2026 Utility Rates

Cover of utility rates 2026 brochure

2026 City of Renton Utility Rates

Utility Systems Division Mission

Dedicated to performing the planning, engineering, capital construction, regulatory compliance programs and asset management functions for the city’s water, wastewater, and surface water utilities, in a sustainable manner that ensures public health and safety, superior customer service, meets all regulatory requirements, protects environmental resources, is financially sound, and supports the city’s business plan.

This brochure includes the rates for the water, wastewater, and surface water sections effective January 1, 2026.

Solid waste services are being provided by Republic Services. Please contact them directly for all solid waste collection services and billing questions, including solid waste rates and missed pickups.

Republic Services
Customer Service Call Center
Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m.
Saturday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Water Utility

2026 Water Monthly Rates - By Size of Service

  • 3/4” Basic Charge $19.05; Charge for Irrigation $11.45
  • 1” Basic Charge $37.77; Charge for Irrigation $20.48; Fire Meter $6.79
  • 1-1/2” Basic Charge $72.88; Charge for Irrigation $34.96; Fire Meter $7.59
  • 2” Basic Charge $114.22; Charge for Irrigation $53.54; Fire Meter $9.75
  • 3” Basic Charge $234.68; Charge for Irrigation $113.19; Fire Meter $25.76
  • 4” Basic Charge $358.02; Charge for Irrigation $168.47; Fire Meter $31.69
  • 6” Basic Charge $698.48; Charge for Irrigation $319.12; Fire Meter $45.52
  • 8” Basic Charge $1,367.04; Charge for Irrigation $698.30; Fire Meter $61.31
  • 10” Basic Charge $2,037.82; Charge for Irrigation $897.93; Fire Meter $79.10
  • 12” Basic Charge $2,965.71; Charge for Irrigation $1,296.64; Fire Meter $94.90

Commodity Rates (100 cubic feet = 748 gallons)

  • Single-family
  • Less than 500 cubic feet/month = $2.74/100 cubic feet
  • 500–1,000 cubic feet/month = $3.69/100 cubic feet
  • Over 1000 cubic feet/month = $4.66/100 cubic feet
  • Multi-family $3.57/100 cubic feet
  • Non-residential $3.76/100 cubic feet
  • Private irrigation $6.04/100 cubic feet
  • City irrigation $4.24/100 cubic feet
  • Hydrant meter $6.04/100 cubic feet

Outside City Limits: Rates for customers outside city limits are 1.5 times the above.

The Water Utility operates and maintains nine wells, one spring, 318 miles of water mains, 18 pumping stations, 10 reservoirs and elevated tanks, two treatment facilities, 3,893 fire hydrants, and 18,533 metered connections.

The city joined the Saving Water Partnership in 2012. For tips on how to conserve water and save money, visit them at savingwater.org.

Wastewater Utility

2026 Wastewater Monthly Rates

  • Single-family: Renton $34.34; King County $62.36

Other Users

  • Minimum charge: Renton $34.34*; King County $62.36*
    *includes 750 cf
  • Per 100 cf: Renton $3.88; King County $8.31

Outside City Limits: Rates for customers outside city limits are 1.5 times the above, for the Renton portion of the rate only.

The Wastewater Utility operates and maintains 235 miles of sewer mains, and 20 sewage lift stations and force mains.

Wastewater is sent to King County South Treatment Plant where it is treated and discharged to the Puget Sound. The King County rate is the charge for the treatment. For questions about treatment, call King County at 206-477-5371.

Protect Your Sewer Pipes

To help protect your sewer pipes and keep them working properly, follow these easy tips:

  • Only flush toilet paper. Do not flush trash. Even items labeled “flushable” can build up in the sewer system and cause overflow.
  • Dispose of grease in the garbage to reduce the risk of clogged sewer pipes. When grease is washed down the drain including a garbage disposal, it sticks to the inside of sewer pipes both on your property and in the streets. Over time, it builds up and can block the entire pipe.

Surface Water Utility

2026 Surface Water Monthly Rates

  • Single-family $18.25

Commercial Minimums

  • Low Intensity: .5 acres or less $45.21; .5 acres or more $90.84/AC
  • Medium Intensity: .5 acres or less $65.38; .5 acres or more $130.71/AC
  • High Intensity: .5 acres or less $84.31; .5 acres or more $168.60/AC

The Surface Water Utility operates and maintains 294 miles of storm pipe, 17,690 catch basins and structures, and 479 flow control and water quality treatment facilities.

When rainwater flows on the ground, it may pick up and carry pollutants into storm drains. Stormwater runoff flows to streams and lakes and eventually reaches Puget Sound.

Help keep our lakes, rivers and Puget Sound clean by following these easy tips:

  • Sweep sidewalks, patios and driveways and dispose of debris in the trash.
  • Remove leaves, debris, and trash around storm drains to prevent flooding and pollution.
  • Do not dump anything into storm systems or on the ground where it can be washed into the street storm system.
  • Do not use or limit the use of fertilizers, pesticides or other chemicals that can be washed away during rainfall.
  • Wash vehicles at a commercial car wash.

Reduced Rates

The city offers reduced rates for low-income senior citizens (61 and over) and low-income disabled citizens. Please call 425-430-6852 for details.

Ways to Pay

  • Direct debit applications and online payment services are available on the city’s website at rentonwa.gov/utilitybilling.
  • Phone payment is available by calling 800-430-1669.
  • Drop box is open 24/7 and available at the southwest corner of the Renton City Hall upper parking lot.