What to Expect During Construction
Construction will occur Mondays to Fridays (excluding holidays), 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Access to businesses and properties will be maintained throughout construction. The contractor will limit work to a single street to the extent possible.
Traffic detours will be in place throughout the duration of the project to help residents avoid the construction zones.
On-street parking restrictions will also occur during the project. “No Parking” signs will be posted in areas within and adjacent to the active construction zone and will shift as construction advances.
Utility Markings: As required by law and in advance of any excavation, underground utility lines are located and marked. There may also be a vacuum excavation crew onsite to physically locate the existing utilities that the new water and storm mains will cross.
Material and Equipment Staging: The contractor will deliver materials and equipment to the job site but will only stage enough construction materials for the current day’s work.
Trench Excavation: New mains are typically installed using an open-cut construction method by excavating a trench in a section of the pavement. This may create noise and dust and will be done on weekdays, during the day, to minimize disturbances to residents and traffic.
Parking and Traffic: There may be temporary lane closures and/or parking restrictions. Where lane closures are required, the contractor will have signs and flaggers to guide traffic safely through the work zone. The contractor will also ensure that residents have access into and out of their driveways.
Temporary Trench Restoration: Each day, open trenches will be backfilled. In paved areas, trenches will be covered with temporary asphalt to provide a drivable surface and in certain locations, steel plates may be used to cover open trenches.
Water Service Reconnections: A limited number of customer service lines will need to be relocated to allow for installation of the storm system improvements. This may result in a water service disruption. The city will notify affected customers in advance of all service disruptions by mailers and/or knocking or leaving notices on front doors.
Final Restoration: The final step is to restore disturbed areas and repave roadways and needs to take place during favorable weather conditions.
Anticipated Construction Sequence
The Contractor will begin work on Williams Ave S near the Cedar River and work in a southerly direction.
Work will then proceed to S Tobin St, starting at the intersection of S Tobin St and Williams Ave S and move west towards Burnett Ave S.
Work will then proceed to Burnett Ave S. Work along Burnett Ave S is planned to start near the intersection of Burnett Ave S and S Tobin St and continue in a southerly direction.
Final restoration of disturbed areas and repaving of Burnett Ave S, S Tobin St, and Williams Ave S will occur once installation of the proposed utility improvements has been completed.