Frequently Asked Questions

When should I call 911?

Dial 9-1-1 anytime you need an officer for any incident that is in-progress. The Renton Police Department does not have its own dispatching center at the station. If the incident you need an officer for is not in-progress, you are welcome to use the non-emergency number: (425) 235-2121.

Valley Communications Center in Kent dispatches all officers through the 9-1-1 system. The caller's information comes up on a screen and includes the caller's phone number, address, and the name of the resident. The call receiver will need to confirm the information because it is not always accurate.

If you call from a cellphone you may need to provide your location because that information may not be available to the Dispatcher. The call receiver will then enter the information into a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and the dispatcher will send the appropriate emergency units. The call receiver and dispatcher work simultaneously to avoid any delay in sending you help. Stay on the phone until the dispatcher tells you to hang up, especially when you are calling from a cellphone.

You can process complaints for neighborhood speeding, parking and abandoned vehicles online if it is not an emergency.

How do I use 911?

  • At a business or other location you may need to dial an outside line before dialing 9-1-1.
  • When using a cellphone you must specify that is the type of phone you are calling from; be prepared to give your location, including the city and state.
  • To access TTY or TDD (Telephone Device for the Deaf), press the space bar until a response is received.

Where can I get fingerprinted?

Due to COVID-19 health concerns and in effort to slow the spread of the virus, fingerprinting services for anything other than Concealed Pistol License are temporarily suspended until further notice.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

How do I apply for a license to carry a concealed weapon?

Only City of Renton residents can apply for a Concealed Pistol License at the Renton Police Department. 

Learn how to apply under Concealed Pistol License.

How do I get a copy of a police report?

The Renton Police Department provides involved parties copies of police reports and traffic accident reports for incidents that occurred within the city limits of Renton, and that the department has investigated.

How to Obtain a Case Copy

  • Apply online through the Records Request portal. 
  • Apply in person by completing a Case Copy Request form at the front counter of the Renton Police Department. There is the option of having the report emailed or you may pick it up.
  • Apply by phone at 425-430-7629. The information will be collected over the phone and an in-person appearance is required to pay the fee (if applicable) and receive the report.
  • It takes approximately seven to ten days to process a routine request. More complicated cases can take longer.

Attorneys, insurance companies, or other agencies representing an involved party in a Renton Police case can mail requests to the Renton Police Department, Records Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Please place the request on your business letterhead, and include as much information pertaining to the date, time, nature of the case, and involved parties as you may have. Please include a statement that states your interest in the case. You may call the Renton Police Department at 425-430-7629 to find out the fee associated with your request.

Washington State Law regulates who may receive copies of cases. In some instances, your copy may be edited to withhold certain information pending disposition of the case or for other reasons.

Search the Sex Offender Database

This database is maintain by the King County Sheriff's office and contains information about Level 2 and Level 3 offenders, kidnapping offenders, and Level 1 offenders who are out of compliance with the registration requirements. The addresses listed are NOT exact addresses, but an address block where the sex offender has reported he or she resides.

Sex Offender Database

How can I get rid of graffiti in my neighborhood?

When graffiti appears in your neighborhood, file a report using Renton Responds. Renton Responds will ask for a a photo and location.

If the graffiti is on your property, you are responsible for the removal. Studies have shown that the quicker the graffiti is removed, the less likely it is to return.

Leaving the graffiti in place allows offenders to assume the neighborhood doesn't care about its upkeep. 

Is there any connection between having a garage sale and subsequent burglaries?

We are unaware of any connection between garage sales and subsequent burglaries. But keep the following safety suggestions in mind:

  • Expect to have customers arrive early for the sale, no matter what time you have advertised for it to begin.
  • Have the garage sale in the front of your home, not inside your garage.
  • Keep all doors and windows locked that are not visible to you from your post, as well as any vehicles you have parked in your driveway. Be sure to remove any valuables from your vehicle.
  • Keep earnings in a hip pouch and take large bills inside the house as a precaution.
  • Do not allow customers to use your bathroom or telephone. Direct them to the nearest public facility.
  • Have a couple of friends there with you at all times. There is safety in numbers!
  • Be vigilant of anybody who appears to be attempting to distract you away from an entry point into your home.

I want to have my house checked for proper locks, window latches, etc. Who do I call?

Contact the Renton Police Department's Community Programs unit at 425-430-7521 or 425-430-7520. They will make an appointment with you to conduct a free residential or commercial security survey of your property.

What can I do about speeding in my neighborhood?

Call the Traffic unit at 425-430-7556 or email during business hours. They may initiate a "speed survey" of the area and determine if there is indeed a problem.

You can also complete a Traffic Request Form to advise the Traffic Division of the issue.

I want to have my child's car seat checked ensure it fits properly. Who do I contact?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) lists all inspection sites in the state.

Who should be called to complain about a code violation?

Contact code enforcement for the following violations:

  • Garbage, trash, and accumulated debris
  • Noxious weeds
  • Abandoned vehicles (on private property)
  • Unlicensed and inoperative vehicles stored on private property
  • Commercial vehicles parked in a residential zone
  • Structures built within setbacks
  • Signs placed in the right-of-way
  • Illegal signs on private and public property
  • Fences over 6 ft in residential zones
  • Fences over 4 ft in residential front yards
  • Fences in disrepair
  • Tree branches hanging low over sidewalks or streets, vegetation growing onto or over sidewalks
  • Construction or grading without the proper permit
  • Vacant buildings open to unauthorized entry
  • Basketball hoops on the sidewalk or street
  • Illegal operation of business in a residential zone
  • Businesses operating without a business license or proper permits
  • Activities not in compliance with current zoning regulations

Complaints can be filed by phone at 425-430-7373, email or via Renton Responds.

Do not contact the Renton Police Department or dial 9-1-1 for the above-listed complaints.

False Alarms

False Alarm Reduction Program

CryWolf False Alarm Solutions assists the city in reducing the time and resources needed to process false alarms. Renton police officers respond to an average of 10 false alarms a month. This program also simplifies the program's management, freeing up police personnel to concentrate on public safety responsibilities.

Register your monitored alarm system with CryWolf

Alarm registration is required for all monitored alarm systems installed in homes or businesses.

  • One-time $25 fee due at registration.
  • No charge for annual renewals.
  • Alarm registrants receive one no-fine false alarm each calendar year.
  • Appeal process is available to alarm users who feel the fines or fees are in error.
  • False Alarm Fee Schedule:
  1. $0 - first
  2. $100 - second
  3. $250 - third+

An alarm system is described as any single device or assembly of equipment designed to signal the occurrence of an illegal or unauthorized entry, or other illegal activity requiring immediate attention and to which law enforcement is requested to respond by an alarm company, but does not include motor vehicle or boat alarms, fire alarms or alarms designated to elicit a medical response.

To register your burglary alarm system, visit

If you have questions about the program, see these frequently asked questions.  For questions about the registration process or the program itself, contact CryWolf directly at (855) 664-4524, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (PST) or visit their website.

 Alarm Ordinance