Staff from Republic Services and the Renton Sustainability and Solid Waste Division can provide direct outreach to apartment and condo residents. Contact Republic Services Outreach at 206-777-6440 or the City of Renton (425-430-7396) to discuss free outreach assistance options.
Site Consultations
Staff can assess your property's waste capacity and recommend changes to decrease monthly garbage bills and improve the appearance of waste containers and enclosures. Staff can also help with the replace damaged containers, post signs, or change collection frequency.
Educational Workshops
Staff present to groups of residents about waste reduction and recycling. Depending on the outreach goal, staff members may discuss several topics, including:
- How to sort recyclables, food scraps, and garbage
- What happens once materials are collected curbside
- Material life cycles, from production to use, reprocessing, and disposal
- Workshops are interactive and may last 30 minutes to one hour, depending upon your needs.
Interactive Educational Booths
Staff are available to table at your property to provide residents with the opportunity to learn one-on-one about waste reduction and waste services. Residents can ask questions, gather educational materials, or play games related to waste reduction.
Door-to-Door Outreach
Door-to-door outreach is an effective method for sharing waste reduction information with residents. Staff members knock on resident doors and hand deliver informational materials. Staff may also provide tools for reducing waste, such as sturdy bags for storing recyclables or food scrap buckets. Staff members may discuss several topics with residents, including:
- Which materials go in recycling containers
- How to prepare recyclables before placing them in recycling bins
- How to store and transport food scraps
Door-to-door outreach visits usually last 3-10 minutes. Interpretation services are available for residents with limited English proficiency.
Touch-a-Truck Events
Touch-a-truck events allow children to explore how garbage and recycling trucks work. A truck will come to a property and park on site, usually in conjunction with another form of outreach or during a community event. Children will be able to get in the cab of the truck, and the driver will be available to answer questions from community members. Touch-a-truck visits usually last several hours. To schedule a visit, please provide the length of time you would like the truck on site as well as the approximate number of children attending the event so that staff can provide enough materials.