Council Committees
Many items brought before the entire council are referred to a working committee for review. Upon completion of that review, the committee makes a recommendation to the entire Council for a vote at a subsequent Council meeting. Committee reports are presented under "Unfinished Business" on the agenda.
Upcoming council committee meetings are announced during council meetings and are available on the city council calendar.
Renton City Council
Renton City Council are conducted via Zoom and in person at the Council Chambers, 7th floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, 98057 every Monday evening at 7 p.m. except for holidays that land on a Monday and the fourth Monday of each month.
- Mayor Armondo Pavone
- Council President James Alberson, Jr.
- Council President Pro Tem Ruth Pérez
- Ryan McIrvin
- Valerie O'Halloran
- Ed Prince
- Carmen Rivera
- Kim-Khánh Văn
Committee of the Whole
Work sessions held the first four Mondays of the month prior to the City Council meeting.
Chair: James Alberson, Jr.
- Regional issues
- Policy issues
- Monitoring proposed local, state and federal legislation
- Labor negotiations
- Joint meetings with boards and commissions
- Budget review
- Emergency ordinances and resolutions
- Other items referred by city council
Community Services Committee
2nd and 4th Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Council Conference Room or via videoconference.
- Chair: Valerie O’Halloran
- Vice Chair: Kim-Khánh Văn
- Member: Carmen Rivera
- Parks
- Recreation
- Golf course
- Community centers
- General services
- Facilities
- Library
- Senior services
- Human services
- Appointments to boards and commissions
Finance Committee
2nd and 4th Mondays at 4 p.m. in the Council Conference Room or via videoconference.
- Chair: Ruth Pérez
- Vice Chair: Valerie O’Halloran
- Member: Ryan McIrvin
- Financial reports
- Computer/information systems
- Insurance issues
- Claims/vouchers review
- Organizational and personnel issues and reports
Planning & Development Committee
2nd and 4th Mondays at 5 p.m. in the Council Conference Room or via videoconference.
- Chair: Ed Prince
- Vice Chair: Ryan McIrvin
- Member: Kim-Khánh Văn
- Building regulations
- Zoning
- Planning
- Annexations
- Land use appeals
Public Safety Committee
3rd Monday of the month at 4 p.m. in the Council Conference Room or via videoconference.
- Chair: Ed Prince
- Vice Chair: Ryan McIrvin
- Member: Kim-Khánh Văn
- Fire-related issues
- Police-related issues
- Emergency communications
- Public safety facilities
Transportation/Aviation Committee
1st 3rd Mondays at 5 p.m. in the Council Conference Room or via videoconference.
- Chair: Ryan McIrvin
- Vice Chair: Ruth Pérez
- Member: Ed Prince
- Streets
- Airport
- HOV/mass transit
- Signals/lighting
Utilities Committee
1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 3 p.m. in the Council Conference Room or via videoconference.
- Chair: Kim-Khánh Văn
- Vice Chair: Carmen Rivera
- Member: Valerie O’Halloran
- Water utility
- Wastewater (sewer) utility
- Surface water (storm drainage) utility
- Garbage
- Recycling
- Flood control
The members of the Renton City Council are elected officials. State law provides that all correspondence sent to them (by any means, including email) is a public record. Certain records such as personal information may be exempt from disclosure. Therefore, any correspondence relating to city business sent to the council (by any means, including email) by any member of the public will be disclosed to any person who makes a request, unless exempt from disclosure under state law.