
Sunset Court Apartments
June Leonard Place
Landing sign

What is the city’s role?

Local governments play a critical role in housing, including its production. Local governments possess regulatory control over land use and development. They are key players, both individually and in cooperation with other housing interests, in stimulating various types of development activity.

Local governments have a direct role in zoning and development regulations, but also affect housing in a number of ways, including:

  • Direct funding of affordable housing
  • Zoning and regulations for housing
  • Permit procedures
  • Long range planning and policies
  • Infrastructure that facilitates housing development
  • Transportation access
  • Economic development

What is the Regional and State Role?

The Washington State Growth Management Act sets goals and expectations for housing planning that provides an umbrella for regional and local housing actions. The Department of Commerce provides guidance and assistance through programs like capital funding and homeless prevention services. The Washington State Housing Trust Fund provides funding to develop and preserve affordable housing for low-income and vulnerable residents.

The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is the regional planning body. PSRC provides counties and cities with housing data, guidance, and technical assistance, to help them adopt best housing policies and implement VISION 2050. They support jurisdictions in their development of housing targets, local housing strategies, and implementation plans. Housing data and information tracking the success of various housing efforts are monitored and reported regionally at PSRC.