Gift of Play - Recreation Scholarships

Gift of Play Recreation Scholarships

Recreation Scholarships for All Ages

Gift of Play is the City of Renton's recreation scholarship program.  This program is funded entirely through generous donations from individuals, service organizations, local businesses, and grants. With limited funds available we strive to serve those most in need, therefore the city has implemented several eligibility changes. Further details can be found below.

Need assistance filling out the application? Call the Renton Community Center at 425-430-6700 ext. 8 or visit one of our Community Centers during business hours and a Guest Service Staff will be happy to help!

Renton Community Center - 1715 Maple Valley Hwy Renton, WA 98057

Don Persson Senior Activity Center - 211 Burnett Ave N Renton, WA 98057

Application Process

  • Applications are valid for the calendar year and are accepted on an ongoing basis.
  • If Gift of Play funds are available, scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis if eligible.
  • Only one (1) application is required per family for the calendar year.
  • Applications are available online. Assistance in filling out an application is available at the Renton Community Center, Senior Activity Center, and Highlands Neighborhood Center.

Income Guidelines

  • Qualifying incomes follow the USDA Child Nutrition Program Income Guidelines, which are the same as the Renton School District Free and Reduced Meal eligibility guidelines.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Youth up to age 18 years old, adults 19 to 49 years, adults 50 & older and individuals who participate in Adaptive Recreation Programs
  • Qualifying incomes follow the USDA Child Nutrition Program (Renton School District's free and reduced lunch program criteria)
  • City of Renton residents that reside within the Renton School District boundary or attend a Renton School.

If Awarded a Scholarship..

  • Approved applications will be awarded an annual scholarship amount of $100 for each qualifying individual.
  • Awarded scholarship funds will be added to each qualifying indvidual's City of Renton Recreation account.
  • Awarded funds are not required to be used all at once or on just one program. Funds may be spread out between multiple programs throughout the calendar year if desired.
  • Unspent scholarship funds do not roll over to the next calendar year.

How do I Donate?

There are several ways to donate to the scholarship program:

  • In person at Renton Community Center, Senior Activity Center, and Highlands Neighborhood Center
  • By phone 425-430-6700 or email