Special Operations

Directed Enforcement Team (DET)

The Directed Enforcement Team (DET) is a uniformed unit that utilizes a variety of tactics to address crime and quality of life issues in the downtown area of the City of Renton.

The primary focus is community oriented, using proactive police methods to address criminal activity and the impact it has on safety and quality of life. DET works in conjunction with citizens and business groups, as well as other department work groups to achieve the desired goal.

DET specializes in short-term investigations to address issues such as, but not limited to:

  • Public nuisances
  • Street-level crime
  • Nuisance abatement/code compliance complaints
  • Fugitive apprehension
  • Summertime bicycle patrols in the downtown core and city parks and trails


Special Enforcement Team (SET)

The Special Enforcement Team (SET) is a plainclothes unit that utilizes a variety of tactics to address crime and neighborhood issues. The team focuses on undercover, proactive methods of addressing criminals and their impact on safety and quality of life in and around the City of Renton.

SET specializes in long-term investigations targeting and arresting repeat criminal offenders involved in various crimes including, but not limited to:

  • Auto theft
  • Organized retail theft
  • Possession of and trafficking of stolen property,
  • Identity theft
  • Commercial sexual abuse of minors
  • Burglary and possession/delivery of controlled substances

SET also uses their knowledge, skills, and abilities in support of other divisions within the Renton Police Department and the greater local law enforcement region. SET provides a team member to a regional Narcotics Enforcement Task Force.


Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)

The Renton Police Department partners with Federal Way, Kent, Auburn, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle police departments to provide a combined Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team to support their respective communities.

This team responds to extraordinary law enforcement needs, such as high-risk warrant service, barricaded subject, hostage, and sniper situations. Each agency staffs and equips a team. All agencies share in joint operational expenses.


Violent Crime Unit (VCU)

The Violent Crime Unit (VCU) is dedicated to combatting violent crime and gang activity. The VCU is the department's response to the increase in violent crime, especially juvenile crime. The team investigates and arrests the most violent offenders and those committing crimes while armed. Their investigations can be short or long term, and the team will follow the suspects to arrest them regardless of where they live.