New Site Development You want to apply for an Administrative Modification, Conditional Use, Master Planned Development, Site Plan Entitlement, or Variance.
Divide Property You want to divide an existing property. Apply for a Planned Unit Development, Binding Site Plan, Lot Line Adjustment, Preliminary Plat, or Short Plat.
Zoning Compliance Letter Ready to submit your zoning compliance letter request? Just click here to head over to the city's online permit portal and get started!
Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Units (PRADUs) Pre-Approved ADU construction plans that offer a faster, easier, and more predictable design permitting process.
Noise Variance For activities that make more noise than the Noise Code allows, or if your construction project takes place outside permitted construction hours.
All Other Permits To access all applications and submittal requirements in one place, please visit our document center.