Risk Management

Risk Management helps provide a safe environment for city employees and citizens, minimizes financial risks to the city, and protects the financial assets of the City of Renton by identifying, analyzing, and implementing risk prevention and safety programs and developing effective channels of communication through excellent customer service.

Filing Damage Claims

If you believe that the City is responsible for damages to you or your property:

  1. You must file a written claim.

  2. In order to meet legal requirements, specific information must be submitted. To assist in meeting those requirements, the city has prepared a Claim Form(PDF, 368KB).
    Claims may also be submitted through the city's Claim for Damages Portal.

  3. Please include documentation (if you have them) such as copies of invoices/receipts, photographs of the damage, photographs of the hazard, and/or medical bills. Attach the documents in PDF format, if submitting your claim via email.

  4. Completed claims should be emailed, with attachments in pdf format, to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. The completed claim may also be mailed to the City Clerk's Office.

    City of Renton
    City Clerk's Claims Office, 7th Floor
    1055 S Grady Way
    Renton, WA 98057

  5. A copy of your claim will be sent to Risk Management at City Hall. Risk Management is responsible for assigning your claim to the City's third party adjusting company in a timely manner.

  6. Risk Management or the claims adjuster will investigate your claim and determine to what extent if the City is legally responsible for your damages. Generally, the City will only pay for damages when it can be shown that the City was negligent in its operations.

In accordance with state law, the City may take up to 60 days after claim submission to evaluate your claim. Claims that do not receive a response within 60 days are deemed denied.