Environmental Action

Proposals that exceed certain thresholds—such as buildings larger than 4,000 square feet or projects located in critical areas—must undergo review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) before building or construction permits can be issued. This review requires a determination from the City's Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to assess whether additional mitigation is necessary to reduce potential environmental impacts or if an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required.

Important Note: SEPA review starts when the applicant submits an environmental checklist along with their development application. This review occurs concurrently with the land use application process.




  • Find your property information to determine what is allowed for your zone and your property by referencing the Renton Zoning Code.
  • Prior to submitting an application, the applicant should informally discuss the proposed development with the Planning Division.
  • Use the Renton Zoning Code to determine the development standards are for your zone.
  • Provide the location of critical areas on the submitted plans.
  • Additional guidance and resources for SEPA can be found at the Department of Ecology.

Be Prepared

  • Ensure sure all items on the applicable submittal checklist are provided and all application forms are signed.
  • Payment for the application is required once the permit invoice is issued to begin the review process.


Applications and Fees


Step 1.Apply for Pre-Application Meeting

All pre-application meeting requests must be submitted online via the online permit portal provided below. A complete application requires a Project Narrative, Site Plan and Vicinity Map. 

Online Permit Portal What To Submit | How To Submit

Once the Pre-Application meeting is scheduled, a Project Manager will be assigned to your project and will remain involved until its completion. 

Note: Shoreline Exemptions do not require a Pre-Application meeting.

Step 2.Pre-Submittal Screening

  • A Pre-Submittal screening may be required prior to formal Land Use Review. The screening will be performed electronically via an FTP link that your Project Manager will provide to you.
  • After you upload your submittal documents the Project Manager will review the submittal materials to ensure that requested revisions or missing items have been updated and/or corrected.

Step 3.3.A Determination of Complete Application

If all required submittal items are provided and complete, unless waived by the Project Manager, staff will take in the application for official review. Plan review will not start until the invoice has been paid.

3.B Incomplete Submittal

If the submittal is deemed incomplete, application will be denied and applicant will receive additional instructions via email.


Step 1.Review

Once the application has been deemed complete, the project will undergo plan review. The permit type will also determine which process that permit will go through.

Formal Processes by permit type:

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Shoreline Exemptions
Critical Area Permit Shoreline Variance
Other SEPA Exempt Activities/Actions
Environmental Review

Shoreline Permit                                
Shoreline Conditional Use Permit

Step 2.Public Notice and Comment

The city will notify the public of the development application and invite comments from the community.

Step 3.ERC Environmental Determination

  • Type 2 Land Use Application
    SEPA Determination will be issued with the Administrative Decision
  • Type 3 Land Use Application
    SEPA Determination will be issued prior to the Public Hearing

Step 4.14-Day Appeal Period

  • Type 3 Land Use Application
    If the SEPA Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard by the Hearing Examiner at the Public Hearing.

Time Frame

The average time frame for processing of a Environmental Review varies from 6 to 12 weeks depending on the permit type.

  • Types 1 and 2 (Administrative) - 6 to 8 weeks
  • Type 3 (Hearing Examiner) - 8 to 12 weeks
  • Types 4, 5, and 6 (City Council) - 12 weeks

Next Steps


Once the Notice of Decision has been received, your entitlement has been approved. It is important to read through and understand any approval conditions and expiration dates.

What do I do now?

  • Work with the Development Engineers on your next steps for the civil review.
  • If the scope of work does not require civil review, please work with Permit Technician to submit the associated building permit.