Renton Police Safe Place


The City of Renton is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for everyone. While there are only a few reported hate or bias-based crimes in our city, they still happen. The Renton Police Department is dedicated to keeping all residents and visitors safe and does not tolerate hate crimes.

The Renton PD Safe Place Program provides a safe space for victims of hate crimes who feel threatened. These locations offer a welcoming place where victims can call the police and wait safely for help to arrive. Local businesses and organizations that participate display a Safe Place decal, which serves as a clear sign that anyone facing violence or harassment because of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability can seek help there.

Renton PD adopted the Safe Place program from the Seattle Police Department, which created it in 2015. The program started as a way to encourage people to report anti-LGBTQ crimes and school bullying by building trust between the community and law enforcement. In 2018, the program expanded to include all victims of bias-related crimes. Seattle PD was the first law enforcement agency in the country to launch a program like this.

For more information on the Safe Place program and what qualifies as a bias-related crime, visit Seattle PD Safe Place

For information about the Renton PD Safe Place Program please email the program liaison, Ofc. Roseanne Hynes.

How It Works

The Renton Police Department’s Safe Place Program is a special partnership with local businesses to help victims of certain crimes. Businesses and organizations that join the program place a clear, easy-to-spot decal at their entrance.

These decals are placed on glass doors or windows, about 4 to 6 feet off the ground, so that people in danger can quickly see them while passing by. The decal is a sign that the business is a safe place for victims of hate crimes. It means the business has agreed to call 911 for them and let them stay there safely until the police arrive.

Right now, more than 6,000 businesses in Seattle are part of the program. Over 200 police agencies across the U.S. and Canada, including those in Bellevue and Renton, are working with Seattle police to bring Safe Place to their communities.

In 2018, the Safe Place program expanded to help any victim of a hate crime, not just those in the LGBTQ community. The Safe Place decal now represents support for all people, no matter their race, age, gender, nationality, beliefs, or other differences.


The Importance of Reporting Hate Crimes

For the police to respond effectively to any crime, they must be notified immediately via 911 so that any injuries can be treated, witnesses can be interviewed, and evidence can be collected and preserved.

Unfortunately, victims of hate crimes are often fearful to report for a variety of reasons. This can lead to a significant under-reporting and inaccurate statistics. It also allows the suspects who committed these crimes to continue their behavior with other victims. The Renton Police Department wants victims of hate crimes to feel comfortable reporting these incidents to the police.

Renton has joined a nationwide movement and local organizations to launch the Hate Has No Home Here campaign that identifies locations free from hateful behavior.

Places displaying the Hate Has No Home Here signs signify that hateful actions against others are not tolerated by that person, business, or organization.

Ways to Report Hate Crimes

  • If the incident is happening now, or just happened, call 911 immediately.

  • If the incident has already occurred, the immediate danger is over and there are no injuries, call our non-emergency number 425-235-2121.

  • If you are not comfortable calling 911 or have additional questions regarding being a victim of or witnessing a hate crime, you can call the Renton Police Department Hate Crime Hotline at 1-844-RPT-HATE (1-844-778-4283) or email


Information for Participating Businesses and Organizations

Renton PD Safe Place Program is designed to assist the victims of hate and bias crime and to encourage the reporting of these crimes.

How can my business or organization participate?

  • Submit a Renton PD Safe Place Program Application and request decals.

  • Once your request is received, the Renton PD Safe Place Program Liaison will deliver or mail decals to your location and provide further training to you and/or your staff.

  • Commit to the Safe Place responsibilities.

What are my responsibilities?

Although the Renton PD Safe Place Program is free and voluntary, it is important that you educate your staff regarding their responsibilities:

  • If a crime victim enters your premise, your staff should call 911 immediately on the victim's behalf AND

  • Allow the victim to remain on your premise until police arrive.

  • If the victim leaves prior to police arrival, re-contact 911 and update the operator with the victim's and/or suspect's description and direction of travel.

As with any emergency situation, your staff should use due care and caution when providing the victims of crime safe shelter while being mindful of the safety of patrons, co-workers and compliance with company policy.


Our Partners

We are proud to partner with Renton businesses and community organizations.