
The Renton Municipal airport is a rectangular area, generally 1,200 feet wide by 5,500 feet long, covering approximately 170 acres.

  • The elevation is 32' above mean sea level.
  • The Lat/Long of the Airport Reference Point (midpoint of the runway) is latitude 47o 32' 40" north, longitude 122o 12' 46" west.

Renton Airport 2025/2026 Pilot Information(PDF, 1MB)

Air Traffic Control Tower

The control tower is operated daily.

October 1 through April 30
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. PDT/PST

May 1 through September 30
7 a.m. to 9 p.m. PDT/PST

The Airport Traffic Area is a Class D Surface Area. The Class D Surface Area around the Renton Municipal Airport is unique, as it sits under the Terminal Control Area (Class B Airspace) for Sea-Tac International Airport. It has a ceiling of 2,500 feet and a semi-circular shape with an extension to the south related to the instrument approach to Runway 1.

Leased Parcels and Vacant Parcels

Airport Leasing Policies(PDF, 482KB)

Currently there are two vacant lease parcels; one is located at the southwest corner and includes the 300 building at 300 Rainier Ave N, the other is an undeveloped parking lot (previously Mindemann's Restaurant) located at the northwest corner adjacent to the Will Rogers-Wiley Post Seaplane Base.

Requests for Proposals will be accepted and reviewed upon completion of the Airport Master Plan. For more information on development options, please contact the Airport Manager.

In May 2019, the Airport contracted with Valbridge Associates(PDF, 8MB) to perform an Airport-wide market appraisal of specified leases, and to establish an updated standard ground lease rate. For 2019, ground lease rates have been established using the Consumer Price Index-Urban at an average rate of $1.10 per square foot per year. Building lease rates are established by the market appraisal.


Airport lighting consists of:

  • Medium Intensity Runway Lighting (MIRL)
  • Blue-colored taxiway edge lighting
  • Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI)
  • Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) at both ends of the runway
  • Pilot control of runway, taxiway and REIL lighting is in effect during the hours the Air Traffic Control Tower is not in operation

Navigational Aids

Electronic Navigational Aids

  • GPS approach to Runway 16

Other Navigational Aids

  • Windsock, east side of runway, midfield, lighted
  • Traffic Pattern Indicators are located at the base of the windsock
  • Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS), currently in test mode
  • Rotating Beacon, green and white, located west side of airport, top of control tower building

Pathfinder Park

Pathfinder Park, located at the main Airport Way entrance, is dedicated to long-time pilot and business owner Clayton Scott.

Pilot Controlled Lighting

The Renton Municipal Airport utilizes Pilot Controlled Lighting, which provides air-to-ground radio control of the airport lighting systems.

The pilot selects the intensity by selecting the proper frequency on the communications radio, then keying the microphones a prescribed number of times within a 5 second interval. The lights will remain at the selected intensity level for 15 minutes if no subsequent pulses are received to change the intensity.

Radio Frequencies

  • Renton ATCT/CTAF frequency: 124.70
  • ATIS frequency: 126.95
  • AirO UNICOM frequency: 122.95
  • ProFlight UNICOM frequency: 122.85
  • GROUND frequency: 121.60

Runways and Taxiways

The Renton Municipal Airport has a single grooved asphalt and concrete runway known as Runway 16/34, with a full parallel taxiway on the west side and a partial parallel taxiway on the east side.

Runway 16/34 has a length of 5,379 feet and a width of 200 feet. The Runway 34 threshold is displaced 340 feet at the south end. A 20 foot high wooden blast fence is located 505 feet south of the displaced threshold. The Runway 16 threshold is displaced 300 feet at the north end.

The east and west parallel taxiways are now movement areas. Pilots must obtain permission from ground control prior to entering the taxiway.


  • Aviation fuel, 100LL and Jet A, is dispensed by FBOs.
  • Itinerant parking available in the north tower parking area or near the south gate entrance onto the airfield. Arrange with FBO or with the Airport Administration office for extended stay.
  • Floatplane haul-out services are available through FBOs.
  • Airframe and engine repair and maintenance services are available through FBOs.