Parking Enforcement

Parking enforcement officers promote vitality in the business areas through timed parking enforcement and respond to neighborhood issues forwarded through Renton Responds and complaints received from the police department's non-emergency number, 425-235-2121.

Residential parking is a significant issue in the city, with many houses having more vehicles associated with them than they have parking space in their driveway. A vehicle parked on public property longer than 72 hours is considered abandoned. When the police department is made aware of such a vehicle, it is tagged as abandoned. State law and city ordinance allow the vehicle to be removed after 72 hours. A property owner can remove vehicles parked on private property at any time. Only under certain circumstances can police remove vehicles on private property.

Commercial Vehicles

It is illegal for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) over 12,000 pounds to be parked in areas zoned residential.

Parking Complaints

Complaints can be made by completing the Parking Enforcement – Parking or Abandoned Vehicle request category in Renton Responds or to the non-emergency number, 425-235-2121.

During normal business hours the quickest way to file a parking complaint is by calling the non-emergency police line at 425-235-2121. The Parking Enforcement officers are out of the office during the day and are radio dispatched. Please keep in mind that Parking Enforcement officers do not work a 24/7 schedule. Issues occurring while there is no Parking Enforcement officer working will be handled by an available Traffic or Patrol officer. It may take several days for the Traffic unit to respond by email after your request is submitted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can commercial vehicles stop and block a lane of travel while unloading in the business area of downtown Renton?

Yes, commercial vehicles can stop and block a lane of travel while unloading in the business area of downtown Renton.

Can I park my car on a city street or city right-of-way in front of my house?

Vehicles parked on city streets/right of way must have valid registration/current tabs. Vehicles parked longer than 72 hours are considered abandoned.

Can I park my trailer in front of my house on the street?

Trailers may be parked on the public right-of-way but must follow all parking rules as if they were a vehicle. They may not be parked in the same place for more than 72 hours. The exception is a boat trailer may not be parked on the street unless it is hooked up to a vehicle and legally parked.

How does parking enforcement know how long I have been parked someplace?

There are a number of ways a vehicle can be tagged. It may not be an obvious “mark” or “tag” as mark removal and pushing the abandoned vehicle a few feet is a counter measure utilized to circumvent the law. Ongoing violations will likely result in removal by impound.

I received a parking ticket by mistake. Who do I talk to?

In short - the judge. Once a ticket is issued it cannot be voided or taken out of the system. On the back of the infraction is a form that can be filled out and mailed in requesting a court date. Fill out this form if you would like an opportunity to explain to the judge why you feel the ticket was given in error.

If I move, do I need to notify the Department of Licensing of my new address?

Yes, you have 10 days to notify the Department of Licensing of your new address. Failure to do so is an infraction.