Capital Improvement Projects

Taxiway Alpha Rehabilitation

Taxiway Alpha is the major parallel taxiway that supports all GA aircraft operations and Boeing 737s towed between the B ramp and C ramp on the west side of the field.

The existing pavement is showing stress, cracking, and rutting. This project includes a major reconstruction of the entirety of the taxiway and will include an LED lighting upgrade, infield drainage improvements, and painting.

  • Budget: ± $25,000,000
  • Funding: 90% FAA Grant / 10% Airport Leasehold Revenue
  • Start: Spring 2022
  • Expected Completion: 2026
  • Status: Pre-design & phasing

Airport Tower Seismic Retrofit and Administration Office Renovation

The control tower, built in 1961, received a seismic inspection that showed, without seismic retrofitting, the building will collapse on itself. The seismic retrofit project will add stabilizing beams to the exterior corners of the building, attached to each floor, that will hold the building during an earthquake.

The administration office, established in 1989, is undersized for the number of full time staff and visitors. During Phase II of construction, the first floor of the tower will be gutted and remodeled to accommodate additional staffing and add an educational aviation-themed visitors lobby.

  • Project Budget: ± $2.8 million (2019)
  • Funding Source: TBD
  • Start: TBD
  • Expected Completion: TBD
  • Status: Pending grant funding

Shoreline Mitigation

This is the second phase of the 2013-2014 Seaplane Base Dredging & Shoreline Mitigation project. It will add rip-rap along the runway end edge adjacent to the seaplane launch ramp to prevent continued erosion of the shoreline.

  • Budget: $563,000
  • Funding: 100% Airport Leasehold Revenue
  • Start: December 2024
  • Expected Completion: February 2025
  • Status: Design phase

Past Projects

  • 2014-2022 - Master Plan Update; $837,705
  • 2016 - Airport Gate System Upgrade; $21,000
  • 2014 - 820 Building Demolition; $450,000
  • 2014-2015 - Wildlife Hazard Assessment; $43,000
  • 2013-2015 - Lower Blast Fence; $1.4million
  • 2012-2015 - Aerospace Training Center; $1.6million
  • 2011-2015 - Taxiway Bravo Rehabilitation; $10.4million
  • 2006-2015 - Seaplane Base Dredging; $974,000