Small Business Liaison

Small Business Liaison We Make a Great Pear Picture

The Small Business Liaison helps businesses in Renton grow and succeed. We offer guidance and support to create a strong and inclusive economy where businesses of all sizes can thrive.

Whether you are starting a new business, growing an existing one, or relocating your business to Renton, the Small Business Liaison is here to help. We provide support with finding locations, and connecting you to resources with key programs and networks. We are committed to helping your business reach its full potential.



Business Assistance

10 easy steps to start a business in Renton

Step 1.Develop a Business Plan:

The Executive Summary, Products & Services, Market Competition, Operations, Management Team, Employees, Financial Data, Supporting Documentation, Future Plans are important elements.

Step 2.Choose a Business Structure:

Choose the legal structure of your company and think about the ramifications for your finances. Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporations, and limited liability companies are the four most popular types.

Step 3.Consider Financing Options:

Research financing options and incentives to decide which is right for your business. contact Renton Economic Development Division for more information on incentives and other financing options at or 425-430-6591.

Step 4.Get Coverage:

Before registering a business, it is a good idea to contact an insurance agent, an attorney, and an accountant for advice. 

Step 5.Get Federal Employer Tax Identification Number (EIN): 

Federal tax identification number acts as a social security number for businesses and is required for all legal entities. 

Step 6.Obtain a Washington State UBI and Business License from the City of Renton:

Generally, any business operating in or engaging in business within the City of Renton limits will be required to obtain a business license. Before applying for your Renton business license, you must have a Uniform Business Identification number (UBI) from the Washington State Department of Revenue or 360-705-6741. Then submit your Renton Business applications online through FileLocal

Step 7.Explore Options for a Business Location:

Finding the right property is critical. Our Economic Development Team can provide reports of available properties, resources for business incubation and shared office options. Contact or 425-430-6591.

Step 8.Obtain Proper Permitting and Zoning Approvals:

The Renton Building Division offers free consultations for businesses to determine what they need before they develop, purchase, or sign a lease on a property: the Pre-application and the virtual permit meeting. For more information visit Permit Services or contact them at or 425-430-7215.

Step 9.Prepare for Employees:

Find out about worker's compensation, wage and hiring practices, and taxes. Receive assistance with hiring and training, remember to look into insurance requirements that may apply to your business.

Step 10.Next Stop - Success: Send out invitations for your grand opening! 

Permit Assistance

Step 1.Do I need a permit?

A permit is required if you plan to: construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, convert, replace, install, or change the occupancy of a building structure, or electric, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, and is regulated by the Construction Codes and the Construction Administrative Code. 

If you are unsure of whether you need a building permit or not, contact Permit Services at or 425-430-7215.

Step 2.Permits available online: 

The following are permits available online on the city's online permit portal (Civic Access Self-Service Portal (CASSP)):

If you hire a contractor, they must have a City of Renton Business License and the appropriate Washington State Labor & Industries certification. 

Step 3.All Other Permit Submittal Requirements/Applications

The following are submittal requirements and applications for possible other permits that you may need if you are making changes to the building that your business will be occupying.

Your application and the required documents must be submitted using a secure file share link provided by CED Permit staff. 

When you are ready to submit your application, email: with the following information:

  • Application Type
  • Address of Proposed Work
  • Project Name

A secure file share link will be created for you to upload your application and plans/documents. Submittals will be reviewed for completeness by Permit Staff within 5 business days of your submittal.

If you hire a contractor, they must have a City of Renton Business License and the appropriate Washington State Labor & Industries certification.



Business Resources:

Your Complete Business Resource in Renton

Whether you require a business license, additional space, or expert guidance, Renton's Economic Development Team offers a range of services to meet your needs. Below are key resources to help you get started:

Local and Regional Support Organizations

Site Selection Tool:

Looking for the perfect spot for your business? We have the tools and resources to help you decide. The site selection tool leads to reliable sources with the data and insights you need to make a smart choice. Explore and find the right place for your business!