Wastewater Utility Engineering

Wastewater Utility Engineering is responsible for planning, permitting, design, and management of capital improvement projects, policy development, design standards for new development, system planning, and customer service.

Fats, Oils, and Grease

The disposal of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) into sanitary sewer lines is a major contributor to the clogging of the sanitary sewer system.

Most FOG does not mix well with water and floats on top of the water clinging to the top of the sewer lines. Then when subsequent fats, oils, and grease flows down a line it will eventually clog.

Even a small amount of FOG in drains can cause a serious and expensive blockage and may cause an overflow in the home or community. In addition to the damage fats, oils, and grease may cause to the sanitary sewer lines, it is a primary source of sewer odors, both inside a building and from a sewer line in the street.

Fats, oils, and grease should not be disposed of in a sink, including those outfitted with a garbage disposal, or a lavatory. They should be disposed of properly by placing them into a container and placing it in the garbage container for pickup.

For additional information on fats, oils, and grease, please visit eliminating fats, oils and grease from our sewers.

2021 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan

Renton's 2021 Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan(PDF, 93MB) (LRWWMP) dated July 2022 presents policy and design criteria and recommends facility improvements. This plan is used as a guide in maintaining and improving the sanitary sewer system in order to provide the Renton Sewer Service Area with an effective, safe and reliable sewer system.

The LRWWMP was prepared in accordance with requirements of Washington Administrative Code 173-240-050, which is administered by the Washington State Department of Ecology and meets the requirements of the Washington Growth Management Act.

Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee

The Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee (MWPAAC) advises the Metropolitan King County Council and the King County Executive on matters related to water pollution abatement.

The committee was created by state law (RCW 35.58.210) and consists of representatives from cities and local sewer utilities that operate sewer systems within King County's service area.

Odor Issues at King County's South Treatment Plant

For households hooked up to the public sanitary sewer system, anything flushed down the toilets or household drains is treated by King County at their South Treatment Plant in Renton.

For odor issues at the treatment plant, please contact King County directly at the 24-hour Odor Control Hotline at 206-263-1760.

Report a Sewer Emergency

Homeowners who have a sewer related emergency, including broken pipes, or a leaky sewer main, have a clogged side sewer, or notice wastewater seeping from a manhole, should contact the maintenance services division at 425-430-7400.

After 3:30 p.m. or on weekends, if the emergency cannot wait until the next business day, please call the Renton Police Department at 425-430-7500.

The City is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the City’s sanitary sewer system. The City will respond to ensure that the public sewer mains are operating correctly.

Property owners are responsible for the operation and maintenance of their side sewers as they run from the residence to the City sewer main. However, please contact the City, as we may be able to assist with the problem. A sewer permit is required for any repair or replacement of side sewers.

Septic Systems

Septic systems treat wastewater when homes and buildings are not connected to public sewer systems.

Septic systems (including septic tanks) are under the regulation of the Seattle/King County Public Health Department. Contact them with questions.

Sewer Availability and Side Sewer Permits

For sewer availability, contact the Permit Center or call 425-430-7200 or 425-430-7266.

A sewer permit is required for any repair, replacement, or installation of side sewers. Contact the Permit Center.

Side Sewer Best Management Practices (King County's Toolkit 2021)

King County's Side Sewer BMP Toolkit was developed for MWPAAC agencies and includes a description, instructions to local sewer agencies, example website landing page content, and example content (that can be branded by local sewer agencies) for four BMPs:

  1. Unauthorized connection prohibition
  2. Courtesy notice to property owner/occupant regarding roots in side sewer connections
  3. Side sewer maintenance guidance document
  4. Private property I/I source disconnection/ redirection public education materials

Note: This toolkit is Appendix A from the Final Regional Best Management Practices Development, December 2021, under Reports / Evaluation of I/I Reduction Concepts to Improve the Regional I/I Program (2017-2021).

For additional reports, studies, maps, and other resources related to King County's Regional Infiltration and Inflow Control program.

For additional information about Infiltration and Inflow (I/I), please visit King County Infiltration and Inflow Program.