Human Services

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About Human Services

The City of Renton serves as a planner, facilitator, and funder for support systems that help people through economic and personal crises and provide low and moderate income persons with opportunities to succeed.

The Human Services Division contracts with non-profit agencies to deliver services to low and moderate income households. The division works with City of Renton departments and divisions to improve the quality of life for city residents.

Human Services
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057


I need help with...

Please see the 2024 Human Services Resource Guide(PDF, 910KB)  for agencies that offer the services you need.

City of Renton Human Services funds multiple agencies that can help with daily necessities. Creation of a list of each agency and the resources they offer is currently in progress and will be available here when finished.

  • For more state-wide resources, call 2-1-1.
  • For thoughts of suicide, mental health crisis, substance use crisis, or emotional distress, call 9-8-8.

For questions regarding City of Renton Human Services, please email or call 425-430-6600.


Housing Repair Assistance Program

The Housing Repair Assistance Program (HRAP) provides minor repairs to homes of eligible Renton residents. The focus of the repairs is to improve the environmental health and safety of residents homes in the City of Renton. For eligibility requirements, application process, and services provided, please see below.

Eligibility requirements

  • You must own the home listed in the application and have lived at this address for at least the last 12 months, and do not plan to move from that residence in the following 12 months
  • Home must be within the Renton City limits and have a Renton address.
  • Total household income is at or below the amount shown below for your household size:

     Household Size   Maximum Income 
     1  $77,700
     2  $88,800
     3  $99,900
     4  $110,950
     5  $119,850
     6  $137,600
     7  $146,500
     8  $146,500


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to approve an application for eligibility into the program?
Typically, within two weeks after we receive the complete application and supporting documents. You will then be notified if you are accepted into the program.

2. What is the first step after being approved?

The first step will be a home assessment done by our service technician. It will take 2-3 hours and look at the home’s overall condition. You must be there during the assessment. Assessments are usually done within two weeks of approval and program acceptance. An assessment must be done before you can receive services. After the home assessment is reviewed by the program coordinator, you will be told what services will be provided and we will call you to schedule them.

3. How long does my eligibility last when I am accepted into the program?

You must recertify every 24 months. The recertification process and paperwork is the same as the application.

4. Are mobile homes eligible for the same work as single-family homes?

The program only serves mobile homes that were built after 1977.

5. If I apply and am turned down because my income is too high, can I reapply if my income changes?

If your family’s income or family size changes, you may reapply.
• If you are turned down but your income suddenly changes and you have an immediate health or safety need, a maximum expenditure of $2,000 is allowed that year. You may reapply the following year for more assistance.

6. Does the Housing Repair Assistance Program perform services for people who rent their homes?

No, the repair and maintenance of rental properties are the responsibility of the property owner.

7. I rent out part of my house to a tenant. Are the renters listed on the application?

No. A tenant is not considered a member of the household. The income you receive from the tenant is considered part of your income and is reported on line 17 of your 1040 tax return.

8. If I live outside of the City of Renton but have a Renton address, does the City of Renton Housing Repair Program Assistance Program cover me?
No. Our program only provides services to residents within the Renton City limits. To verify if you are in the city limits go to . If you are outside the city limits, call King County Housing Repair at 206-263-9095 to check your eligibility for their programs.

9. If I will be selling my home or purchased it recently, will the program make repairs?

No. Services are not available for homes that will be for sale in the next 12 months. Additionally, services are not available to homeowners until they have been owner occupants for at least 12 months.

10. Does the Housing Repair Assistance Program paint inside or outside of homes?
No. Painting is not one of the program’s services. The program will supply paint for any church group, service organization, or neighborhood organization that is recognized by the City of Renton Neighborhood Program. That group or organization can then paint a house in their parish or neighborhood.
• For information on the Renton Neighborhood Program call the City of Renton's Neighborhood Coordinator at 425-430-6595.

11. What are the cost guidelines of the program?

The Housing Repair Assistance Program is a minor home repair program which has a maximum yearly home limit of $6,000.00. There is a $10,000 per 10 years limit for each residence.

• When a maximum yearly limit is reached, clients receive a letter notifying them and t

hey will no longer be eligible for services until the next calendar year.

• If the total cost of an eligible service exceeds the City's maximum yearly limit, the project will still be completed.

12. When is a person considered disabled?

The definition of a disability from the US Census says people are disabled who:

  •  Use a wheelchair or have used another special aid for six months or longer.

  • Have a selected condition like autism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer's disease, senility, dementia, or mental disability.Are unable to perform functions like seeing, hearing, having one's speech understood, lifting, carrying, or walking up a flight of stairs. It also applies if you need assistance with getting around your home, getting in or out of a bed or chair, dressing, bathing, eating, using the toilet, going outside, keeping track of money and bills, preparing meals, using the telephone, or doing light housework.

  • Are under age 65 years of age and are covered by Medicare or receive Social Security Income (SSI) benefits.

13. What services does the Housing Repair Program not cover?

  • Appliance repair replacement or recycling including garbage disposals.
  • Damages covered by homeowner’s insurance.
  • Door’s interior, screen and/or storm.
  • Fans Freestanding, Ceiling units for air circulation.
  • Fences
  • Freestanding structures sheds, carports, and garages.
  • Furnaces cleaning of air ducts.
  • Gutter attached to carports.
  • Lead based paint No repairs when more than one square foot of paint will be disturbed in homes built before 1978.
  • Painting interior or exterior.
  • Whole window replacement or window screens.
  • Retaining walls
  • Swimming pools
  • Tree removal
  • Yard work



Senior resources

Senior Activity Center

The Don Persson Senior Activity Center provides programs, events, and activities for people aged 50+. Entry into the Center is free, Monday-Saturday. Please call to find our more about programs like the Grocery Cart, Footcare, free coffee bar, and more. For course information and registration, visit

211 Burnett Ave N, Renton, WA 98057
(425) 430-6633

Recreation Scholarship

The Gift of Play scholarship is available to seniors 50+ who:

If awarded, the individual will receive $100 in credit, while funds last, that can be used during that calendar year to participate in City of Renton Recreation courses or programs available at the Don Persson Senior Activity Center, the Renton Community Center, and the Highlands Neighborhood Center. 

Applications can be completed online here or in-person at one of the community centers. For more information, call 425-430-6700.

Senior Grocery Cart

Free produce, ready-to-eat foods, and more are available for ages 50 and up on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Don Persson Senior Activity Center.

211 Burnett Ave N, Renton, WA 98057
(425) 430-6633

Support resources for the unhoused

The City of Renton partners with many agencies to serve our unhoused and vulnerable residents. Here are some ways we help our community:

  • FD Cares: The Fire Department Community Assistance, Referrals and Education Services program (FD CARES) provides those who are unhoused with mental health resources. The team includes a social worker and a nurse who travel the area addressing those facing mental health issues, or needing other assistance. This program is through Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority and helps address medical and crisis calls before they become a medical emergency. They also assist with navigating the social service network and provide advocacy with insurance and other health care professionals.
  • Peer Kent at Renton Library: A Peer Services Specialist helps those impacted by addiction, mental health, or other crisis by connecting people to community resources and services they need, including shelter, housing, education, food, and mental health referrals. Peers are individuals with lived experiences on a path to recovery and can draw on their experiences to help individuals reach wellness goals. The current Peer Kent hours at the Renton Library at 100 Mills Ave. S are:
    • Tuesdays/Wednesdays: 12-8 p.m.
    •  Thursdays/Fridays: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
    •  Saturdays: 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
  •  Renton Library Resource Days: The Renton Library also offers a resource day the third Thursday of each month from 1PM-4PM Attendees are able to directly connect with many local agencies, and includes free food, hygiene kits, free haircuts, and free phones.
  •  Renton Community Court Virtual Resource Center: The Renton Court holds a virtual resource center every Thursday from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. for community court clients as well as members of the public that need assistance.
  •  Salvation Army Street Level Team: The Street Level Team assists those living in their cars. Their outreach vans are mobile offices so they can serve people right where they meet them.
  •  Renton School District: The federal McKinney Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act ensures enrollment and education stability for homeless children and youth. It includes free transportation to and from school, free meals, assistance with school fees, school supplies, and referrals to social services. The Renton School District has a designated McKinney Vento Liaison to help Renton's homeless youth.
  •  Emergency Severe Cold Weather Overnight Shelter: The City of Renton activates an overnight shelter in times of severe cold weather. Activations typically occur when the daily high temperature is forecasted to be 35 degrees or below and the daily low temperature is forecasted to be 30 degrees or below for one or more days. The city partners with REACH to provide staffing for the overnight shelter at St. Anthony’s Parish, 501 S. 4th St. The Overnight Severe Weather Shelter, when activated, includes the following:
    • Hours: 8 p.m. - 7 a.m.
    • Maximum capacity of 40
    • Drop-ins are welcome
    • Separate area for men, women, and families
    • Snacks/food/warm beverages will be provided
    • Mats and blankets will be provided
  • Warming/Cooling Centers: During extreme weather conditions (hot or cold), the Renton Community Center, 1715 Maple Valley Hwy, can be activated as a center for those in need to escape the harsh conditions, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  •  For other Severe Weather Shelters in King County, visit King County Regional Homeless Authority (KCRHA) at Severe Weather Response - KCRHA

Other city programs for lower income residents

  • Renton Housing Repair Assistance ProgramThis program provides free minor home repairs to eligible Renton homeowners. Repairs include electrical, plumbing, roofing, ADA improvements, and others to improve health and safety.
  • King County Housing Repair Program: King County provides larger home repairs up to $25,000 at 0% interest to lower income Renton homeowners. For more information, call 206-263-9095.
  •  Reduced Utility Tax: The City of Renton offers reduced rates for water, wastewater, surface water and garbage for low-income seniors and low-income disabled residents.
  •  Gift of Play Scholarships: Recreation scholarships are available to lower income youth and seniors so they may enjoy Renton’s recreations programs at no charge.
  •  Human Services Application Process: Over $800,000 in city general funds is allocated annually for agencies as part of the Human Services Funders Collaborative (HSFC) to serve Renton’s vulnerable population. The next application process for 2025-2026 funding occurs this spring with applications due April 8, 2024.

Get immediate assistance

  • 911 – Emergency Response: Call 911 for emergencies and situations requiring immediate intervention, ensuring public safety and swift assistance during critical incidents.
  • 211 – Information and Referral Services: 211 connects individuals to vital health and human services and guides them to the most appropriate assistance that are typically the underlying cause of crisis
  •  988 – Mental Health Crisis Support: 988 is the new number for mental health crisis calls, providing immediate access to trained professionals offering crucial support during challenging times.

Stay connected to the city

  • Human Services Line: The City of Renton also has a limited human services help line at 425-430-6650 to assist with local resources and referrals.
  • Renton Responds: For general non-emergency requests, please contact Renton Responds by submitting a request online.


Agency funding

Each year, the City of Renton allocates funding to agencies to provide social services and assistance to Renton residents.  The City of Renton is member of the Human Services Funding Collaborative with 16 other North, East, and South King County cities who join together for a common application process every other year.  The application process is through the Share1App portal hosted by the City of Redmond:  Share 1 App | Redmond, WA.  The Renton Human Services Advisory Committee reviews Renton applications and makes funding recommendations to the Council/Mayor.  

The next application cycle will be for 2027-2028 funding with applications due spring 2026. To receive notices about upcoming application cycles and dates, please email:

To receive notifications about the application process, please

Requirements for consideration

The City of Renton recognizes the need to support programs that provide a broad array of human services to our community.  Programs that demonstrate strong performance serving Renton residents, with a location in Renton will be viewed most favorably. Criteria for the 2025-2026 funding round was as follows:

  1. Address one of the Renton human services funding priorities above.
  2. Submit a complete application, including all attachments; No late or incomplete applications will be accepted or reviewed. 
  3. Request a minimum of $15,000 per program.
  4. Meet minimum insurance requirements if awarded funds.
  5. Execute a contract with the City and be able to accept reimbursement for funds.
  6. Regularly track and submit required reports regarding services, demographics, and outcomes.

Grant funding process:

  • Apply: Every two years agencies apply via the Share1App.
  • Review: Applications are reviewed by the City of Renton's Human Services Advisory Committee. After an extensive review, rating recommendations of amounts to be awarded to specific applicants are recommended to Council/Mayor for approval.
  •  Contract: Two-year contracts are executed by the City and funded agency.
  •  Report: Quarterly invoicing and program impact are required. Agencies provide number of Renton residents served, service units provided, and demographics of clients served.

Renton's six priority areas for funding:

To be considered for Renton funding, agencies must meet the following criteria:

  • Address one of Renton's funding priorities mentioned above.
  • Submit a complete application, including all attachments. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed.
  • Meet the minimum insurance requirements if awarded funds.
  • Execute a contract with the city and be able to accept reimbursement for funds.
  • Regularly track and submit required reports concerning services, outcomes, and demographics.

Agencies will be notified of funding recommendations in the fall of 2024, with the fiscal and program year commencing on January 1, 2025.

2025-2026 Human Services funding allocations

Renton had $812,000 available annually for 2025-2026 agency programs serving Renton residents, awarding funding to 46 programs.  Over 100 applications were received requesting over $4 million. 

Advisory Committee

The Human Services Advisory Committee is a diverse group of Renton residents who recognizes community assets, anticipates need, and advises the mayor, city council, and city staff on human services issues of concern to Renton residents.