Downtown Streetscapes

Williams Ave. upgrades
Williams Ave. upgrades downtown streetscapes
New light historic light pole part of the downtown streetscapes project on Williams Ave.
Added trees as part of downtown streetscapes project on Williams Ave.
restriping of Williams Ave.
New planter boxes on Williams Ave.

Project Overview

The City of Renton started improving the streets and sidewalks of downtown blocks in 2017 in conjunction with several key initiatives. These public rights-of-way improvements, collectively known as “streetscapes,” help improve the appearance and safety of sidewalk and street areas and provide a more vibrant pedestrian experience.

Several street intersection projects over the past several years have installed streetscape improvements at 2nd, 3rd, and Houser and Main, Wells and Williams, as well as along the 200 block of Wells. Next in line is the 200 block of Williams Ave S(PDF, 7MB) (between 2nd and 3rd), which will receive streetscape improvements like those completed on Wells Avenue in 2021.

The project was completed on July, 15, 2024, with the exception of the street banners which will be implemented next month. The project is now undergoing landscaping maintenance for the next year.

The project completed the following upgrades:

  • Replacement of all sidewalks and driveway aprons
  • Removal of twelve (12) existing street trees with replacement trees that will add seasonal variety along the block
  • Replanting of six (6) street trees on nearby streets
  • Installation of new litter receptacles, tree grates, and landscape strips with decorative fencing
  • Removal of 6 existing tall streetlights and replacement with 12 pedestrian-scale streetlights outfitted with street banners, flower baskets, irrigation for baskets, and holiday lighting
  • Repaving and restriping of the street’s driving and parking lanes
  • Added flower baskets and irrigation

Project management is being provided by the City’s Development Engineering Division, with assistance from the Economic Development Division. In August 2023, Renton City Council awarded the construction contract to Active Construction, Inc. Construction started in October 2023. This project was funded by the King County Consortium Community Development Block Grant Program (CAG-22-216).

Separate from the overall project, a special public art project was installed on Williams Avenue South. This unique project, coordinated by the Renton Municipal Arts Commission, incorporates a restored 1960s streetlight generously donated by the Cugini Family and transformed into a mesmerizing piece of functional art through the expert craftsmanship of Western Neon Seattle. The addition of color-changing LEDs rejuvenates this classic piece, infusing it with a modern touch while preserving its timeless allure.

Schedule Milestones

  • July 20/July 24: Bid closing/opening
  •  August 14: Council Finance Committee and City Council approval of winning bidder
  •  October 16, 2023: Construction starts
  •  November 13, 2023: Construction suspended for four weeks
  •  December 11, 2023: Construction re-starts
  •  April 2024: Substantial construction completion & project closeout
  •  July 15, 2024: Project was physically completed & barriers removed

Project Status

  • In August 2023, Renton City Council awarded the construction contract to Active Construction Inc. (“Active”). The City and Active subsequently entered into a contract.
  •  Construction began October 16, 2023, beginning with the west side of the block.
  • The project was completed on July, 15, 2024, with the exception of the street banners which will be implemented next month. The project is now undergoing landscaping maintenance for the next year.


Questions and concerns about the project prior to the start and during construction should be provided via email or telephone to the project contact listed on this page. Property and businesses owners adjacent to the project construction zone will receive weekly e-blasts with project progress updates and expectations for the upcoming week.

The City’s project team has previewed the project with all the businesses within the project zone and will be sharing project information for businesses throughout Downtown Renton leading up to start of construction in October 2023. The project team is working closely with business owners to ensure timely information is being shared, access is maintained during construction, and concerns addressed in a timely manner.

Businesses and the general public will be kept updated through numerous social media channels, including those managed by important community partners like the Renton Downtown Partnership.

This project webpage will provide up to date information on project progress and impacts. For more questions, visit the FAQs section on the project brochure(PDF, 7MB).