on the design of the Windsor Hills Utility Improvements project. We will be holding an informational meeting on:

Thursday August 3, 2023, at 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Windsor Hills Community Park at 432 Windsor Way NE

This meeting will give us an opportunity to present our proposed design and to answer questions or concerns that you may have with the project.

Once design plans have been finalized, the city will advertise the project for public construction bids.

The utility improvements consist of the installation of approximately 7,000 feet of new water mains and 4,000 feet of new stormwater mains, new catch basins, new manholes, new fire hydrants, replacement of 136 water service lines, and roadway restoration. Construction of the project is anticipated to start in late 2023 or early 2024 and be completed in 14-18 months.

Included with this letter is a notice regarding the installation of a Residential Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) behind each water meter to mitigate the high operating pressure in the water distribution system.

For updates as this project progresses, please visit the city’s project webpage at


Katie Nolan, P.E.
Water Utility Engineering Project Manager

Enclosures: Notice for Installation of Residential Pressure Reducing Valve

Windsor Hills Utility Improvements – Construction Limits

Windsor Hills map

Project Letter #2 Pressure Reducing Valves Installation - Mailed July 20, 2023

Project Letter #2(PDF, 311KB) Pressure Reducing Valves - mailed to adjacent property owners on July 20, 2023.

Windsor Hills Residential Pressure Reducing Valve Installation

The homes in the Windsor Hills neighborhood are currently served by old cast-iron water mains with an operating pressure ranging from 85 psi to 135 psi. The Windsor Hills Utility Improvements project will replace the old water mains with new 8-inch ductile iron pipes in the roadway with new fire hydrants, and new copper water service lines to the water meters. The new water mains will not change the water pressure in the area.

As part of the project, the City will install a pressure reducing valve/regulator (PRV) behind the water meter to protect the privately-owned water service line and the internal house plumbing and water fixtures. The Uniform Plumbing Code recommends the installation of a pressure reducing valve/regulator (PRV) to protect the water plumbing and fixtures in the house when the water system pressure is over 80 psi. High water pressure can damage water heaters, and cause water hammer and leaks to pipes and fixtures.

The City will pay for the installation of the PRV and will maintain it for one year. The homeowner will be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of the PRV after one year following its installation. The City will provide the manufacturer’s instructions with information on the maintenance of the PRV. The PRV typically needs very low maintenance and usually last between 10 to 15 years.

Prior to the installation of the PRV, the City’s water maintenance crew will be checking the water pressure by attaching a pressure gauge to the exterior hose bib of your house to determine if it is already equipped with a PRV. Water pressure checks will be performed between 9:00am to 3:00pm on weekdays.

PRV diagram

Project Letter #3 and PRV Brochure - Mailed March 27, 2024

Project Letter #3(PDF, 166KB) and PRV Brochure(PDF, 145KB) - mailed to adjacent property owners on March 27, 2024.

Windsor Hills Utility Improvements Project

This letter is to notify you that the City of Renton has completed the design of the Windsor Hills Utility Improvements project. The city will advertise the project for public construction bids and hire a contractor over the next few months. The anticipated start of construction is June 2024, and will be completed in 14-18 months.

The utility improvements include the installation of approximately 7,000 feet of new water mains, 4,000 feet of new stormwater mains, new catch basins, new manholes, new fire hydrants, replacement of 136 water service lines, and roadway restoration. The new water mains, along with new fire hydrants, will improve fire protection to your residences.

As part of the water main improvements, the city will replace the service line in the roadway from the main line to your water meter and will also install a new check valve behind the water meter. This check valve serves two purposes:

  1. It will prevent water in your private house plumbing and your hot water tank from draining back into the city’s water system in case of a loss of water pressure in the city’s main line.
  2. It prevents water from draining back into the city’s water main from your house due to any buildup of pressure in your home’s internal plumbing caused by increases in temperature in your hot water tank.

As a result, you need to inspect your hot water tank and verify that it is equipped with a pressure and temperature relief valve. Most modern water heaters are sold with a relief valve and are installed with an expansion tank, except “tankless” or “on-demand” type systems, which do not require them. If the pressure and temperature relief valve is not present, you must install one on the tank. Please see the attached brochure for more information regarding the installation and function of a pressure relief valve, and of a thermal expansion tank. You can install the temperature and pressure relief valve yourself by following the manufacturer’s instructions or you can have the device installed by a plumber. You may also notice a slight increase in water pressure when flowing water from your interior taps and plumbing fixtures.

Project updates can be viewed at the website