Business Watch

Business Watch is a free crime prevention program that encourages an active collaboration between business owners and the police to help reduce crime.  Business Watch programs have proven to be a very effective way of preventing crime at businesses and in commercial areas.


  • Improve communication between business owners, their employees and the police.

  • Provide education and information to business owners and their employees to help reduce crime in targeted areas.

  • Preserve and reclaim our business centers and eliminate conditions that give rise to crime.

  • Encourage business owners to utilize security measures to the fullest extent in order to deter crime.


Free Training

The police department offers free crime prevention training to Renton businesses and their employees.  Class topics may include:

  • Shoplifting
  • Personal Safety
  • Workplace Violence
  • Recognizing Suspicious Activity
  • Robbery prevention and protocol
  • Check and credit card fraud
  • Commercial burglary /burglary prevention


Security Surveys

The Renton Police Department offers free crime prevention surveys to enhance business security. A crime prevention specialist will visit your business to conduct the survey and will provide recommendations to make your business less attractive to criminals. The security survey may include recommendations about locks, lighting, security systems, doors, windows, cash handling procedures and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).


Business Trespass Authorization

Business Trespass Authorization form will authorize the police to go on the property, on the owner's behalf, and remove any unwanted individuals that have no legitimate purpose to be there. We will request that the owners place "No Trespassing or Loitering" signs on the property to assist us.