Property Managers

Property manager holding a model of a home

Your Services 

The city partners with Republic Services to provide cart-based and dumpster-based garbage and recycling collection to apartment and condominium properties. Garbage carts and dumpsters are gray and recycling carts and dumpsters are blue.  Collection service can be provided up to five times per week.  Unlimited recycling capacity is provided at no additional cost.  Property managers and homeowners’ associations are responsible for setting up a collection service account and are billed by Republic Services for collection services provided.

Your Responsibilities

As a property manager or homeowners' association, you are responsible for:

  • Providing adequate service for residents by requesting the appropriate size and combination of garbage and recycling containers from Republic Services
  • Paying for monthly garbage service
  • Contacting Republic Services to replace damaged containers or to change container pickup frequency as needed

Every unit should have at least 0.15 cubic yards of garbage and recycling capacity per week (one cubic yard = approximately two large 96-gallon carts). To determine a property's garbage and recycling needs, use the following formula:

# of units x 0.15 = # of recommended cubic yards per week. 

For example, an apartment building with 80 units should have at least 12 cubic yards of weekly garbage and recycling capacity.  Apartment and condo residents have unlimited recycling service, so there is no charge to increase capacity.


Solid Waste Rates 

Solid Waste rates(PDF, 556KB) are based upon the size of your garbage carts and/or containers.  Service can be provided with carts, dumpsters, compactors, or roll-off containers.  Please see the solid waste rates brochure for available cart and container sizes and pricing.

Bulky Waste Management

There are several options available to property managers to manage bulky waste.  Bulky waste includes large appliances (such as refrigerators, freezers, stoves, and dishwashers), washing machines or dryers, water heaters, furniture, televisions, and mattresses.


You may be able to donate bulky waste items for reuse.  Visit King County's What do I do with...? website to find a local non-profit or thrift store. Contact local non-profits to learn more about hosting a donation truck or an on-site collection container for small household items in good condition. Some nonprofits can provide indoor and outdoor containers in a range of sizes and service the containers daily, weekly, or monthly at no charge.


Schedule a Pick-up

For a fee, property managers can arrange to have bulky items collected and disposed of as waste. Find local collection companies on King County's What do I do with...? website.

Republic Services also collects bulky items for a fee. To schedule a pick-up, property managers should call Customer Service at 206-777-6440. The fees per item are shown below:

  • Mattresses = $88.29 each
  • Furniture (sofa, chair, table, etc) = $91.75 each
  • Refrigerator or Freezer = $105.58
  • Other White Goods (large appliances) = $98.66



Bring bulky items to local transfer stations for disposal. Check King County Solid Waste Division fees for current disposal fees. Consider taking mattresses, appliances, and clean wood to Bow Lake Recycling and Transfer Station, where these items are recycled at a reduced rate. Renton Recycling and Transfer Station does not have the capacity to recycle these items and will dispose of them as garbage at a higher rate.

Bow Lake Recycling and Transfer Station

18800 Orillia Road S, Tukwila

206-477-4466 or 800-325-6165 x74466

Renton Recycling and Transfer Station

3021 NE 4th Street, Renton

206-477-4466 or 800-325-6165 x74466


Property Manager Resources

Access these free educational and outreach materials and assistance opportunities available to property managers and homeowners' associations.

These guides provide more information on accepted recyclable materials, household hazardous waste disposal, and hints on how to dispose of materials such as Styrofoam™, electronics, paint, and mattresses.

Multifamily Guide-Recycle-Garbage (English).pdf(PDF, 507KB)

Multifamily Guide-Recycle-Garbage (Spanish).pdf(PDF, 512KB)

This Moving Guide(PDF, 2MB) can help residents reduce waste during a move. Learn where in Renton to get free moving boxes, donate used bubble wrap, recycle mattresses, and drop off leftover cleaning products.



These 11" x 17" recycling, garbage, mail room and laundry room posters help residents sort recyclables from garbage. Display these posters in shared indoor areas, such as laundry rooms, mail rooms, and fitness centers.

Garbage Poster (English/Spanish)(PDF, 2MB)

Recycle Poster (English/Spanish)(PDF, 2MB)

Laundry Room Poster (English/Spanish)(PDF, 2MB)

Mail Room Poster (English/Spanish)(PDF, 2MB)

Staff from Republic Services and the Renton Sustainability and Solid Waste Division can provide direct outreach to apartment and condo residents.   Contact Republic Services Outreach at 206-777-6440 or the City of Renton (425-430-7396) to discuss free outreach assistance options.

Site Consultations

Staff can assess your property's waste capacity and recommend changes to decrease monthly garbage bills and improve the appearance of waste containers and enclosures. Staff can also help with the replace damaged containers, post signs, or change collection frequency.

Educational Workshops

Staff present to groups of residents about waste reduction and recycling. Depending on the outreach goal, staff members may discuss several topics, including:

  • How to sort recyclables, food scraps, and garbage
  • What happens once materials are collected curbside
  • Material life cycles, from production to use, reprocessing, and disposal
  • Workshops are interactive and may last 30 minutes to one hour, depending upon your needs.

Interactive Educational Booths

Staff are available to table at your property to provide residents with the opportunity to learn one-on-one about waste reduction and waste services. Residents can ask questions, gather educational materials, or play games related to waste reduction. 

Door-to-Door Outreach

Door-to-door outreach is an effective method for sharing waste reduction information with residents. Staff members knock on resident doors and hand deliver informational materials. Staff may also provide tools for reducing waste, such as sturdy bags for storing recyclables or food scrap buckets.  Staff members may discuss several topics with residents, including:

  • Which materials go in recycling containers
  • How to prepare recyclables before placing them in recycling bins
  • How to store and transport food scraps

Door-to-door outreach visits usually last 3-10 minutes. Interpretation services are available for residents with limited English proficiency.

Touch-a-Truck Events

Touch-a-truck events allow children to explore how garbage and recycling trucks work. A truck will come to a property and park on site, usually in conjunction with another form of outreach or during a community event. Children will be able to get in the cab of the truck, and the driver will be available to answer questions from community members. Touch-a-truck visits usually last several hours. To schedule a visit, please provide the length of time you would like the truck on site as well as the approximate number of children attending the event so that staff can provide enough materials.



Special Events and Services 

These special events and services are available to multifamily properties. For an expanded list of special events and services available to all Renton residents, visit our Special Events and Services page.

Free holiday tree collection is available to all multifamily properties during the first two weeks of January. Property managers should establish a central location on-site for resident tree disposal. For more information and resources, such as flyers and resident communication templates, please contact the City of Renton (425-430-7398).


Apartment and condo properties can have their food and yard waste collected weekly for a monthly fee. Two companies offer organics collection in Renton:

Republic Services

64-gallon carts are collected every week for a monthly fee of $55.28 per cart.  Contact Republic Services at 206-777-6440 to start service.

Cedar Grove

Collection provided one-to-five times per week.  Container size options include 64- or 96-gallon carts and 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, and 8-cubic yard dumpsters.  Contact Cedar Grove for pricing at 877-994-4466 or by email at