City Attorney

The City Attorney’s Office represents and provides legal advice to the mayor, city council, administration and boards and commissions that make up the municipal government of the City of Renton.

The duties of the office include:

  • Preparing legislation
  • Drafting and reviewing legal documents
  • Representing the City in litigation
  • Prosecuting criminal cases in Renton Municipal Court

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I receive legal advice from the City Attorney's Office?

No. The City Attorney’s Office does not provide legal advice to citizens of Renton or members of the general public.

Who can receive legal advice from the City Attorney's Office?

The City Attorney’s Office represents and provides legal advice to the mayor, city council, administration and the boards and commissions that make up the municipal government of the City of Renton.

The duties of the City Attorney's Office include:

  • Preparing legislation,
  • Drafting and reviewing legal documents,
  • Representing the City in litigation, and
  • Prosecuting criminal cases in the Renton Municipal Court.

How do I contact my public defender?

The City of Renton works with Valley Defenders, PLLC, or other attorneys in special cases.

If you are a defendant on a criminal case and have been appointed a public defender in the Renton Municipal Court, you will be redirected by our office to speak with your appointed attorney at:

Valley Defenders
2700 Richards Road, Suite 202
Bellevue, WA 98005
O: 425-657-0794 / 425-528-2482
F: 425-677-7043

How can I contact the Domestic Violence Victim Advocate?

The Renton Police Department has a Domestic Violence Victim Advocate to provide assistance to victims who live within Renton's city limits.

The advocate can provide the victim(s) with:

  • Safety Planning and Problem Solving
  • Domestic Violence Prevention and Education
  • Protection Orders
  • Emergency Hotel Shelter (short term)
  • Food and Clothing
  • Transportation
  • Interpreter Services

The Domestic Violence Victim Advocate is available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Their office is on the second floor of the Police Department.

Advocate Contact:
(425) 430-6654

How can I request discovery?

If you are represented by an attorney, please contact your attorney directly.

If you are not represented by an attorney, please see below for your discovery request options:

  1. Mail: please be sure to include a return envelope with sufficient postage for your request.

    City Attorney's Office
    Prosecution Division
    1055 South Grady Way
    Renton, WA 98057

  2. Fax: You may fax your discovery request to (425) 430-6498.

  3. Email: Contact the City Attorney's Office to determine which attorney is working on your case.

If you are looking for specific forms, please see the Renton Municipal Court forms page for the most up to date forms.

What is the general court calendar schedule?

Please contact the Renton Municipal Court directly for specific scheduling and/or court date/time information.

Below is only a general court calendar schedule:


  • 8 a.m. - Arraignment
  • 11 a.m. - In-Custody


  • 8:15 a.m. - Readiness
  • 8:30 a.m. - Mitigation
  • 11 a.m. - In-Custody
  • 1 p.m. Pre-Trial
  • 2:30 p.m. - Motion

How do I contact SCORE Jail?

20817 17th Avenue South
Des Moines, WA 98198
(206) 257-6200

Lobby Hours
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Inmate Roster

How do I find or change my court date?

Please contact the Renton Municipal Court.

How do I pay my court fines?

Please see the City of Renton Online Court payments page.

Who do I contact to complain about a code violation?

Report the following violations via Renton Responds.

  • Garbage, trash, and accumulated debris
  • Noxious weeds
  • Abandoned vehicles (on private property)
  • Unlicensed and inoperative vehicles stored on private property
  • Commercial vehicles parked in a residential zone
  • Structures built within setbacks
  • Signs placed in the right-of-way
  • Illegal signs on private and public property
  • Fences over 6 ft in residential zones
  • Fences over 4 ft in residential front yards
  • Fences in disrepair
  • Tree branches hanging low over sidewalks or streets, vegetation growing onto or over sidewalks
  • Construction or grading without the proper permit
  • Vacant buildings open to unauthorized entry
  • Basketball hoops on the sidewalk or street
  • Illegal operation of business in a residential zone
  • Businesses operating without a business license or proper permits
  • Activities not in compliance with current zoning regulations

Complaints can be filed by phone (425-430-7373).