The Senior Advisory Board acts in an advisory capacity to the mayor and city council on matters of particular interest to senior residents of the community.
Renton residents are eligible for appointment and are invited to complete an application and submit it to the mayor's office. Members are elected by persons active at the Don Persson Renton Senior Activity Center.
Applications can be taken at any time, but interviews will only be conducted when there is a vacancy on the commission.
Full list of members and vacancies
3 years (board member terms expire on staggered years) Applications are received year round and held till a vacancy.
10 city residents, 5 non-residents (3 of the 5 must reside within Renton School District boundaries).
The first Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Don Persson Renton Senior Activity Center, 211 Burnett Ave. N. See calendar for meeting details.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board Approved Minutes
Don Persson Renton Senior Activity Center staff