Virtual Court

How to Attend a Scheduled Virtual Zoom Hearing

If you are scheduled for a court hearing today or would like to participate in a virtual hearing, follow the directions below to access the virtual courtroom:

Method 1 – Direct Link: Within the following table, select the appropriate direct link to access your desired virtual courtroom.

Method 2 - Enter Data Manually in Web Browser or Zoom App: Go to or Download the Zoom App and then enter the appropriate Meeting ID and Meeting Password from the table below.

Location Direct Link: Meeting ID: Password:
Courtroom 1 Courtroom #1 Zoom 533 352 1935 Renton
Courtroom 2 Courtroom #2 Zoom 454 390 5186 Renton
SCORE Jail SCORE Jail Zoom 675 805 7271 Renton
Virtual Resource Center (VRC) Virtual Resource Center Zoom 865 251 6559 Public01

Zoom Logistics

  • To appear by video, you will need a device with an internet connection, video camera and microphone (or a headset with microphone)
  • Please check your device at this link prior to the hearing:
  • Be sure that your username for the video (Zoom) hearing is the same as the name on the hearing notice you received from the court
  • Keep yourself muted until the court asks you to speak (mute/unmute yourself by clicking on the microphone icon)
  • If you get dropped from the Zoom session inadvertently, please join again.
  • If a language interpreter is present, be aware that they might interrupt the court occasionally to clarify who is speaking

Zoom Environment Tips

  • You should be appropriately dressed if appearing by video for a virtual hearing.
  • Be aware of your background (area behind you). Make sure it is appropriate; it will be seen by the Judge and other people attending the hearing. Make sure you are not sitting directly in front of or behind a window, because the light or reflection can affect the video.
  • Choose a quiet place to participate in the hearing. Cell phones should be muted, doors to rooms closed and disruptions minimized.
  • You should remain on mute until it is your time to speak. Do not speak over anyone and do not interrupt anyone. Use appropriate language as you would in a courtroom.
  • If there is a language interpreter present, be aware that they may interrupt from time to time to clarify who is speaking.
  • If you do not follow the Court's rules, you may be found in contempt of court and removed from the Court hearing.