Online Permit Portal Help
The following will help you to navigate the online permit portal, Civic Access Self-Service Portal (CASSP). Our one-stop shop for the following available online services:
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have to re-register?
The software used for permitting and licensing for the City of Renton, Civic Access Self-Service Portal (CASSP) called Tyler Identity Community (TID-C) is updating. Therefore, customers must re-register using the new TID-C Authentication process. The reason for this update is to improve the overall customer experience and allow information in the City of Renton's back-end system and CASSP to be linked with the new TID-C.
Can I change my email address when I'm re-registering?
No, you must use the same email address you previously used to register with on the portal because your original registered account is already in the system and when you re-register with the new TID-C Authentication using the same email address previously the new registered account will be linked together with the old registered account and allow you access to all your registered account is associated with.
After I re-register, will I have access to my permits?
If you re-register using the same email address as you previously registered on the portal, you will have access to all of the associated permit cases that were associated to the old registered account.
I re-registered but I don't see any of my permits on my dashboard, what do I do?
Contact the Permit Center at or 425-430-7215, be sure to have your email address used at the re-registration process available and first and last name of the registered user.
I didn't receive my confirmation email for registration, what should I do?
Many domain emails for example block unsolicited emails that it doesn't recognize. Sometimes the block/filter is through your system's protection software (i.e. McAfee), therefore, you should contact your IT department, have them turn off the blocking/filtering to allow the email to come through to your email box as well as have your IT department add it to your Whitelist.
If you are still having difficulty registering with your domain email address (, you can register with an email that uses @yahoo, @gmail, or @comcast, etc. During registration be sure you don't use any email address as your username. Once you have completed the registration process you can then login, go into your My Account and change the email address associated with the registered user account to your company email address.
Will the City of Renton email me my permit?
You will receive an email notification that your permit has been issued. In the body of the email will be a link to the permit where you can print the permit online. But the permit will not be an attachment to the email.
At anytime you can print your permit from your dashboard. Or after you apply for an over-the-counter (OTC) permit and complete the payment process, you will be redirected to your My Dashboard, under My Permits, click on the Active card, find the permit you wish to print, click the permit number link and at the top right of the permit details screen there is a blue printer icon that allows you to print your permit.
Why can't I see my permit on My Dashboard?
When the City of Renton moved to the new online permitting system the contacts from the previous system did not carry over, therefore you must register on our new Civic Access Self-Service Portal (CASSP).You will need to contact Permit Services at (425) 430-7215 and a Permit Specialist will help you get access to your permits.
I can't schedule my inspections online, what should I do?
First are you a registered user? If the answer is yes, then are you logged in? If the answer is no, you must log in to schedule inspections. If the answer is yes, then the alternative is to schedule your inspections over the phone at (425) 430-7202 using our Integrated Voice Response system (IVR) and after you have scheduled your inspections, please contact Permit Services at (425) 430-7200 so that we can investigate why you are unable to schedule your inspections online.
I am the contractor and I keep getting the following message when I try to add my company as the contractor, "Required certifications not found". What do I do?
Are you applying for an electrical or plumbing permit and only have a general contractor's certification on file with us? If so, contact Permit Services and update your company's contact with the correct contractor's Labor & Industries' (L&I) State certification for the type of permit you are applying for. Please have your Washington State UBI number available for the Permit Specialist to add to your contact.
Do you have a City of Renton business license or is it expired or closed? If the answer is no you do not have a City of Renton business license or the answer is yes, it has expired or is closed. You can apply, renew or reapply online at FileLocal-WA.
Once you have applied, renewed or reapplied, contact Permit Services at or 425-430-7215 to have your business license information added or updated on your registered contact. Please be prepared to provide a copy of your receipt from FileLocal-WA and your Washington State UBI number.
Can I pay my invoices online? Do I have to be a registered user to pay my invoice online?
Yes, you can pay your invoice(s) online. Go to the Civic Access Self-Service Portal and click on the Pay Invoice tile, enter your invoice number, click the Pay Now button, fill out your payment details including your email address and click Pay Now. A receipt will be sent to the email address you provided.
No, you do not have to be a registered user to pay invoices online. Follow the instructions above or open the Pay an Invoice tip sheet.
I’m registered and logged in, but I can’t find my Pet License. What do I do?
Visit the License Renewal Page. If the license you are looking for is not there, contact Animal License Services at or 425-430-6850 with your license number and email address.
Application Guides
Tip Sheets
Help Videos
Printing Your Permit
Requesting an Inspection