The Housing Repair Assistance Program (HRAP) provides minor repairs to homes of eligible Renton residents. The focus of the repairs is to improve the environmental health and safety of residents homes in the City of Renton. For eligibility requirements, application process, and services provided, please see below.
Eligibility requirements
- You must own the home listed in the application and have lived at this address for at least the last 12 months, and do not plan to move from that residence in the following 12 months
- Home must be within the Renton City limits and have a Renton address.
- Total household income is at or below the amount shown below for your household size:
Household Size |
Maximum Income |
1 |
$77,700 |
2 |
$88,800 |
3 |
$99,900 |
4 |
$110,950 |
5 |
$119,850 |
6 |
$137,600 |
7 |
$146,500 |
8 |
$146,500 |
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does it take to approve an application for eligibility into the program?
Typically, within two weeks after we receive the complete application and supporting documents. You will then be notified if you are accepted into the program.
2. What is the first step after being approved?
The first step will be a home assessment done by our service technician. It will take 2-3 hours and look at the home’s overall condition. You must be there during the assessment. Assessments are usually done within two weeks of approval and program acceptance. An assessment must be done before you can receive services. After the home assessment is reviewed by the program coordinator, you will be told what services will be provided and we will call you to schedule them.
3. How long does my eligibility last when I am accepted into the program?
You must recertify every 24 months. The recertification process and paperwork is the same as the application.
4. Are mobile homes eligible for the same work as single-family homes?
The program only serves mobile homes that were built after 1977.
5. If I apply and am turned down because my income is too high, can I reapply if my income changes?
If your family’s income or family size changes, you may reapply.
• If you are turned down but your income suddenly changes and you have an immediate health or safety need, a maximum expenditure of $2,000 is allowed that year. You may reapply the following year for more assistance.
6. Does the Housing Repair Assistance Program perform services for people who rent their homes?
No, the repair and maintenance of rental properties are the responsibility of the property owner.
7. I rent out part of my house to a tenant. Are the renters listed on the application?
No. A tenant is not considered a member of the household. The income you receive from the tenant is considered part of your income and is reported on line 17 of your 1040 tax return.
8. If I live outside of the City of Renton but have a Renton address, does the City of Renton Housing Repair Program Assistance Program cover me?
No. Our program only provides services to residents within the Renton City limits. To verify if you are in the city limits go to . If you are outside the city limits, call King County Housing Repair at 206-263-9095 to check your eligibility for their programs.
9. If I will be selling my home or purchased it recently, will the program make repairs?
No. Services are not available for homes that will be for sale in the next 12 months. Additionally, services are not available to homeowners until they have been owner occupants for at least 12 months.
10. Does the Housing Repair Assistance Program paint inside or outside of homes?
No. Painting is not one of the program’s services. The program will supply paint for any church group, service organization, or neighborhood organization that is recognized by the City of Renton Neighborhood Program. That group or organization can then paint a house in their parish or neighborhood.
• For information on the Renton Neighborhood Program call the City of Renton's Neighborhood Coordinator at 425-430-6595.
11. What are the cost guidelines of the program?
The Housing Repair Assistance Program is a minor home repair program which has a maximum yearly home limit of $6,000.00. There is a $10,000 per 10 years limit for each residence.
• When a maximum yearly limit is reached, clients receive a letter notifying them and t
hey will no longer be eligible for services until the next calendar year.
• If the total cost of an eligible service exceeds the City's maximum yearly limit, the project will still be completed.
12. When is a person considered disabled?
The definition of a disability from the US Census says people are disabled who:
Use a wheelchair or have used another special aid for six months or longer.
Have a selected condition like autism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer's disease, senility, dementia, or mental disability.Are unable to perform functions like seeing, hearing, having one's speech understood, lifting, carrying, or walking up a flight of stairs. It also applies if you need assistance with getting around your home, getting in or out of a bed or chair, dressing, bathing, eating, using the toilet, going outside, keeping track of money and bills, preparing meals, using the telephone, or doing light housework.
Are under age 65 years of age and are covered by Medicare or receive Social Security Income (SSI) benefits.
13. What services does the Housing Repair Program not cover?
- Appliance repair replacement or recycling including garbage disposals.
- Damages covered by homeowner’s insurance.
- Door’s interior, screen and/or storm.
- Fans Freestanding, Ceiling units for air circulation.
- Fences
- Freestanding structures sheds, carports, and garages.
- Furnaces cleaning of air ducts.
- Gutter attached to carports.
- Lead based paint No repairs when more than one square foot of paint will be disturbed in homes built before 1978.
- Painting interior or exterior.
- Whole window replacement or window screens.
- Retaining walls
- Swimming pools
- Tree removal
- Yard work