Frequently Asked Questions

General Billing

What utility services does Renton provide?

Addresses in Renton city limits are billed for water, sewer, surface water, and for a pass through charge for King County sewer treatment.

All services may not be provided solely by the city but by a combination of local water districts and the city. Bills are generated and distributed the first week of every month and due 25 days later. Call 425-430-6852 for addresses in the greater Renton area.

Note: Garbage service is billed separately by Republic Services. Republic bills for residential customers on a quarterly basis and for non-residential properties every month. Contact Republic Services at 206-777-6440.

Benson Hill Area, south of Petrovitsky
Soos Creek Water and Sewer: 253-630-9900

Fairwood and Maple Valley Highway Areas
Soos Creek Water and Sewer: 253-630-9900
Cedar River Water District: 425-255-6370

Renton Highlands Area, East of Duvall Ave
Water District 90: 425-255-9600

West Hill, Skyway and Bryn Mawr Area
Skyway Water and Sewer: 206-772-1580
Seattle Utilities: 206-433-1849

Gas and Electric Service

Puget Sound Energy
TTY (for hard of hearing/speech disorders): 800-962-9498
Telecommunications Relay Service: 866-831-5161

Other Services

800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278)





Hughes Net

How is a monthly bill determined?

There is a monthly base rate for water, sewer, and surface water charges for homes serviced by the City of Renton. The base rate for water depends on the size of the water line that services the home.

Usage rates depend on the water usage habits, which differ by household. Usage also fluctuates depending upon watering and irrigation systems. 

The utility rate brochure has information on services and water consumption.


When are utility bills mailed?

Utility bills are generated and distributed the first week of every month and payment is due 25 days later. There is a 20-day grace period before a 10% late charged is added to the account.


Why is there a bill from King County for a sewer capacity charge?

The wastewater charges on your Renton utility bill are for the maintenance of the sewer lines within the City of Renton and for the sewage treatment at the King County sewage treatment plant. The sewage treatment capacity charge is a charge in addition to sewer service billed to those customers who connected to the sanitary sewage system on or after February 1, 1990. The capacity charge distributes the costs for this expanding infrastructure to customers with the newest sewer connections. In other words, the capacity charge helps make sure that “growth pays for growth.”

For more information about the sewage capacity charge, visit the King County website.


Why are there monthly charges if the water is turned off?

A minimum charge is incurred for all properties that have a connection to the water, sewer, or storm drain infrastructure.

If water service is suspended for an extended period of time, a $60 fee is incurred but sewer charges will stop. Charges will still be in effect for surface water and a base rate for the water meter.

If water service is disconnected for non-payment, all utility rates will continue to be charged monthly.


How can I pay my bill?

Payments can be made online, by direct debit, over the phone, or in person. Go online to pay your utility bill.

Can I temporarily suspend my service?

Water service can be turned off temporarily for an extended period of time. There is a $60 fee for city staff to turn the water off at the meter. This will stop sewer charges from posting to the bill, however billing will continue for surface water and the base rate for the water meter.

Temporary-Water-Shut-Off-Form.pdf(PDF, 64KB)

If the water service is disconnected for non-payment, all utility rates will be charged monthly.


What happens if my payment is late?

On the 46th day from the billing date, a 10% penalty will be charged to the account. A late notice will be sent 10 days prior to water being disconnected, allowing time to call the city to make arrangements to pay the bill.

If the account remains unpaid, water service will be disconnected at the water meter and a $60 fee will be added to the account.

To have service restored, the account balance must be paid in full with cash or guaranteed funds. No checks will be accepted for water that is disconnected.

If service is restored after 3 p.m. a $90 after hours fee will be charged to the account. Accounts that continue to be delinquent may have a lien filed against the property.



Billing Assistance

How do I restore service if water is shut off for non-payment?

To have service restored, the account balance must be paid in full with cash or guaranteed funds. Check payments will not be accepted for service that is disconnected.

If service is restored after 3 pm, an additional $90 after hours fee will be charged to the account. Accounts that continue to be delinquent may have a lien filed against the property.

The city offers the following payment methods:

Online Payments

Payments can be made online with an electronic check, Visa, or Mastercard.

To pay online at Civic Pay

Phone Payments

Payments can be made by phone with a Visa or Mastercard.

Call 1-844-791-1505 to pay by phone.

In Person Payments

Payments can be made in person at city hall in the first floor finance office. Office hours are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Does the city offer reduced utility rates?

The city offers a reduced utility rate(PDF, 288KB)  to income qualifying senior citizens 61 years of age or older, with a maximum income of $58,423 per year.

The discount is also available to permanently disabled citizens that meet the income and documentation guidelines. Complete a Reduce Rate Application(PDF, 584KB) and submit with the required verifying documentation to the utility billing division for approval.


Is utility payment assistance available?

If you are in need of assistance, please call 2-1-1 for the Information and Referral service for King County residents.


What if I have a water leak?

Any leak in the water service lines from the water meter or on the street side of the water meter is the responsibility of the city. The city will repair the leak and request a billing adjustment if warranted. 

Any leak in the water service lines from the water meter to the building is the responsibility of the property owner. A partial bill adjustment may be available. A leak adjustment will be granted once every five years to customers who provide proof of a qualifying leak. The Leak Adjustment request form(PDF, 252KB) must be submitted along with proof of repair.

There are no billing adjustments for leaks that occur in an irrigation system.



Garbage Service

City of Renton has a contract with Republic Services to provide garbage, recycling, and organics services for homes in Renton city limits. Garbage services are billed separately by Republic Services. Contact Republic Services at 206-777-6440 or