Planning an Event
Thank you for choosing Renton as the location for your event! Events play a vital role in bringing people together, fostering community connections, and building lasting traditions.
Our primary focus is ensuring public safety and community access while supporting inclusive and enjoyable gatherings. Whether you're planning a small neighborhood event or a large-scale celebration, we’re here to guide you through the permitting process and help make your event a success.
The City of Renton requires a temporary event permit for activities that may impact public spaces, services, or safety. This process helps ensure that all events are well-coordinated, safe, and enjoyable for everyone involved. By completing a Request an Event Form, you’ll determine if your event requires a permit. Permits are typically needed for events that:
- Use public property, such as parks, streets, or sidewalks.
- Involve large gatherings, amplified sound, or food and alcohol service.
- Require city resources like traffic control, sanitation, or police support.
- Impact traffic flow or require street closures.
This process helps the city plan for your event’s success while minimizing disruptions to the community.
Complete our Request an Event Form to start your event planning!
*Please submit requests at least 90 days prior to event date. If you are submitting your request less than 90 days prior to the event date, your request will risk not being approved by the event permitting team.*
Renton Municipal Code 5-22-5A
If you are interested in reserving a picnic shelter or other indoor/outdoor venue or ballfield, please visit our Rentals and Reservations webpage for availability. Please note, our indoor/outdoor venues do have maximum capacity limits and not all event requests may be accommodated.
Questions? Please email
When might I need a Temporary Event Permit?
Events That Need a Permit:
Activities on Public Property:
- Events on streets, sidewalks, parks, or other public spaces that might disrupt normal public use.
Significant Impact on Public Services:
- Events that could affect traffic flow, public safety, sanitation, or city services like police or fire departments.
Large Gatherings:
- Events with a high number of participants, such as fun runs, parades, or festivals, which might require special coordination or cause road closures.
Events on Private Property (When Impactful):
- Private events held on private property that could still have a noticeable impact on traffic, public services, or the surrounding community.
Any Event That Involves:
- Closing streets or rerouting traffic.
- Using public spaces for private purposes.
- Amplified sound, alcohol service, or any element needing city resources (like extra police or sanitation).
Events That Might Be Exempt:
- Small gatherings that don't disrupt traffic, require extra city services, or use public property exclusively.
- Spontaneous gatherings or demonstrations exercising First or Fourteenth Amendment rights (e.g., protests) may not require a permit but should notify the city to avoid conflicts.
In essence, if the event involves public property, impacts public services, or requires city coordination, a special event permit is likely required.
*Summarized from Renton Municipal Code 5-22 Special Event Permits*
Why do I need a Temporary Event Permit?
A temporary event permit is required by the City of Renton to ensure that events impacting public spaces, services, or safety are well-coordinated and comply with city regulations.
Permits allow the city to manage traffic flow, public safety, sanitation, and community accessibility while minimizing disruptions.
This process helps ensure that events are safe, enjoyable, and beneficial for both participants and the surrounding community.
*Summarized from Renton Municipal Code 5-22 Special Event Permits*
Can I hold an event without a permit?
Certain events within the City of Renton may not require a temporary event permit, but could still need rental contracts or specific permissions.
These include smaller gatherings, such as private parties in city-owned facilities or parks, picnics, or informal meetups that do not impact public spaces, traffic, or city services.
While a permit might not be necessary, you may still need to reserve the space or comply with rules related to amplified sound, alcohol use, or vendor setup.
For more information on facility rentals or park usage guidelines, visit:
Rentals and Reservations
Park Rules and Regulations(PDF, 224KB)
How do I cancel my Temporary Event Permit?
All permit and event cancellations are required in writing from the event originator, referencing the event date and event name and must be received 30 days prior to your event date.
To submit your written request, please
Event Insurance Guidelines
You will be required to provide either a commercial general liability or special events liability insurance certificate with minimum liability limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; two million dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate.
- In the certificate it shall name the City of Renton as a certificate holder and the city as additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis.
- The certificate shall reference the dates and name of the event being covered by the liability insurance.
- Coverage shall be written for a period not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the event and extending for a period not less than twenty-four (24) hours following the completion of the event.
- Additional insurance may be required following a review of the event application by our Human Resources and Risk Management Division.
- The city does not represent that the minimum required insurance coverage or limits are adequate to protect the vendor/contractor/consultant from all liabilities.
- If the event applicant or organizer is unable to obtain liability insurance coverage, they may be able to purchase GatherGuard event insurance from Intact: Special Events Insurance. For more information, please reach out to Risk Management at
*Summarized from Renton Municipal Code 5-22 Special Event Permits*
Steps and Criteria for Event Permit Approvals or Denials
Steps for Request Approval:
- Submit a Request an Event Form: Complete and submit a Request an Event Form by the required deadline, providing all necessary details (event type, location, size, etc.).
- City Review: The City of Renton reviews your application to assess potential impacts on public spaces, safety, services, and traffic.
- Feedback or Modifications: If needed, the city may request additional information or adjustments to your event plan (e.g., changes to traffic flow, public safety measures, or scheduling).
- Approval: Once all requirements are met, the city will issue your permit. You’ll receive details about any additional steps, such as coordinating with law enforcement or sanitation services.
*Summarized from Renton Municipal Code 5-22 Special Event Permits*
Criteria for Approval:
Your event is more likely to be approved if it:
- Meets all requirements and deadlines.
- Complies with local laws and ordinances (e.g., noise, alcohol, and food regulations).
- Does not pose significant safety risks or create excessive disruptions to traffic or public spaces.
- Has an adequate plan for public safety, sanitation, and cleanup.
Reasons for Denial:
Your request may be denied if:
- The request is incomplete or submitted late.
- The event conflicts with other scheduled activities or significantly disrupts the community.
- It poses risks to public safety or cannot be managed with available resources.
- The applicant fails to meet conditions or requirements outlined during the review process.
Appeal Process
If an applicant wishes to appeal the denial of a special event permit or any condition imposed on the permit, they must:
File a Written Notice of Appeal: Submit this notice to the City Clerk within 14 days of the decision, accompanied by a $250 fee.
Specify Grounds for Appeal: Clearly outline the reasons for the appeal and include any supporting documents.
The appeal will be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Department Administrator or their designee, who will issue a written decision within 10 days.
*Renton Municipal Code 5-22-7*