Aircraft Storage


The city manages 39 T-Hangar units in three buildings located adjacent to Taxiways Alpha and Bravo.

  • Dimensions: 40'w x 31'd x 11'h
  • Monthly Rent: $462.00 (w/leasehold excise tax)


T-Hangar Waitlist

There is an active waitlist for T-Hangars at KRNT. The list contains more than 120 names and the wait time is approximately 7 to 10 years.

To be put on the hangar waitlist please send us your name, business name, phone number, mailing address, email address and aircraft N number. Include a non-refundable $100.00 fee. Make checks payable to: City of Renton.

Mail to:
Renton Municipal Airport
616 W Perimeter Rd, Unit A
Renton, WA 98057


The city manages 30 Tie-downs in three locations on the east and west sides of the airport.

  • Dimensions: 40' maximum wingspan for a fixed-wing aircraft
  • Monthly Rent: $120.00 (w/leasehold excise tax)


Tie-down Waitlist

There is an active waitlist for tie-downs at KRNT. The list contains more than 50 names and the wait time is approximately 7 to 10 years.

To be put on the tie-down waitlist please send us your name, business name, phone number, mailing address, email address and aircraft N number. Include a non-refundable $25.00 fee. Make checks payable to: City of Renton.

Mail to:
Renton Municipal Airport
616 W Perimeter Rd, Unit A
Renton, WA 98057

Note: Individuals may place their name on both the T-Hangar and Tie-down waiting lists.