Emergency Plans

Planning helps the city to respond effectively in an emergency. These plans provide an all-hazards approach that the city will take to respond to disasters. Planning ensures city agencies and community partners can work together in emergencies to prevent loss of life, property, and economic or environmental harm.

Planning is only one part of the preparedness cycle, and once plans are written they don’t sit on the shelf. Parts of these plans are exercised regularly and are revised or updated as needed.

If you have any questions about the city’s emergency plans, have feedback regarding a plan, or would like to be involved in the planning process, please send your comments to em@rentonwa.gov.

Hazard Mitigation Plan (Renton Annex)

King County Emergency Management partnered with county representatives and 55 different cities, schools, hospitals, and utility districts to update the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Renton submitted a city-specific annex to the Basic Hazard Mitigation Plan.

The Hazard Mitigation Plan is currently undergoing substantial revision. This is the latest plan that has been submitted to King County as an annex to their plan. Visit the Hazard Mitigation Plan page to learn more.

Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan(PDF, 18MB) (CEMP) has been developed to establish the special policies, guidelines, and procedures that will provide response personnel with the information and guidance required to function quickly and effectively in a disaster situation. It is a goal of this plan to help develop city, business, and resident self-sufficiency for a minimum of 72 hours after a disaster.

Disaster Recovery Framework

The City of Renton Disaster Recovery Framework(PDF, 672KB) has been developed to establish the policies, guidelines, and procedures that will provide personnel with the information and guidance required to quickly and effectively help residents and businesses recover from the impacts of disasters.