Take Me Home Program Allows for the safe return of individuals who may not be ab le to communicate vital information to first responders.
File a Police Report Renton's online reporting system allows you to submit a report for certain non-violent crimes where there is no suspect information. This portal is NOT for active situations.
Crime Statistics and Mapping Discover crime is happening in the city and in your neighborhood. The Crime Statistics page provides crime statistics for the City of Renton, and the Mapping page tracks and displays calls for service and criminal activity by location.
Domestic Violence Advocate The Renton Police Department has a Domestic Violence Victim Advocate to provide assistance to victims who live within Renton's city limits.
Concealed Pistol License Only City of Renton residents may apply for a Concealed Pistol License at the Renton Police Department.
Traffic Service Requests Report neighborhood traffic issues, parking or abandoned vehicles complaints.
Animal Control The Renton Police Department employs two full-time Animal Control officers to serve residents who reside within the city limits of Renton.