
Open for business sign on door

Your Services 

The city partners with Republic Services to provide mandatory cart-based and dumpster-based garbage and recycling collection to Renton businesses. Garbage carts and dumpsters are gray and recycling carts and dumpsters are blue. Collection service can be provided up to five times per week. Unlimited recycling capacity is provided at no additional cost. Property owners are responsible for setting up a collection service account and are billed by Republic Services for collection services provided. For more information on alternate tenant billing, please visit our Utility Billing page.

Solid Waste Rates 

Solid Waste rates(PDF, 556KB) are based upon the size of your garbage cart and/or container. Service can be provided with carts, dumpsters, compactors, or roll-off containers. Please see the solid waste rates brochure for available cart and container sizes and pricing.


Hazardous waste containers

Hazardous Waste Disposal 

Find out about the hazardous waste disposal services and drop-off locations available to businesses through the Hazardous Waste Management Program of King County. Offerings include free on-site consultations and a cash back incentive program.

Waste Reduction and Recycling Assistance 

The City of Renton is helping local businesses recycle more and waste less. Through personalized technical assistance and outreach, the city is providing businesses with tools and expertise to reduce their garbage bills, prevent waste, and comply with new state waste laws.  To request a consultation, please contact Meara Heubach, the City of Renton’s Solid Waste Program Manager, at

Recycling and trash containers


Free Customized Support 

Your business can receive free customized waste prevention and recycling support. Outreach staff from Cascadia Consulting Group will set up waste containers, review what can be composted or recycled, post waste signage and stickers, and provide a limited supply of compostable bags and bag dispensers.

The city can provide a variety of free supplies and signage to your business.  Supplies subject to availability and approval.  A site visit to your business may be required to determine which supplies should be provided.

The city can help your business:

  • Right-size waste service levels and calculate cost savings for reducing garbage service
  • Subscribe to recycling or organics (food and yard waste) collection
  • Educate your staff in English, Spanish, or Vietnamese about which materials are recyclable or compostable
  • Provide additional interior recycling or organics containers (with or without lids) as appropriate
  • Locate interior waste containers more conveniently
  • Provide a limited supply of compostable bags and bag dispensers
  • Post laminated multilingual signs near interior and exterior waste containers
  • Relabel exterior waste containers as necessary
  • Make follow-up visits to troubleshoot arising issues and continue staff education

Organics Management Law Information

In 2022 and 2024, Washington passed the Organics Management Laws, which requires many businesses to separate their organics (food and yard waste) from their garbage.  Details on the requirements can be found in the Organics Laws for Businesses Focus Sheet(PDF, 405KB). The city’s waste reduction and recycling assistance project will help businesses prepare to comply with the requirements and aid businesses in reducing the amount of recyclable and compostable materials being landfilled.

How do the organics management laws impact my business?

All businesses and commercial waste generators (such as restaurants, stores, offices, schools, and churches) must arrange for organics collection service and separate organic waste from their garbage according to the timeline below. Organic waste includes waste from food (such as fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, fish, shellfish, and grains) and plants (such as debris from landscape work and untreated lumber).


  • Jan. 1, 2024: Businesses generating at least eight cubic yards of organic material waste per week.
  • Jan. 1, 2025: Businesses generating at least four cubic yards of organic material waste per week.
  • Jan. 1, 2026: Businesses generating at least 96 gallons of organic waste per week.
  • April 1, 2030: All business must arrange for organic materials management service.


How can my business receive help?

Businesses can contact Meara Heubach, the City of Renton’s Solid Waste Program Manager, at  The city is prioritizing assistance to businesses that generate a lot of organic waste (at least four cubic yards per week) and are owned or staffed by Spanish or Vietnamese speakers, but any licensed Renton business is eligible to receive support. Republic Services also provides waste prevention education and support to businesses. Republic Services staff can provide site visits to review existing services, determine recycling potential, and assess space constraints for adding waste containers. Contact Republic Services at 253-872-7220.


Business assistance resources

Participating businesses may receive free supplies and signage(PDF, 1MB)  to help them sort and collect recyclables and organic waste. These tools include plastic containers in different sizes, container lids, compostable bags, wheeled trolleys, and multilingual posters and container labels.  To request supplies and signage, please contact Meara Heubach at


How to sign up for organics collection service

To arrange for organics collection service through a waste hauler, consider the following local service providers:

Republic Services

35- or 64-gallon carts are collected every week for a monthly fee.  The monthly fee for a 35-gallon cart is $48.15 and the monthly fee for a 64-gallon cart is $55.28.  Contact Republic Services at 253-872-7220 to start service.

Cedar Grove 

Collection provided one-to-five times per week.  Container size options include 64- or 96-gallon carts and 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, and 8-cubic yard dumpsters.  Contact Cedar Grove for pricing at 877-994-4466 or by email at

Commercial Waste Reduction and Recycling (CWRR)

Call 360-886-9372 or email



Some businesses may be exempt from the requirement to arrange for organics collection service if one of the following conditions apply:

  • Organic materials are managed onsite.
  • Organic materials from growing or harvesting food or fiber are used offsite by a business for growing food or fiber.
  • Organic materials are sold or donated to another business for offsite use.
  • Organic materials are generated from a natural disaster.