Renton Connector - Burnett Ave S, S 2nd St to S 5th St

Online Survey and Open House Results(PDF, 9MB)

Project Description

The Renton Connector project will install a continuous non-motorized facility along Burnett Avenue S. (westside) between S 2nd Street and S 5th Street via separated walkways, protected bicycle lanes (cycle track), and a multi-use path. This project will also include landscaped medians, reconfigured public parking areas, curb ramp upgrades to ADA standards, and traffic signalization improvements.

Project Background

As a key element of the Downtown Civic Core Vision and Action Plan (adopted January 8, 2018), the Renton Connector is a new urban trail, or “greenway”, that creates a signature Civic Core and Downtown green spine and regional trail connection between the Cedar River Trail, Lake to Sound Trail, Lake Washington Loop Trail, and the Eastside Rail Corridor for pedestrians and cyclists between the Cedar River, City Hall and the South Renton Transit Center to the south. The new greenway extends the existing Burnett linear Parks (North and South) into the Civic Core.

The Renton Connector intends to energize and catalyze development by providing active and engaging public spaces; integrating art into the Civic Core and Downtown; and creating a safe, attractive, visually interesting street that encourages accessibility by foot, bicycle, transit, and car. The project will improve safety, provide greater accessibility for all modes, and support economic development opportunities, thus transforming Downtown into a vibrant urban community.

City of Renton Business Plan

Preliminary Cost Estimate

  • Estimated total cost for design: $1,771,000
  • Estimated total cost for construction: $12,213,000
  • Estimated right-of-way/easement acquisition cost: $0

Project Schedule

  • Design: Summer 2022 - Summer 2024
  • Construction: Dependent on funding

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