Business and Occupation Tax Find information about B&O tax within the City of Renton, including taxpayer programs, reporting requirements, and special tax situations.
Business Licenses Information about business licenses in the City of Renton including licensing requirements, registrations and renewals, and lists of businesses.
Civil Construction Permit You want to apply for the civil construction permit for site work, frontage improvements, etc.
Code Compliance The City of Renton has established rules and regulations to maintain a safe and attractive environment by ensuring responsible, courteous, and impartial enforcement.
Community Centers This is a landing page for the Parks & Recreation Community Centers throughout the City of Renton. Hours of Operations, activities, and amenities offered at each location will land here.
Divide Property You want to divide an existing property. Apply for a Planned Unit Development, Binding Site Plan, Lot Line Adjustment, Preliminary Plat, or Short Plat.
File and Pay Taxes Submit licensing forms and documents; also find information about tax due dates and forms, as well as how to file and pay taxes.
Gift of Play - Recreation Scholarships The City or Renton's Gift of Play scholarship program helps residents of all ages access Renton Recreation programing. The program is funded through the generous donations from individuals, local businesses, service organizations, and grants.