Animal Licenses

Online pet license renewals are processed through an application portal that requires registration using a valid email address. New applicants can get help through the Pet License Renewal Tipsheet(PDF, 257KB).

Residents within the Renton city limits are required to license all dogs and cats aged four months and older. The license must be on the animal at all times and renewed annually. Reminders are mailed.

Residents 61 years of age and over, who meet the income qualifications set forth in Section 8-4-31C of the city code, are entitled to purchase a special permanent license. These licenses are not transferable.

Licensing is a very important step in helping to protect your pet. A lost animal has only one way to communicate where its home is located. Our goal is to make the responsibility of licensing a dog or cat as easy and economical as possible.

Complete the animal license application(PDF, 118KB) and mail to Animal License Services. Applications are also available at Renton City Hall in the first floor finance department office.

A veterinarian's certificate is required to prove the animal has been altered to receive the altered rate. For more information, call 425-430-6850.

Licensing Fees

  • Altered Dog - $30
  • Unaltered Dog - $50
  • Altered Cat - $30
  • Unaltered Cat - $50

Residents living outside Renton city limits may need to have pets licensed with King County.