Find more information on these convenient and low/no cost recycling events and services available to all Renton residents.
Each year, the City of Renton holds small recycling collection events that are open to all residents. All events are held at the Renton Technical College (3000 NE 4th St) Parking Lot 3 between 10 AM – 2 PM.
The 2025 event dates and accepted items are:
For more information, please see our Recycling Collection Event Flyer (coming soon)
The Household Hazardous Waste Program of King County offers household hazardous waste drop-off service for a variety of household hazardous wastes at several locations throughout King County. The service is free to all King County residents and no appointment is necessary. For more information on drop-off sites, operating hours, and accepted materials, please visit the HHW Program website.
The HHW Program also accepts waste at its Wastemobile events throughout the year. For more information on dates and locations, please visit the Wastemobile website.
You can drop-off your spent alkaline batteries (AAA, AA, C, D, 9-volt) for free at three locations in Renton:
LightRecycle is a product stewardship program that collects mercury-containing bulbs and tubes for proper disposal and recycling. The program is free and available to all residents. Residents can recycle unlimited screw-base compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), up to 15 pin-based or linear fluorescent lamps, and up to 2 high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps per day for free by dropping them off at authorized collection sites. For more information and to find a drop-off location near you, please visit the LightRecycle Washington website.
E-Cycle Washington is a product stewardship program that collects desktop/laptop computers, computer monitors, televisions, and tablets, e-readers, and portable DVD players. The program is available to all residents. For more information and to find a drop-off location near you, please visit the E-Cycle Washington website.
Dispose of medications safely when they are no longer needed to prevent accidental ingestion or misuse by others. Do not place medicine in the trash or recycling and never flush them down the sink or toilet. Learn more about your free options to dispose of unwanted or expired household medications safely and securely in Renton by visiting the MedTakebackWashington website.
PaintCare is a product stewardship program that collects house paint as well as primers, stains, sealers, and clear coatings such as shellac and varnish. There is no cost to residents at collection sites to drop-off these materials. For more information on the program, accepted materials, and to find a drop-off site near you, please visit the PaintCare website.
Recycling used motor oil and filters is easy in Renton. All the city’s auto parts stores take back used motor oil and filters at no cost. The oil collected by these stores is recycled into re-refined oil or burned as bunker fuel.
For Oil: Drain the oil into a clean, reusable container and bring it to any of the following locations during their business hours. Small quantities only - most stores will accept up to five gallons at a time.
For Filters: Drain the filter for 24 hours and collect the oil for recycling. Bring your used filter (metal filters only0 to any of the following locations during their business hours.
Drop-off locations:
During the first two full weeks of each year holiday trees will be collected at no additional cost from Renton residents.